Saturday, October 1, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease - Yes, You Can Cure It Naturally

Do you know what really causes digestive problems. Most digestive disorders are not really diseases at all, but conditions that can be cured by using natural home remedies and natural techniques. One way to do this is to go as natural with your food as possible. Eat as few of preservatives as you can. And learn to read food labels. You just might be surprised at what you will find on some food labels.

But the medical community wants you to believe that only prescription or over the counter medicines can cure the symptoms of indigestion. But this is simply not true. Antacids are at best a temporary fix. And they are loaded down with ingredients like sodium and aluminum both of which have been proven to be harmful to you. Antacids mask the symptoms of indigestion and they have many harmful side effects. They hide the symptoms they don't cure them. But they make the drug companies wealthier so they keep pushing the antacids both prescription and over the counter and keep getting wealthier at your expense.

At one point in my life I suffered badly from GERD. I was living on both prescription and over the counter antacid medications and then my condition became worse and I had to start taking double the medication I used to. At the same time my blood pressure soared and my vision suffered. I felt like I was out of energy all the time and I felt so sluggish I could barely stand to move around. I began to do research on my antacid medications and I found that there were hundreds of side effects including some of the ones I was feeling. To say the least I was shocked and upset at what I found out about antacids and I wondered what I was doing to myself.

But when I just tried to stop taking the antacids I was taking several times daily my indigestion became so bad that I had to immediately get back on the antacids.My esophagus was burning so badly that I thought I had severely damaged myself. I was afraid to eat and i stopped drinking anything but water. to say the least I was miserable. Barbecue, pizza, and Mexican foods which I love quickly became a thing of the past and I feared I would get where I couldn't eat anything.

I went to my doctor but all he could suggest was for me to stay on the antacids and I just knew that was never going to work. I studied everything I could find on GERD and indigestion and looked for answers that could really help me. I wanted to find natural help for my indigestion and GERD and I wanted off the antacids. I was willing to try almost anything.

In the end I found that the answer to my acid reflux problems were really a lot simpler than I thought. With a few changes in my lifestyle and eating habits and with several natural remedies I found that I could take care of my acid indigestion problems and GERD with out the use of drugs.

You need to know and understand that it is a damaged esophagus that causes your GERD and acid reflux problems in the first place. And the answer to the problem was to stop eating the foods that caused the problem in the first place. I learned that by learning to chew food properly, exercising, losing weight, drinking plenty of water and elevating the head while sleeping are all things that anyone can do to stop GERD and acid reflux disease.

Every health food store has all kinds of great herbs like slippery elm and marshmallow that will help you with your acid reflux and GERD problems. You should also check out aloe vera juice, natural honey, and cinnamon which can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process.

Another very important thing is to not eat at least two hours before you go to bed and you need to drink plenty of water every day. I drink at least eight large glasses of water a day and I usually add fresh squeezed lemon juice to it. Another trick you should keep in mind is that by chewing gum between meals you'll have a lot less stomach acid. If you can do these things not only will your acid reflux and GERD greatly improve but you'll also lose weight. And anytime you can lose weight is a good thing. Especially if you need to drop a few pounds.

If you will start eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables you will be a lot more healthy and you won't have the acid reflux problems you had before. Try eating all grain products instead of white bread or white rice. Drink fruit juices instead of soft drinks. Try to eat more natural foods with less preservatives and you'll find yourself with fewer and fewer episodes of acid reflux. And before you know it you may not have any acid reflux or GERD problems at all.

The author Thomas Byers has spent years doing research on healthy and natural methods to lose weight and cure acid reflux and GERD. He considers himself an expert on those and other health issues and believes there are a lot of home remedies that work better than expensive and often dangerous drugs. Be sure to check out my below site now.

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