Monday, August 15, 2011

Obvious Symptoms of Acid Reflux

According to statistics, at least sixty million individuals living in the United States will experience acid reflux symptoms at least once a month. The official medical term for acid reflux is "Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease" or "GERD" for short. Acid reflux occurs when a special valve at the end of the esophagus, known as the "Lower Esophageal Sphincter" or "LES" does not open and close at appropriate intervals.

In most instances, this muscular region opens in order for food to pass from the esophagus into the stomach. Once this has occurred, it is supposed to close. However, there are instances where it does not close. When this occurs, the gastric juices that typically reside in the stomach splash back into the esophagus. Because of the fact that these liquids contain acid, many uncomfortable symptoms may occur. In this guide, you will learn many important facts about acid reflux symptoms.

Common Acid Reflux Symptoms

There are many different types of symptoms that may affect an individual that suffers from acid reflux. Most of the symptoms that are experienced stem from the fact that the gastric juices are splashing back abnormally into the esophagus. In many instances, the symptoms stem from complications that this backflow has caused. The following outlines the most common acid reflux symptoms experienced by individuals:

• Nearly every single individual that suffers from acid reflux will experience heartburn. While it has been found that this is not technically associated with the heart, heartburn consists of a burning pain or general level of discomfort that commonly moves from the stomach region up into the chest region. Many individuals may even experience the sensations all the way up to their throat.

• Many individuals find that they experience a sour taste in their throat or mouth. This taste may also be described as being bitter. This is a symptom that doctors identify as "Regurgitation".

• When acids flow back into the esophagus, it could result in nausea. Many individuals also suffer from vomiting when they experience nausea.

• Many individuals that experience acid reflux may find that they suffer from mild to moderate bloating. In addition to this, other gastrointestinal complications may also occur such as burping, abdominal gas, and passing blood through the stools or the presence of blood in vomiting.

• Many individuals experience what feels like a lump of something in the throat region. This is usually not a result of something being physically present in the throat. In most instances, it stems from the fact that he esophagus is becoming extremely narrow.

• Many people find that they suffer from a cough. This cough is typically characterized as being dry and hoarse.

• Many that suffer from acid reflux symptoms find that they experience respiratory complications such as wheezing and feeling as if they are short on breathe.


If you find that you suffer from acid reflux symptoms, it is important to consider seeing a medical professional. Individuals that experience these symptoms at least twice in a seven-day period need to receive medical care. This is especially true if common treatments such as over-the-counter medications and lifestyle changes are not allowing the sufferer to experience relief. The doctor may use tests such as an esophagram, esophageal manometry, an endoscopy or a biopsy in order to determine the severity of the condition and to determine which types of treatment techniques will be most productive in treating acid reflex symptoms.

Dr. Clifton Thomas is a gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeon in Houston, Texas. To find out more about your options for treating Gastroesophageal reflux disease visit his site at

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