Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, Acid Relux Can Be Treated!

Treatment of acid reflux is much easier if you understand what causes the condition. A healthy person's stomach muscles moves the partially digested contents in the stomach into the small intestine for further digestion. Reflux causes the contents of the stomach to travel backwards into the esophagus. When this happens you begin to feel what's called heartburn, a painful burning sensation in your chest.

Sometimes you will wake up with a sore throat and hoarseness from the overnight effects of reflux. The symptoms of reflux vary from one person to another but all are associated to the burning sensation in the stomach, esophagus and throat area.

There are many levels of severity of reflux. Some of these levels can be treated with natural remedies. For example:

Increasing the amount of water you drink every day and especially after you have eaten will help dilute the acid in your stomach.

Ginger is another natural treatment of reflux. Ginger in almost any form, candy, tea or even in a capsule form helps some reflux suffers.

The old saying "an apple a day", well it seems to work with a lot of reflux patients. Slowly chewing an apple will help reduce the acid in the stomach.

Here's a great idea for almond lovers, chewing on almonds everyday is a great way to relief acid reflux symptoms. Be sure to chew them very slowly in the morning and after each meal.

Chewing gum is another good treatment for acid reflux. Chewing gum produces saliva and in turn dilutes the acid in your stomach.

Fennel tea or chamomile tea with its soothing effect has been connected to helping relive reflux symptoms.

And here's one that will surprise you, apple cider vinegar. You would think that vinegar would add to the problem but it in fact helps. It has to be organic with substance floating within, shake it well. The substance has enzymes in it that are ideal for the symptoms of acid reflux.

Your diet has a great deal to do with the acid reflux problems you have. Certain foods are a contributor to the issue and certain foods will help avoid the problem. Apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peas, green beans, bake potatoes, lean skinless meats, egg whites, fish, goat cheese, soy cheese, fat-free sour cream are all safe foods. Avoid things like tomatoes, lemons, acidy juices, raw onions, fried potatoes, fatty meats, pastas, alcohols beverages and caffeine.

There are many over the counter products that will help also. Most of the over the counter items are a trial and error until you find one that works for you.

At some point it may become necessary to consult your doctor about a treatment for acid reflux. It is important not to let it get out of control. GERD can cause some serious medical problems if left untreated. It can do serious damage to the esophagus and throat. It is better to try to control the reflux before it gets to that point.

Katie Smith is an expert in Acid Reflux and runs the very successful and popular site about Acid Reflux. She has helped thousands of people find relief from acid reflux and related issues. Visit her site right now for more information and/or help concerning acid reflux treatment.

View the original article here

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