Saturday, August 6, 2011

Diabetes complications - why should care and avoid that

It is true that complications of diabetes can cause serious damage to his body. It is one of the reasons that should prevent the occurrence of complications of diabetes. On the other hand, you can stop further damage to his body.

Actually, there are two categories of diabetes complications that must be taken into account.  In the first category are the so-called complications in the short term, which was established in a short period of time including high blood sugar levels.

In fact, this type of complications occurs when you can't control his diabetes, and there is a rapid increase in blood sugar levels. This includes Ketoacidosis, mostly occurs in type 1 diabetes; HHNS (Hyperosmotic non-Ketonic Hyperglycemic syndrome) in type 2 diabetes.

When occurs Ketoacidosis, a type 1 diabetic blood sugar level is very high. Your cells need to provided energy of sugar, especially of the brain cells. Given that your pancreas cannot produce insulin to provide fuel to their cells, your body produces ketones, substances always energy for the cells of the brain.

But when your blood sugar level is very high, and at the same time the level of ketones is very high, may then occur the symptoms of Ketoacidosis.

In type 2 diabetes, high blood sugar levels, your body loses much liquid and get dehydrated. To cause the symptoms of HHNS.  Both both are very dangerous because they can cause coma or even death.

The second category is called long-term complications, which include damage to his body's blood sugar levels for many years.

The blood vessels and other tissues can damage and at the same time be very sensitive to additional damage. Given that vessels spread around their body, their bodies begin to suffer.

You can "see" how your heart suffers through and attack on the heart or hypertension. You can "see" damage of nerves by numbness or loss of the leg. Also his kidneys can become non-functional and you can practically need dialysis to cleanse your body.  Your eyes are damaged and it may have many problems of vision, even blindness.

You can see for yourself how important it is to maintain its levels of sugar in the blood in the normal range. All these complications of diabetes can make your easy life at all. You must take care of them.

View the original article here

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