Friday, September 9, 2011

Acid Reflux Symptoms - What Are They and What Causes Them?

There are three main symptoms which collectively form Acid Reflux Syndrome. The first one and the most common is called heartburn, this is where you can get pain in the abdomen, chest or throat. It is a very common symptom and whilst it is not something to worry about you should go and see the doctor if you are getting this persistently as they can give you medication to stop this. The medication they'll give is usually called a proton pump inhibitor, this means that it decreases the amount of acid your stomach produces in 24 hours and is usually the most effective medication available. This symptom is caused by irritation of the Oesophagus and top of the stomach, this is cause by excessive acid and sometimes increased acidity in the stomach acid itself.

The second acid reflux symptom is called Regurgitation and refers to when you get acidic contents of your stomach coming up your throat and occasionally into your mouth. This means that sometime people may vomit. This is caused by the opening of the valve at the top of the stomach which is usually closed.

The third symptom is called Dyspepsia and is the medical term for generalized stomach discomfort, the symptom include bloating, excessive burping, nausea after eating and generalised abdominal pain. This is cause by the irritation of the stomach lining because of problems with the acidity in the stomach.

The best way to deal with the symptoms of acid reflux syndrome is to make life style changes, decreasing stress levels, cutting back on drinking alcohol and quitting smoking are all good ideas if you are an acid reflux sufferer.

Meditation is a very effective way of decreasing stress levels and should be considered as part of changing your lifestyle to get rid of your acid reflux symptoms. Sleep is very important too, try get to bed at the same time every night and get roughly 8 hours a night.

Cutting out acidic food such as Tomatoes, Garlic and Citrus fruit can help with acid reflux symptoms as well. The other thing that may help is the use of mint tea or Chamomile tea which some Naturopaths argue relaxes the stomach and the Oesophagus and relieves irritation.

Please note I'm not a doctor, please consult your doctor or health care professional before taking up any of these suggestions.

If you want to know more about Acid reflux symptoms then be sure to check out our informative webpage.

View the original article here

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