Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn

The number of people suffering from heartburn has increased dramatically over the last few years. The way people live now with increased stresses from their work and lifestyles has brought about a massive surge in the antacid product marketplace. Unfortunately a lot of people using theses products only find temporary relief and some even suffer side effects from them. That is why a lot of people are now turning to homeopathic remedies for heartburn.

Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is caused when the valve at the base of your esophagus allows the contents from your stomach back up into the esophagus. Heartburn is your body's way of telling you there is something wrong with this valve. If you suffer from a regular heartburn attacks it is recommended that you see a doctor as this may be in indicator that there is something more serious wrong with you. You may be suffering from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). GERD should not be ignored as it can lead to medical complications.

If you are only experiencing occasional heartburn then there are many homeopathic remedies that can help you. The following is a list of just a few homeopathic remedies for heartburn that you can try.

Chicory root - This contains endive and escarole; drunk as a tea it will help to correct your problem.

Pineapples - A pineapple is full of enzymes and it contains bromelain. These will help with your digestion and reduce inflammation. The fresh juice is full of enzymes that will help stop heartburn. Bromelain is also available in tablet form.

Lavender - This is excellent at reducing acid in the stomach.

Peppermint - This is a very powerful herb. It can help with digestion, cramps, gas, ulcers and stomach distension.

Aniseed - Another powerful herb that can help with your digestive condition.

Adding these herbs to your diet will also help prevent acid reflux. Eating foods that are alkaline is the best way to avoid acid reflux and heartburn. Eating salads daily will increase you intake of fresh vegetables and this will help reduce your heartburn.

Modifying your lifestyle will have a great effect on your heartburn. Changes to your diet will show quick results; avoid fatty and acidic foods. Give your food enough time to digest before lying down, it is recommended that you do not eat for 2 hours before you go to bed. Increased exercise will help with your overall natural health and this will help your body fight off any illness. If you smoke, stop now; people who smoke have a 70% higher chance of suffering from heartburn and acid reflex.

Taking homeopathic remedies for heartburn can be beneficial. However it is always recommended to consult with a specialist especially if you are taking any prescribed medication.

For more information on Homeopathic Remedies for Heartburn visit my website at Martin T Lane

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