Wednesday, September 14, 2011

3 Simple Home Remedies for Heartburn

Natural home remedies can be an effective way of getting rid of heartburn. Essentially, there are three easy home remedies that I recommend: sleep well, eat properly and quit smoking. These are really simple solutions to heartburn which you can implement in your daily life right away! If you adhere to the tips in this article, you can rid yourself of heartburn quickly and easily.

Sleep Well

Whether or not you are suffering from heartburn, proper rest is essential to your health. Studies have shown that the human body requires an adequate amount of rest daily. 6-8 hours of sleep every night will enable your body to function optimally, thus lowering the risk of contracting illnesses and also allowing the body to repair itself overnight.

Whenever you suffer from heartburn, a fast way to alleviate the symptoms is to stop and rest for a moment. If the pain is really overwhelming, lie down but keep your head up. This helps you to relax and get rid of the pain.

Eat Properly

In order to get rid of heartburn, a proper eating habits are very important. You should avoid consuming food within three hours of hitting the sack at all costs. Doing this may result in stomach acid entering the esophagus, resulting in symptoms of heartburn. You should also avoid eating really large meals. Instead, break down your meals into smaller ones throughout the day. This will in turn cause less acid in your stomach to be produced. This is an effective way to lose weight and also helps with digestion, which is important if you are a heartburn or acid reflux sufferer.

Quit Smoking

Although this isn't exactly a home remedy per se, it is an important tip to get rid of heartburn. If you are a smoker who is suffering from heartburn, the best advice would be to stop smoking! In the first place, smoking is bad for your health regardless of whether you have heartburn or not. Nicotine which is found in cigars and cigarettes cause the valve of your stomach (the sphincter) to relax. This causes food and acid in your stomach to go back into your esophagus, leading to symptoms of heartburn. Furthermore, it is a known fact that cigarettes increase stomach acids and hinder your body's production of saliva which is essential for the neutralization of stomach acid. This will also cause heartburn symptoms. Once again, smoking is bad for you, especially if you frequently experience heartburn symptoms.

To conclude, implementing these simple home remedies in your everyday life will help to curb heartburn symptoms. It's important to keep in mind that sleeping well, eating properly and not smoking are important for quick relief of heartburn.

Does heartburn cause you pain frequently? You don't have to go through each day suffering. Find out how you can get rid of heartburn forever.

View the original article here

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