Breast cancer can spread to any part of the body through the blood and lymphatic system. The metastasis of breast cancer cells is what makes the disease is very dangerous. Metastatis means that cancer cells have traveled from the place of origin, in other words, the chest, to other parts of the body.
When cancerous cells travel from the chest to the underarm lymph nodes, is still considered that the early stages of breast cancer and has a high potential to be completely healed. With surgery and treatment there is a high possibility that the disease can be completely eradicated from the body.
When cancerous cells travel beyond the lymph nodes to other distant from the body parts, the patient is said to have distant metastasis. The bones, lungs, and liver are the most commonly affected body extended to breast cancer cells. Although the treatment is available for breast cancer and cancer of breast metastasic, once cancer has traveled beyond the breast and underarm lymph nodes, no longer can be completely cured.
Scientists have recently discovered a molecule that could be the main reason behind the spread of cancer cells from breast to different parts of the body. The molecule known as Brk is almost 60% of breast cancers and they accelerate the growth of tumor cells, encouraging the metastasis to other parts of the body.
The study was conducted in breast cancer patients who had the poorest responses to treatments. The molecule of Brk was found in high concentrations in these patients, which means that not only cause the cancer to grow more aggressively; It also encourages its rapid spread to other parts of the body.
The study also came out with another fundamental conclusions. The tumor cells were killed when the molecule Brk was inhibited, but cancer cells re-emerged when the molecule is introduced again. This points to a significant level of participation that the molecule of Brk has encouraged breast cancer cells to survive, grow and spread. Scientists are studying how exactly the Brk molecule promotes the growth of breast cancer cells so that they can develop ways to prevent that happening. The findings are encouraging event and have shed new light on the old age of humanity battle against cancer.
Alex White is a free lance writer and a health & fitness experts has partnered with several providers of medical care through various specialties. Through his articles, Alex White wishes to inform and educate public about breast cancer (link: that will benefit those seeking information about health resources.
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