Friday, September 30, 2011

Fast Heartburn Remedies - What Is The Quickest Way To Cure Heartburn?

Is there really a quick heartburn remedy?

Heartburn is a common condition with millions of people suffering from it especially in western countries. For those who are suffering with frequent heartburn, fast heartburn remedies are necessary.

There are a number of heartburn medications available over-the-counter as well as prescribed by a physician. The most common remedy for heartburn is antacids. These can be bought over-the-counter and can relieve the symptoms of heartburn fast, some work in less than 2 hours. Antacids work by neutralizing stomach acid to help relieve heartburn as well as upset stomach, sour stomach and acid indigestion. Occasionally, antacids are also recommended for ulcers. There are also some antacids that contain simethicone which is an ingredient that helps eliminate excess gas. Some antacid ingredients can cause side effects like aluminum which can cause constipation and magnesium which can cause diarrhea.

Antacids must be taken as directed to avoid complications. These fast heartburn remedies are not recommended as long-term cures for heartburn symptoms. Serious side effects caused by long-term use of these OTC remedies include constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps and changes in the color of bowel.

Other OTC cures for heartburn which also provide quick relief from the symptoms are acid reducers. There are two types of drugs that reduce the production of acid in the stomach and these are:

· histamine antagonists (H2 antagonists or H2 blockers)

· proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

These remedies are recommended to cure frequent heartburn or heartburn felt more than two times a week. These OTC cures must be taken for 14 days and if heartburn still persists, sufferer must consult a doctor already. H2 blockers and PPIs are also available in prescription strength and must be taken as directed or as advised by your physician.

Acid reducers also have possible serious side effects that include unusual fatigue, chest tightness, bleeding, weakness, confusion, sore throat, fever and irregular heartbeat. These effects must be reported to your doctor. Other less serious side effects include diarrhea, mild headache and dizziness. These effects are usually temporary.

Some individuals resort to a combination of antacid and acid reducer to quickly relieve their heartburn symptoms. Right now, there is just one drug of this type - Pepcid Complete. This drug combines the acid-reducing actions of an acid-blocker drug and the acid-neutralizing capability of an antacid.

These fast heartburn remedies are effective if you are seeking immediate relief from that burning sensation in your chest you usually feel after eating a big meal or bending or lying after eating. These remedies however are not suitable as long-term remedies because of the ill effects they can cause.

If you are suffering from frequent or severe heartburn, the best way to get long-term relief is by resorting to natural heartburn remedies. A natural method of treating heartburn does not include the use of OTC or prescribed medications. It involves a lifestyle change for the better (this includes diet changes, exercising, engaging in relaxing activities, having a positive attitude, etc.) to promote inner body health. A healthy body naturally has a good digestive system that does not suffer from irregularities like acid indigestion and heartburn.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

View the original article here

Drug Free Treatment For Heartburn - Natural Heartburn Treatment Offers Safer Effective Alternative

Why are so many heartburn sufferers now searching for drug free treatment for heartburn? Well quite simply there are many drawbacks to taking conventional drug based heartburn medication and these can be eliminated by substituting them with some form of totally natural heartburn treatment.

So what is the problem with conventional medication?

Lets just consider three of the more important

Treating symptoms and not causes - conventional medication acts by controlling the amount of acid that the stomach produces. While this might seem logical as it is acid reflux that causes heartburn, it is not the amount of acid that is the real problem. For the majority of sufferers it a fault or weakness in the muscular valve mechanism that should prevent your stomach contents from flowing back into your esophagus (gullet) that is the real cause.

Temporary relief - controlling acid production is simply treating the symptoms of heartburn but does nothing to treat the factors that cause acid to reflux in the first place. This is why conventional treatment only produces temporary relief and, when you stop taking your medication your heartburn returns, often worse than before. This is why people who suffer chronic heartburn generally have to take their medication long term (not good).

Side Effects - it is widely accepted that many drug based medications produce adverse, potentially harmful side effects and this is certainly true of heartburn medication. This is particularly problematic for sufferers of chronic heartburn, where their medication can actually create more problems than they solve.

So what alternatives do heartburn sufferers have?

Actually there is a very wide range of remedies that are totally natural and do not rely on any drug whatsoever. What is more, they have proved to be equally if not more effective than many of the pills and potions that are consumed in huge quantities every day by heartburn sufferers.

Lets consider three types of natural heartburn treatment

Herbal Medication - as for many diseases and conditions there are many herbal supplements which can target specific factors that are causing acid reflux to occur. So, choosing the most appropriate supplement can be very effective.

Homeopathic remedies - homeopathic treatment involves taking minute quantities of a particular substance that stimulates the body's own powerful defences into action to combat whatever is causing the problem.

Lifestyle changes - acid reflux is caused by many factors and some of the major ones are linked to the way we live and the food we eat. Making strategic changes to diet and lifestyle can have a significant positive effect on your problem.

This obviously is just scratching the surface of what totally natural alternative treatment for heartburn is available. There is a wealth of information available on the web that will encourage anyone concerned about their current heartburn treatment to investigate these alternatives.

Finally, consider this. If each of the above mentioned natural remedies is effective in treating heartburn, what would be the effect of combining specific lifestyle changes with the most appropriate form of natural supplement into a comprehensive program of treatment?

Again, this is worth checking out as many former sufferers are claiming to have cured their heartburn for good, by following such a holistic program of totally natural, drug free treatment for heartburn. How good is that?

Most Effective Treatment For Heartburn

Most conventional treatments for heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.

A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your heartburn and acid reflux.

So, discover how combining the most effective forms of treatment for heartburn into this program of holistic treatment, will provide lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visiting

View the original article here

Does Coffee Cause Heartburn?

Coffee is a famous beverage loved by people all around the world. Not only does it give a warm feeling to drinkers, there are also a lot of good stuff and health benefits we can get from it. Some people don't know this but coffee does better things to your body than just keeping you awake. However, other people also experience the negative effects of coffee such as heartburn. This sometimes happen and this is due to a trigger that we will be dealing with later on in the article. But before you decide to stop the guilty pleasure of drinking coffee, here are some facts about it as it relates to your health.

Major Benefits of Coffee

There is still so much that most people don't know about coffee. Studies confirmed that drinking coffee reduces the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Researchers also found out that coffee drinkers are less likely to have gall stone and Parkinson's disease. The caffeine content of coffee makes it incredibly effective in relieving pain such as common headaches and even migraines. It is also proven to be a great antioxidant with anti-cancer compounds which are not found sufficiently in almost any other foods.

These are just few of the many health benefits that coffee provides, but there is always a negative side to everything. Coffee is said to be one of the major causes of heartburn. The high content of caffeine often causes irregularities in the stomach which leads to acid reflux and heartburn symptoms. It also causes the esophagus to relax which make the flow back of acid more likely.

Heartburn Defined

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux which happens whenever the acid in the stomach flows back right into the esophagus. This is associated with a burning sensation from the stomach throughout the chest area. Heartburn is common and may not be life threatening but, it can lead to GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease when it happens very often or is becoming chronic.

Causes of heartburn can be traced to many things which include bad sleeping habits, a stressful lifestyle and accumulations of toxins. It can also be caused by pregnancy and obesity. One of the major contributors to the cause is too much intake of the things that most people enjoy most. Excessive drinking, eating too much chocolate, smoking, and large amounts of caffeine will definitely increase the chances of having acid reflux and thus lead to heartburn.

Coffee and Heartburn

Patients who suffer from acid reflux are often advised to lessen or totally avoid intake of caffeine as this is one cause of stomach irritation and heartburn. Studies showed that the muscles at the top of the stomach relax and are stimulated to produce excess acid when triggered by drinking coffee. It is not ideal to drink coffee when you already have existing stomach problems, as its high acid and caffeine contents may aggravate the condition.

If you are a coffee drinker or someone who can't live without coffee but are experiencing pain and heartburn lately, switching to decaf might not be a bad idea. Decaf is coffee without caffeine. It may not taste as good as strong and rich coffee; still it is the kind which can relieve you of heartburn and other painful symptoms. There are also a lot of coffee products which offer less substantial amounts of caffeine. These are what they call smooth coffee. To allow your body to adjust first with the change and experience a relief from the unwanted symptoms, these products might be a good option.

Tom is skilled in acid reflux disorder and runs the incredibly outstanding as well as popular blog concerning acid reflux symptoms. He helps lots of people alleviate acid reflux conditions. Stop by his website right away for more information on acid reflux and help on one symptom of acid reflux.

View the original article here

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Natural Heartburn Remedies - The Advantages of Treating Heartburn Naturally

Natural heartburn remedies are deemed as the best methods of treating heartburn and acid reflux for good. Heartburn is that burning sensation one feels spreading across the chest coming up from the pits of the stomach and often reaching the throat and leaving a sour, acidic taste. Heartburn occurs normally after partaking of a huge meal and bending or lying down. These actions result in the acids in the stomach getting pushed into the esophagus, thus the acidic taste. The burning sensation is the result of the esophageal walls reacting to the acid.

Heartburn is experienced by everyone at a certain time, so it is a rather natural occurrence and not necessarily a serious condition. Some people however are frequent heartburn sufferers and they experience the symptoms more than twice in a week. Frequent to severe heartburn may already be a symptom of a more serious digestive condition like acid reflux disease or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). This disease is caused by the acid frequently going up the esophagus causing damage because of a non-functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle responsible in closing the esophagus from the stomach. If the LES can no longer close properly, acid from the stomach can splash up freely and cause frequent heartburn.

Now there are various OTC and doctor-prescribed remedies that bring relief to heartburn symptoms like antacids and acid blockers however these remedies are not effective at all in stopping frequent heartburn. Too much reliance on these remedies also tends to cause side effects like diarrhea and constipation. This is the reason why natural heartburn remedies are best preferred and recommended as long-term heartburn cures. Treating heartburn naturally minimizes the risk of unwanted side effects which can potentially worsen the condition.

The Advantages ofNatural Heartburn Remedies

The foremost advantage of these remedies is of course the reduced risk of side effects. Since these remedies make use of natural methods to cure the condition i.e. eating healthy, drinking the right amount of fluids, working out properly, avoiding foods that cause heartburn and eating food types that help with proper digestion, etc., these treatment methods are safe to follow and use in the long-term.

Another advantage to opting for natural heartburn remedies is improved overall well-being. Experts say that obesity contributes to the frequent occurrence of heartburn. Aside from this, being overweight also makes a person more prone to other diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Natural methods of treating heartburn and acid reflux can help you achieve a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of acquiring other disease.

Also an important advantage of resorting to natural means of curing this uncomfortable condition is the low cost. Natural remedies are a lot cheaper than conventional treatments that involve the use of OTC and prescribed medications especially if these medications are taken in the long-term.

There are many ways to cure heartburn naturally and these methods are always considered the better option than drugs. The effectiveness of such methods however depend on the individual because these natural treatments always require dedication and discipline. Some people may find natural heartburn remedies difficult but completing these successfully can guarantee cure from frequent heartburn.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

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Peptic Ulcer Treatment: What Your Doctor Will Tell You

Peptic ulcers are due to sore spots in the lining of the esophagus. The main symptom is of burning pain due to stomach acid reacting with the sore spot. This pain may occur at any point between the mid-points of the abdomen (around the navel) to the upper chest. Ulcers may also occur elsewhere in the gastrointestinal system. Ulcers can result from infection by bacteria called helicobacter pylori, which may be transmitted in food, via saliva, or water. Smoking and alcohol use, contrary to some early notions, are not thought to be major contributors to the formation of ulcers, though they may aggravate them. Other causes include the use of certain medications like aspirin and the class of pain-killers called NSAIDs.


Symptoms apart from pain may include vomiting (sometimes bloody), bloody stool, and loss of appetite, but these symptoms typically only occur in the most extreme cases. There is also the danger that a ulcer can cause various serious complications like the ulcer spreading to organs near the gastrointestinal tract, like the liver. It is important, therefore, that treatment should be sought by people suffering from peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcer treatment begins with being diagnosed by a physician.


The doctor will ask certain questions about the signs and symptoms and that will help to form a conclusion later on. Certain things like how long after a meal the pain occurs are important in judging where in the gastrointestinal tract the ulcers are. In severe cases an upper endoscopy may be needed to diagnose. This procedure involves inserting a camera into the esophagus so that the doctor can get a look at the damage caused by the ulcer.


The majority of ulcers are caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria; therefore treatment may involve prescribing antibiotic medication. Amoxicillin and tetracycline are popular peptic ulcer treatments. Acid-blockers may also be prescribed to ease symptoms. Acid blockers neutralize the acids in the stomach thus preventing them from aggravating the site of the ulcer. In many cases a change in diet is the best way to stop the progress of peptic ulcers. Highly acidic foods should be avoided, as should most solid foods until the ulcer has healed. If the ulcer is highly advanced, to the point where it eaten all the way though the wall in the gastrointestinal tract, will require surgery to repair the hole, which is also called a "perforation."

For more information on peptic ulcer treatments, please visit:

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Choose the Right Treatment for Heartburn

If you are suffering from heartburn, there are actually several things you can do to get at least some relief from the pain and burning sensation that you might feel. But you should never forget that it is equally important to prevent the heartburn in the first place! With heartburn you are not alone: it affects millions of people each and every day. Many of these people reach for medications that can be purchased over the counter. Unfortunately this may not be enough.

Before you can choose the right treatment options for your heartburn you have to consider the options that you have. As a first step you need to know what is the cause of your heartburn. Many people already know this simply because they know what kind of food causes heartburn, like food that is too sweet or too spicy. But for others the reason for the heartburn might not be seen so clearly. There may be specific foods or other elements that trigger your heartburn as well. If you are not aware of them, take the time to write down everything you eat, so you can detect the foods that cause heartburn and the foods that don't. Maybe you even want to write a food diary, in which you log everything you eat over a week and mark the ones that cause heartburn. This way, you will be able to find a pattern in your heartburn occurrence.

Of course, the best way of stopping the heartburn is to prevent it in the first place. And this is fairly easy: just limit or even totally avoid the type of foods that you are eating that have the tendency to provoke your heartburn. So you can control the heartburn that you are suffering from. Remember, heartburn might be more than just pain! Your body is telling you that your heartburn is causing inflammations and even worse conditions and that you have to stop it from happening.

If you experience heartburn, you should consider over the counter medications. About 25 -30% of those people who take these heartburn medications will have success. But if they are not working for you, you should talk to your family doctor about your suffering and concerns. He will tell you to stop eating the foods that cause it, but he might also offer you a medication that can actually stop the acid from being made within your stomach, or at least the acid will be produced in a much lower amount so as to prevent heartburn.

Still: the best medicine for your heartburn is prevention, which is in your hands! But, if it happens anyway, please consider these medications and treatments. They are the most likely solution to your specific problem.

Take a free mini-course about how to find relief from heartburn:

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Medicine For Heartburn - How Does Heartburn Medicine Work?

There are several different kinds of medicine for heartburn but they all basically work in the same way, they only cure the symptom of heartburn without solving the real problem of why you got it in the first place.

The typical approach we tend to do once we encounter certain health problems, is that we turn to modern medication for a quick fix, or worse ignore them when the pain is not so severe. But what we should keep in mind that if heartburn is left untreated it can lead serious problems including ulcers in the esophagus and cancer in the throat.

There are three different types of medication that are used to treat heartburn. But medication only treats the symptoms of heartburn and they are not a cure in themselves.

Here is a list of the three types of medicine for heartburn available:

Antacids - Antacids are a commonly used medicine used to treat heartburn. Antacids works by naturalizing the stomach acid. This gives relief from the heartburn by simply reducing the amount of acid in the stomach over a period of time. Antacids are taken by mouth and comes as lozenges, in liquid form and as well as in tablets. They are over the counter medicine but that doesn't mean that you should eat them as candy. If you need to take antacids on a regular basis it may be because you have some disease or other problems in your stomach.
Histamine Receptor Antagonists - Histamine Receptor Antagonists works by reducing the amount of acid the stomach produces. Using them will lower the amount of acid in the stomach and relieves the discomfort caused by heartburn. Histamine Receptor Antagonists are non-prescription medicines but can have some side effects, including constipation, dizziness and headache.
Proton Pump Inhibitors - This type of treatment for heartburn is prescribed by doctors. They decrease the amount of acid produced in the stomach and can give relief from heartburn.

What does all medicine for heartburn have in common?

A thing that all the heartburn treatments have in common is that they reduce acid in the stomach. But stomach acid is very important. Stomach acid is what digests the food you eat, not to mention it protects against bacterial infections in the stomach and helps in the absorption of calcium a very important mineral. Using medication to treat heartburn is not a good long term solution as it can cause a lot of other problems to your body.

Some people who suffer chronic heartburn may choose to have surgery. As with any kinds of surgery there can be complications and some people report long lasting post surgical problems. Needless to say surgery should only be done as a last resort.

If medicine and surgery are not what you are looking for there are many natural ways to treat heartburn. Change of lifestyle is probably the best way to reduce and cure heartburn. The main cause of heartburn is food; most people get heartburn because of what they eat.

Many types of food relaxes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter); the gate between the stomach and the esophagus. When the LES is relaxed it lets stomach acid into the esophagus causing heartburn.

What can you do to treat your heartburn without medicine?

I know it can be hard to accept that heartburn medications can cause your heartburn to become worse, but if you want to be naturally free from heartburn you'll need to learn more about how heartburn is caused, because this will help you cure your heartburn amazingly easy.

This information is simple to pick up and it doesn't take long to learn, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Acidity Symptoms.

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible to be free from heartburn. Learn more ways to cure heartburn Again by clicking the link.

View the original article here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Easy Heartburn Remedy

If you've ever had a bout of heartburn... and it does burn, or live with acid reflux, you know first hand how uncomfortable it is. How the pain is worse when you bend over or lie down. So, how would you like an easy heartburn remedy?

Did you know that one in ten Americans (plus half of all pregnant women) have symptoms at least once a week? And while an occasional bout isn't anything to worry about, heartburn that is with you all the time can be a sign of something serious, or a condition known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

The initial treatment is often a heartburn (or GERD) diet that cuts out alcohol, caffeine and rich, fatty and spicy foods. Other foods you'll want to consider removing from your diet include citrus fruits, garlic, onions, chocolate, tomatoes and peppermint, as well as dishes high in fats or oils.

Patients also are advised not to smoke as this relaxes the lower esophageal sphincter, the ring of muscle separating the stomach and esophagus and stimulates stomach acid, to sleep propped up on pillows, to wear loose, comfortable clothing, to avoid overeating and take medications when needed to ease the symptoms.

Stress is also known to cause an increase in acid production in the stomach, and should be managed and limited as much as possible.

Now experts are seeing that losing weight may be very helpful in terms of heartburn relief, especially if you're carrying more than your share of extra pounds.

Research has found that both people who gain some weight up their chances of suffering from heartburn, while losing weight seems to bring down the risk.

No one yet understands how this works, it's likely that extra pounds around the abdomen increases pressure on the stomach, and this causes a reflux of stomach contents back into the esophagus. The extra pressure causes the sphincter (known as the lower esophageal sphincter, LES for short) to relax and let the acidic contents of the stomach seep back into the esophagus. Hardly helping matters, being overweight also impacts how quickly the stomach empties.

In fact, researchers who examined 10,000 female subjects taking part in a large study saw that a weight gain of between 10 - 20 pounds was linked with three times more heartburn. When someone who is overweight becomes obese, this can cause more problems, upping the chances they'll develop GERD as well as heartburn.

And get this; dropping the weight can lower a woman's chance of heartburn by around 40%.

If you decide to make some changes, a heart friendly diet is the best way to go, for heartburn and weight loss. The good news is that it doesn't matter if your eating plan is high fat, high carb or low protein, a recent study found little difference between four popular diet plans in terms of weight lost.

You need to set a daily calorie goal that's appropriate for your age, level of activity, weight loss goals and gender - somewhere between 1,200 and 2,400 calories each day - and stick with that.

Being active each day can help with your weight loss, and keep stress under control too. You should aim for half an hour of activity each day. Things like working in the garden, cleaning the house, walking the dog, all of them count.

You're aiming for a weight loss of a slow but steady one to two pounds each week. Not glamorous, and calling for both patience and sustained effort, this is the type of weight loss, and heartburn remedy that has lasting results.

FREE Bonus Secret Health Reports - For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports from the Daily Health Bulletin. Click through now to discover other heartburn remedy options that can ease the discomfort of reflux.

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Why Do Foods I Like Best Cause Heartburn?

When it comes to eating, it seems that all of the foods that taste the best are prone to causing heartburn. Some of these tasty culprits include chocolate and anything else with caffeine, citrus fruits, fried and fatty foods, tomatoes, and alcoholic beverages. When you read a list like this, it may feel like the world isn't fair. Not only does this cut some of your favorite foods from your diet, but you don't even know why this is the case. You wonder why it is that certain foods are more likely to cause you to suffer from heartburn than others are.

The reason all starts with the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter, a valve that operates to close off the passage between the stomach and the esophagus is located at the lower end of this tube. Certain ingredients in foods affect how this valve works which leads to heartburn. Chocolate, and other foods and beverages containing caffeine, cause the valve to relax and not function in the way it was intended by allowing stomach acid to back up into and irritate the esophagus. Tomatoes and citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruit, are acidic which can adversely affect the valve. Foods that are fried or fatty aren't digested as quickly, so they remain in the stomach where they can cause problems much longer.

You'll be glad to know, however, that these foods alone may not be the cause of your problems. Overeating is another major reason for heartburn. It only makes sense. When you overeat, your stomach becomes too full, and excess acid is pushed back into the esophagus. In addition, a too-full stomach can put a lot of pressure on the valve and cause it to malfunction. It may well be that if you eat the foods you love in moderation, even if they are known triggers of heartburn, you may not have any problem.

Another practice that will cause heartburn is to eat a meal and then immediately lie down. Once again, this will allow stomach acid back into your esophagus. Instead of lying down, plan on taking a walk or getting some other type of exercise following meals. Exercise will help your food to digest more quickly which will ease the pressure on the valve.

With any luck, taking these precautions will allow you to be able to eat some of your favorite foods, such as pizza and chocolate candy. As long as you eat in moderation, you may be able to consume whatever you please and still not trigger a bout with heartburn.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Easing Acid Reflux - Safe Foods for Heartburn

Your heartburn problem tends to be aggravated or ameliorated depending upon the foods you eat. Some foods are high in fat content that flare up the problem, but these may not necessarily cause heartburn in all the healthy persons. However, eating such foods as a matter of routine may impair their digestion and give rise to such a problem after some time. As a first step to ease your heartburn, you need to select a different range of foodstuffs and plan your diet accordingly. You should choose the acid reflux safe foods based on your experience. If you take salad with you food, you may change its contents by substituting one thing for the other, like raw onions for raw carrots and broccoli. Likewise, you may cut down on the regular intake of sodas and other fizzy drinks. In the same way, taking decaffeinated coffee as a substitute for regular one will improve your condition. Gradually, you will be able to make a final choice for the acid reflux safe foods that you need for relieving your heartburn. However, the following kinds of foods are antacid in nature, and these may lessen your heartburn:

· Porridge: This is a healthy food that does not cause heartburn because it is full of fiber. Porridge made of edible seeds of the plants meant for livestock especially absorbs the excess of stomach acid and is easily digestible.

· Fruits: All the fresh fruits like pears, guava, and papaya peeled and cut into pieces are perfect as acid reflux safe foods. However, fruits like oranges, grapefruits and pineapples may be avoided as these are acidic in nature. Fruits lose their mass easily in the stomach and mix with the acid instantly to avoid reflux.

· Raw vegetables: These are good to be taken as salads with your regular meals. The raw vegetables readily mix with the solid food to increase their mass through fermentation in the stomach. The level of acid goes down, and there is no reflux.

In the beginning, you may be bored with these acid reflux safe foods in your daily diet. As these foods are highly digestible, you may feel hungry at frequent intervals. However, introducing these foods as a side dish with your meals will surely satisfy your craving for foods, which are bad for your stomach. You will slowly develop a taste for other foods that may relieve your heartburn in the long run.

RAM T JOSHI has a Master's Degree in English and is an online researcher on health issues, besides being a homeopath and a naturopath.

If you need more information on foods that are good to manage your acid reflux and to cure your heartburn naturally, you may visit the following link:

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3 Simple Home Remedies for Heartburn

Natural home remedies can be an effective way of getting rid of heartburn. Essentially, there are three easy home remedies that I recommend: sleep well, eat properly and quit smoking. These are really simple solutions to heartburn which you can implement in your daily life right away! If you adhere to the tips in this article, you can rid yourself of heartburn quickly and easily.

Sleep Well

Whether or not you are suffering from heartburn, proper rest is essential to your health. Studies have shown that the human body requires an adequate amount of rest daily. 6-8 hours of sleep every night will enable your body to function optimally, thus lowering the risk of contracting illnesses and also allowing the body to repair itself overnight.

Whenever you suffer from heartburn, a fast way to alleviate the symptoms is to stop and rest for a moment. If the pain is really overwhelming, lie down but keep your head up. This helps you to relax and get rid of the pain.

Eat Properly

In order to get rid of heartburn, a proper eating habits are very important. You should avoid consuming food within three hours of hitting the sack at all costs. Doing this may result in stomach acid entering the esophagus, resulting in symptoms of heartburn. You should also avoid eating really large meals. Instead, break down your meals into smaller ones throughout the day. This will in turn cause less acid in your stomach to be produced. This is an effective way to lose weight and also helps with digestion, which is important if you are a heartburn or acid reflux sufferer.

Quit Smoking

Although this isn't exactly a home remedy per se, it is an important tip to get rid of heartburn. If you are a smoker who is suffering from heartburn, the best advice would be to stop smoking! In the first place, smoking is bad for your health regardless of whether you have heartburn or not. Nicotine which is found in cigars and cigarettes cause the valve of your stomach (the sphincter) to relax. This causes food and acid in your stomach to go back into your esophagus, leading to symptoms of heartburn. Furthermore, it is a known fact that cigarettes increase stomach acids and hinder your body's production of saliva which is essential for the neutralization of stomach acid. This will also cause heartburn symptoms. Once again, smoking is bad for you, especially if you frequently experience heartburn symptoms.

To conclude, implementing these simple home remedies in your everyday life will help to curb heartburn symptoms. It's important to keep in mind that sleeping well, eating properly and not smoking are important for quick relief of heartburn.

Does heartburn cause you pain frequently? You don't have to go through each day suffering. Find out how you can get rid of heartburn forever.

View the original article here

Heartburn - Foods That Help With The Fire Burning In Your Chest

Acid reflux disease that is commonly referred to as heartburn is a condition that commonly affects both men and women of any age. There are many drugs that are available on the market and as is common with many drugs, they only treat the symptoms and not the root cause which means that this often excruciatingly painful condition will return again and again. To not only treat the symptoms of heartburn but also the root cause, here are some home remedies for acid reflux.

Anyone who has experienced heartburn knows that although you know that your heart is not burning, it certainly feels like it. Some people may even rush to the nearest hospital mistakenly thinking that they are having a heart attack because the pain in the chest can be that intense.

What Causes Heartburn?

Between the mouth and the stomach is a long tube known as the esophagus by which food travels from the mouth to the stomach. At the bottom of the esophagus, there is a tight little muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) that ensures that food and liquids that reach the stomach and mix with the strong stomach acids does not return to the esophagus.

The stomach acids that help to digest food are so strong that they are meant to remain in the stomach because the lining of the stomach is adequate to prevent damage to the stomach by these acids. When the LES relaxes at the wrong times, these stomach acids splash back (reflux) into the esophagus scotching the tender tissues in the esophagus which causes the burning feeling associated with heartburn.

Many foods that we consume and the times that we eat them are the common culprits that lead to acid reflux and since food is the common cause, it makes sense that food should also be able to treat this condition. Before you reach for an antacid which only treats the symptoms, here are some home remedies for acid reflux. Persistent heartburn can result in the development of scar tissue in the esophagus which can build up which can cause food to become stuck in the esophagus and require medical attention.

Home Remedies For Acid Reflux

1. Ginger

One of the most effective home remedies for acid reflux is ginger. Ginger contains properties that can increase the strength of the LES so that it has more holding power to prevent reflux of the stomach juices. Strengthening the LES will help to keep the stomach acids where they belong - in the stomach.

Ginger on its own is very spicy and a better way to consume it to help strengthen the LES is to add up to one teaspoon of freshly grated ginger or up to a half teaspoon of ground powdered ginger to one cup of hot water and steep for about 10 minutes. Strain out the ginger and then drink this concoction.

2. Complex Carbohydrates

Eating rice, pasta, breads potatoes, etc, that are high in complex carbohydrates is also one of the best home remedies for acid reflux. Processed rice, pasta, breads, etc, do not contain any complex carbohydrates therefore avoid all "white" food items. Choose brown rice, pasta, breads etc or those made with whole grains in order to get the benefits of complex carbohydrates. Complex carbohydrates are great at absorbing stomach acids.

3. Do Not Lie Down

Another of the great home remedies for acid reflux is to avoid lying down after a meal. A full stomach makes it easy for reflux to occur. Lying down ensures that gravity will work against you causing the acids to splash back into the esophagus. Make gravity work for you and keep food in a downward motion by staying upright by either standing or sitting up in a chair.

4. Bananas

When you are dealing with the burning sensation associated with acid reflux, you may want to reach for a banana instead of an antacid. Bananas act as a natural antacid as they contain properties that can quell the flames and provide needed relief.

These are only a few home remedies for acid reflux. For more remedies for heartburn as well as information on the foods to avoid with acid reflux, visit Also find an effective resource to help you get rid of acid reflux for good using a 5 step system to cure this condition naturally in as little as two hours. Persistent heartburn will only lead to bigger health problems so take action to action to prevent this from happening.

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Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Natural And Effective Acid Reflux Remedies

Acid reflux is now quite common among the people today. Basically, acid reflux is the inflammation of the esophagus. This disease usually occurs when the acid of the stomach backs up into the esophagus. Heartburn is the most popular symptom of acid reflux. Frequent heartburn may be indication of a developing acid reflux. Besides, this disease has the potential become extremely painful as well as long lasting. However, there are natural and effective acidity remedies.

Patients of this disease will experience heartburn. Aside from experiencing heartburn, victims of this disease also experience symptoms which include regurgitation, belching as well as early satiety. The prescription medications or drugs by the doctors for treating this are not only the best solution. Medical professionals also ensure that there are also natural remedies for treating the disease. You can use natural remedies or products to not only address the annoying symptoms but also getting rid of them.

After the diagnosis of acidity, health professional often suggest various life style changes including a healthy diet as well as home remedies which will reduce the acidic build-up in the esophagus. Let's check out some of the natural acid reflux remedies right here.

Exercise - Exercise is an initial step, it also effective and will help with digestion. A regular exercise will also help you to lose your weight. You should always keep in mind that being overweight can increase the risk of developing disease. But, it is essential for you to contact your primary physician before you begin any exercise regimen.

Detoxification Diet - It is quite relevant as well as effective to detox your digestive symptom. One natural remedy for this disease is drinking lots of water every day. This helps in restoring normal stomach function. So, it is very important that you drink lots of water to keep your urine a light yellow shade. In acid reflux, you require drinking lots of water for diluting the acid as well as to normalize the acid in your stomach. This is one natural remedy for acid reflux.

Apple Cider Vinegar - One other natural remedy is to drink apple cider vinegar. This drink is highly concentrated with acid but it helps in improving the overall health. You can mix two teaspoon of the cider with water and drink three times a day.

Garlic - This is also one of the natural as well as effective remedy for acidity. This food has the ability to optimize bowel flora as well as kill pathogenic organisms. You can chewed fresh garlic or crushed it before chewing to get the full effect. It is also often recommended for daily digestion. Use these natural remedies for acid reflux and get rid of this disease.

To Know more about Acid Reflux Remedies.

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How Do You Relieve Heartburn - 5 Tips To Find Relief

Heartburn, which is described by many as a burning sensation in the chest, is a condition that around 25 million people suffer from on a daily basis. There are many underlying factors that can cause it to flare-up, but luckily there are also many ways to find relief. Here are 5 tips on how do you relieve heartburn that can help you find a way to stop it before it starts.

1) Stay upright for at least a couple of hours after you eat a meal. When you consume food, cells in your stomach start producing stomach acid in order to digest the food. If you decide to take a nap after a meal and lay down, what happens is the gastric juices will tend to reflux back into the esophagus. This will damage the delicate lining in the esophagus which causes the burning sensation experienced by sufferers. Stay upright in order for gravity to keep the stomach contents from backing up into the esophagus.

2) Studies have shown that stress can cause heartburn. It has been revealed from numerous studies that stress can cause or intensify the occurrence of the condition. Although the exact reason why is still to be discovered, it is commonly accepted that there is a link. Typically, when someone is stressed they tend to eat more including fatty and fried "comfort foods." These types of foods are known to cause heartburn.

3) Lifestyle plays a significant role. Smoking has been found to cause heartburn because it inhibits the production of saliva, which contains bicarbonate, a compound that helps to neutralize stomach acid. Alcohol increases the production of stomach acid and relaxes the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) allowing the acid to reflux into the esophagus.

4) Avoid foods that can trigger your symptoms. There are many foods that are known to trigger symptoms to occur, such as spicy, fatty and fried foods. Fruits that are high in acidic content such as lemons, grapefruits and oranges. Drinks that contain caffeine or are carbonated tend to cause symptoms to flare-up.

5) There are many natural remedies available. People have been using natural remedies for heartburn for years with good results. Aloe Vera juice is used to help soothe an irritated esophagus. Marshmallow root, ginger and slippery elm are taken to coat and soothe the lining of the esophagus. They can be taken in pill form or made into a tea. You should consult your doctor before trying any of the natural herbal remedies.

These tips on how do you relieve heartburn have helped many people (including myself) find relief. If you try these suggestion and find that you have frequent and persistent heartburn with increased severity of symptoms over time, this can be an indicator of something more serious. You should immediately see your doctor.

To learn more about how do you relieve heartburn and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course

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Monday, September 12, 2011

Ease Your Heartburn Symptoms - Change Your Lifestyle Today

I don't have to tell you how annoying heartburn is if you've ever experienced it... you know it yourself. Whether it be in the night or daytime, the symptoms can be persistent in their occurrence and quite distracting when it comes to your activities. It can be quite random - some nights nothing happens, while in others, you will wake up with a burning feeling in the upper portion of your chest area. There is something you can do still. By changing your lifestyle, you can ease some of your symptoms. Here are a couple of things you can do to help yourself:

Change your eating habits. Yes, certain foods invoke the burning sensation in your chest, so you're best off avoiding them altogether. Some of these foods are fat and fried foods, overly spicy foods and even salty foods. They tease your stomach and the acids within, causing them to flow back into the esophagus and that's when you experience the burning sensation. If you keep these foods to a minimum, you will experience much less of it. And it's important to take your time while eating. Taking it easy and eating slowly will leave your body with more time to properly digest everything you've consumed.

It's also recommended to eat smaller meals more often, rather than eating bigger portions less time per day. That's because the amount of acid your body produces depends on how much you consume. To further limit the symptoms of heartburn, you can try drinking a lot of water, because the more of it you drink, the more your stomach acid gets diluted. Also, never eat at least 3 hours before sleeping. You should raise your pillow too, as this will prevents the acids from flowing back into your esophagus.

Do you smoke or drink? If you've answered yes to any of those questions, you should stop doing it. It has been proving that neither is exactly beneficial to your condition and that both of these activities alleviate the symptoms.

You could try eating an apple. It's function is suppressing the acids in your stomach. There are a couple of other similar cures. Apple cider vinegar is another kind of readily-available things at your home to take advantage of. Yes, it will help you and usually only one spoon of it does the trick.

Always be careful not to upset your stomach. If you think a certain meal will do that, it's best to shy away from it. Just go eat something else.

Heartburn No More is a product designed to help acid reflux patients in a natural way. Please visit us for a Heartburn No More Review.

Patrick Z Z Anthony specializes in helping patients with the use of holistic treatment.

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Don't Confuse Indigestion With Heartburn

People sometimes tend to confuse different health problems like indigestion, heartburn and acid reflux. It's important to know the differences between these. For example, indigestion problems may cause heartburn, but the reverse isn't true. As far as the treatments go, they are likely the same, but not exactly always. Because of the treatment similarity, people like to confuse them.

Food plays a huge role when it comes to indigestion. The quantity of it you consume is a factor too. Sometimes overly spicy foods can also trigger it. In some situations, the unhealthy habit of eating rarely each day, and to balance it out, eat larger meals than usual. That is to be avoided. Eating more times per day (and in smaller quantities) will give your body more time to digest everything properly. And don't forget to take your time when eating.

Few are willing to admit it, but sometimes our bodies create more acid because we are under pressure. Psychological sufferings like stress and anxiety have been proven to also play a big role in digestion problems. If certain areas (especially those related to your work in any way) bring you stress, then avoid eating there altogether. Only eat where you are comfortable eating. That way you won't face stress when doing it and when you're finished, you can just continue working as usual.

Indigestion is also something that's caused by some over the counter drugs. Pharmacies rarely like to admit it, but some of their medicines are full of unwanted negative side effects, among which there may also be indigestion. It's important to always follow instruction carefully when taking certain medication (if not all). For example, be careful about suggested time of medicine consumption. If it says that you should take it before eating or a couple of hours after it, then do so without asking. Incorrect medicine consumption can actually elevate the pressure in your stomach.

Acid reflux can often be treated in a natural way, by simply changing your dietary habits. If you eat less foods with acids in them, your condition will improve. The same goes for overly salty, spicy and fatty foods. Simple things like this can go a long way when it comes to addressing your condition. I've already mentioned the importance of eating slowly and in a peaceful environment. Thinking long-term when it comes to your health will often yield the best results.

Heartburn No More is a product designed to help acid reflux patients in a natural way. Please visit Heartburn No More Review Central if you'd like to know more.

Patrick Z Anthony specializes in helping patients with the use of holistic treatment.

View the original article here

Here Are Some Natural Treatments for Acid Reflux

Heartburn is the burning sensation you feel when the acids in your stomach back-flow into the esophagus. That occurs because of the weakening of the muscle in the middle of your stomach and esophagus, responsible for keeping the acids where they belong. Many people therefore seek the classical medical treatment available over the counter, but most of them don't see that a natural treatment can be just so effective and with fever unwanted side effects.

Recently however, there has been a growing increase in people who seek natural treatment for acid reflux, and I have some good news for everyone. It's actually cheaper than medicine! In classic medicine, usually a form of antacids are used to relieve the patient from the symptoms. But this is, in my opinion, a mere quick-fix that won't work in the long-term. Natural treatments are meant to work long-term and are healthier for the body.

Antacids indeed do their job properly and block the acids from entering your esophagus again. But they also block good nutrients and your body won't absorb them. This can later on lead to some indigestion problems. The thing is, your body simply needs its stomach acids where they are, because they are there for a reason. It's just unfortunate that GERD makes things a little bit difficult.

And did I mention the negative side-effects of over the counter medicine? Stuff like sodium bicarbonate, aluminum and magnesium compounds can cause some serious digestion problems, including gas, bloating and diarrhea. Sure, this won't happen to everyone, but it's still a possible complication. Not exactly lethal of course, but quite annoying at best.

Here is the natural way to solve your acid reflux problems. First of all, avoid spicy, fatty and salty foods. Then, be sure to chew you food slowly and take your time while eating. Make sure you don't eat at least 3 or so hours before going to sleep. Finally, when in bed, ensure that your pillow is tilted upwards a little bit, so you won't be lying there totally horizontally.

Note that there aren't any magical solutions in natural reflux treatments. It's all meant to be holistic, taking your dietary habits into account as well. So for example, you should steer clear of foods with high amounts of acids in them. Things like lemons, oranges and grapes are to be avoided for sure.

Finally, always seek the advice of a qualified professional, because they know what's most appropriate for their patients. You can do a lot for yourself and your health, but before treating your condition, make sure to get yourself properly diagnosed to see if you have it in the first place!

Heartburn No More is a product designed to help acid reflux patients in a natural way. Please visit Heartburn No More Review Central if you'd like to know more.

Patrick Z Anthony specializes in helping patients with the use of holistic treatment.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Get Rid Of Heartburn Without Using Medication

There are many over-the-counter medications and prescription drugs available for heartburn relief. The question is, are you willing to take something that can make the condition even worse or find a safe and natural cure? Did you even know that the drugs you are taking to get rid of heartburn are actually making it worse along with many side effects?

To start with let's cover how your digestive system works and how medications affect the natural process.

HCL, which is hydrochloric acid, is pumped out by cells in the lining of the stomach. You need this stomach acid in order for digestion to occur and it also acts as a barrier to infection. Also an enzyme, called pepsin, needs an acidic environment in the stomach in order to be effective at digesting proteins. So, as you can see, stomach acid plays an essential role and serves several constructive purposes.

Even though stomach acid is important, millions of people spend billions of dollars to reduce or eliminate it by taking drugs. Antacids are used to neutralize or suppress its production to reduce the symptoms of heartburn. Proton pump inhibitors or PPIs block the action of the proton pump, which is the HCL producing and secreting mechanism inside some cells of the stomach. Histamine H2-blockers prevent acid secretion by blocking the action of histamine, which signals acid producing cells to secrete HCL.

People take these medications in order to get rid of heartburn not realizing there is an underlying reason as to the cause of the problem. In other words, by taking a drug you are not fixing whatever is causing you to have the problem and you might even make the problem worse.

Let's take a closer look at what can cause heartburn and how medications can make it worse.

Heartburn occurs when gastric juices back up or reflux into the esophagus thus creating a burning sensation. This burning sensation occurs because the lining in the esophagus is not able to withstand the caustic effects of stomach acid. Typically, the gastric juices reflux into the esophagus because the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) malfunctions and doesn't close immediately.

When you take a drug to stop or prevent the burning sensation all you are doing is either neutralizing stomach acid or preventing its production. This can lead to other problems such as your food not being properly digested or sterilized before it enters the intestinal tract. Uncontrolled growth of microbes can occur resulting in many other complications. Also, if you forget to take your medication it can have a rebound effect of extra heavy stomach acid secretion thus causing a bad case of heartburn (the very condition it's supposed to treat).

As you can see, even though medications are given to get rid of heartburn they can also cause it, among other side effects. The best thing you can do is talk to your doctor and see if together you can find a way to prevent or get rid of heartburn by finding the cause and then treating that instead of becoming reliant on acid suppressing drugs.

To learn more about how to get rid of heartburn and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course

View the original article here

Foods to Avoid If You'Re Suffering From Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is characterized by frequent back-flow of the stomach acids back into the esophagus. This causes a burning sensation in the chest that we call 'heartburn'. Esophagus, if you aren't familiar with human anatomy, is otherwise located between your mouth and the stomach. It's a tunnel that connects them in a way. Knowing that, there are certain foods that have been proved to worsen the condition, should you have it. You're best off avoiding these altogether. For example, certain foods have a lot more acid in them than others. These will cause more acid in your stomach. Anyway, if you change your eating habits, a lot can be done to get better. Here are some suggestions what foods acid reflux patients should absolutely NOT eat:

Caffeine and alcohol is a no-go. They are both linked to digestion problems, because they create gastric acid. If you absolutely can't live without either of them, then try to reduce the amount of their consumption. Also, stay away from coke and similar drinks! They increase the pressure in your stomach and increase the acid back-flow into your esophagus and you don't want that. And if you drink milk often, make sure that it's low fat! That's pretty much as far as liquids go. For foods you should avoid, it's basically anything with excessive amounts of fat in them. This is because such foods will remain in your stomach for a longer period of time, so they affect your digestion and thus cause more heartburn.

Then, you shouldn't use spices when eating. If you're going to restaurants a lot, make sure you order foods with limited or no spice on them. Remember how I told you about foods with a lot of acid in them? Certain fruits like oranges and grapes are quite healthy for an average guy, but the case is a whole lot different when it comes to GERD sufferers. They are advised to avoid them. A lot of people also like to eat meat. This is not a problem if it's low on fat. Common stuff like chicken and fish food is okay.

To finish it off, here are some general guidelines while eating. Yes, it's not just about what you eat, but how you eat it as well. Always take your time to do it and eat slowly and in small portions. If you have to eat more often because of that, that's fine. Just be sure to never eat in large portions, because this puts more strain on your stomach and thus, more acids are created, leading to more heartburn.

Heartburn No More is a product designed to help acid reflux patients in a natural way. Please visit us for a Heartburn No More Review.

Patrick Z Anthony specializes in helping patients with the use of holistic treatment.

View the original article here

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Can a Diet for GERD Be Better for Your Health Than the Medication That Is Often Prescribed?

Do you suffer from GERD or acid reflux disease? A good healthy diet for GERD can often cure GERD rather than just suppressing it with medication.

Doctors often prescribe medication to prevent the effects of acid reflux or GERD, but the fact is that this medication really doesn't do anything to cure these problems. It is a widely accepted fact that the body has all the tools it needs to cure many of the ailments that surround us today. The problem is that they are not widely known because it is usually just an adjustment to our eating habits that can be done on our own without expensive medication. A diet for GERD does exist and can help you live pain-free forever.

How can you save money on a diet for GERD?

The medication usually used to treat GERD or acid reflux is called PPI (proton pump inhibitors). These are used to control the acid content in the stomach. You may have seen ads for these on television. They go by brand names like Nexium, Prevacid, Prilosec, or Zegerid. These drugs can often cost the end user close to two hundred dollars a month, if not covered by a prescription insurance plan. This can add up to thousands of dollars a year. Since these drugs are used to suppress the problem and not cure it, many users can end up staying on this medication for years. A good diet for GERD just alters eating habits and can end up curing the disease totally. This would be just slightly altering the food we eat to control the GERD problem and allow the body time to repair itself. Eliminating the need for PPI medication and replacing it with a proper diet for GERD will help out family budgets in tough times.

Is a diet for GERD better for overall health than PPI medication?

There are a couple of ways a diet for GERD is better than the PPI medications supplied by doctors. The first problem has to deal with how they work and what these drugs do. These drugs decrease the production of acid in the stomach. The acid in the stomach is what the body uses to digest food. If unnatural drugs are introduced into the eco-system of the body to suppress this function, the body will just try to produce more acid to overcome the medication. This can sometimes lead to an over production of acid if the effects of the medication begins to decline or when the patient decides to stop using the medication all together.This often leads to an even higher risk of GERD or acid reflux. A good diet for GERD works with the body to try to heal instead of just suppressing acid production. Foods that will increase acid production are often avoided.

Another way in which the body benefits from a good diet for GERD is the harmful side effects often associated with PPI medication. Some of these side effects are: headache, diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain, dry mouth, severe constipation, big abdomen, back pain, chest pain, anemia, allergy, hypertension, tachycardia, goiter, tinnitus, facial edema, conjunctivitis, abnormal vision, depression, dizziness, nervousness, cystitis, insomnia, migraine, anorexia, acne, dermatitis, arthritis, and tongue edema. A balanced diet tailored to treat acid reflux or GERD doesn't have any known side effects associated with it.

The cost is high and the side effects many. Prescription medication to suppress acid production just doesn't make much long-term sense since there are diets out there tailored to cure the problem.

Millions of Americans suffer from acid reflux and GERD every year and the most prevalent therapy for these problems is medication that doesn't cure, it just suppresses the acid production. A natural and healthy diet for GERD can cure these painful conditions. You can live a pain free life. To find out more information about how a good diet can help you, click on the link here to learn more Diet for GERD.

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A Few Good Heartburn Reliefs

When our stomach produces too much acid, we suffer from heartburn. People who have experienced heartburn know how severe it can be and a quick heartburn relief is just what they need. There are several quick heartburn reliefs and their effectiveness differs from person to person. So, if you are suffering from heartburn, try each of the heartburn reliefs and see which one is perfect for you.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider is something that you can carry anywhere with you. So, if you are suffering from heartburn and also like apple cider then you have nothing to worry anymore. For many people with heartburn problems a small amount of apple cider vinegar does the trick. Just when you start to get heartburn, drink a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar and you will be surprised how quickly your heartburn will be gone. This is a great solution for heartburn as you can carry it to wherever you are going. Try it and see if it works for you.

A Bite of Apple

As you already know that main reason for heartburn is stomach acid. Anything that reacts quickly with stomach acid will work as quick heartburn relief. An apple works like a charm to suppress the stomach acid and giving the person quick relief and just like apple cider vinegar you can carry an apple to work or any other place.

Get a Healthy Dietary Habit

Most of us have some idea of what healthy food is, but the thing you have to consider when you have heartburn problem is which kind of food causes you to have stomach gas. When we burp because of gas in stomach, our stomach acids are forced upward to the esophagus and this result in painful heartburn. To avoid heartburn you can avoid foods that gives you stomach gas.

Consume Food Slowly

Another method of heartburn relief is to consume food slowly and chew it properly. When properly chewed food goes to the stomach, it is easily digested. We need to eat slowly because less amount of air goes inside with the food and the result is less gas problem and no heartburn. This is an age old method and people often hear it from their parents.

Baking Soda, Celery and Mustard

Baking soda is one of the most effective heartburn reliefs. Take a glass full of water and dissolve one teaspoon of baking soda in it and drink up. You should start to feel better within seconds. But, giving out a belch is a common outcome of drinking baking soda because of its reaction with stomach acid. Celery contains alkaline and counter well against stomach acid. So, taking a small amount of celery as the heartburn starts can give the suffering person quick relief. Another thing to consider as heartburn relief is yellow mustard. Mix one teaspoon of mustard with half-filled glass of water and drink it for quick relief from heartburn.

Raw Potato

Finally, consuming an average size raw potato also works great for some people as quick heartburn relief. After cleaning and peeling off the potato skin, use a mixer to mix the potato with a glass of water and drink it and you will notice your heartburn pain subsiding quickly.

End Note

These are the most effective, natural and common heartburn reliefs. Thought all of them might not work on every single person but they are known to bring good results for many people. If any of these does not work for you then you should consult your doctor for further advice.

Abir Modak is one of the founders and president of Interactive Software Engineering. The company specializes in website design & development, search engine optimization, game concept design and software development.

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GERD Remedy - Natural GERD Remedies To Help Relieve Your Symptoms

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the medical term used for chronic heartburn and although there are many medications available to treat it, there are also natural GERD remedies. These natural remedies have been used by thousands of people (including myself) who want to relieve our symptoms without prescription drugs. There are many natural options available and I have found, through my own personal experience, that some will work better for you than others.

The reason for this is because there can be many underlying factors contributing to what is causing you to experience chronic heartburn. For instance, some people may experience symptoms because they smoke, others because they consume alcohol or some may suffer because of a bad diet. So, the first step is to determine what is the underlying cause.

One of the biggest causes is diet. In fact, about 90 percent of sufferers find that their heartburn is caused by eating specific foods. Tomato based products, chocolate and foods that are spicy or fatty are the leading causes. Other factors that may contribute include overeating, eating to rapidly, stress, fried foods and lying down immediately after eating.

Also, it's important to remember to eat slowly and completely chew your food to a mush or liquid consistency before swallowing. When you eat too fast your stomach can become distended, which would cause the food you consumed to be pushed against the top of the stomach. This can force open the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) causing the food and stomach acid to reflux back into the esophagus. The stomach acid can irritate the lining in the esophagus thus causing heartburn.

Optional nutritional approaches to a GERD remedy.

According to several studies, it has been found that the best way to treat GERD / heartburn is almost always with more HCL (hydrochloric acid) not less. The common practice is to reduce the amount of stomach acid by treating it with an antacid, PPI or H2-receptor blocker. This, in fact, can actually make the condition worse because HCL is essential to proper digestion and sterilizes food before it enters the intestinal tract. By helping the stomach to properly digest food, HCL helps to prevent putrefaction that leads to gas production, reflux and heartburn.

Other GERD remedies can include taking supplements. Plant enzymes can be taken with meals in order to help break down proteins. A multi-strain probiotic, which contains 2 to 6 billion per capsule, can help with digestive problems. Take a multivitamin / mineral supplement daily along with antioxidant supplements to help keep the GI track healthy.

By following these suggestions, it is possible to find a GERD remedy that will work for you. It's not as simple as taking a pill but in the long run you will find that not only will your symptoms eventually go away, but you will also not risk any side effects associated with medications.

To learn more about GERD remedies and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course

View the original article here

Friday, September 9, 2011

What's the Real Reason You Get Heartburn or GERD?

Its really strange but true - you don't have indigestion or acid reflux because you have too much acid in your stomach! One very common reason is usually due to a hiatal hernia which is when the acid comes out of your stomach where it belongs, and doesn't stay confined in there where it belongs. The other reason is that hydrochloric acid which is a necessary part of your stomach's digestive process, is actually reduced NOT PRODUCING ENOUGH OF IT! So what causes these scenarios as described here? You must restore your natural gastric balance and functioning. Your proper gut flora will increase your absorption of food nutrients that you consume by as much as 50% when its working correctly. So make sure you are consuming enough good bacteria thereby aiding in proper digestion and assimilation of the food. Eating fermented foods such as: Natto; Kefir (a fermented milk) or yogurt made from RAW milk are great ways to get better good bacteria - but really, how many people in the U.S. actually eat or drink those foods or actually want to? Not to say that wouldn't be wonderful, but realistically its not practical, so lets talk about what is practical...
Do you like cabbage or sauerkraut? If so, those are great choices for increasing healthy stomach acid production, thereby increasing digestion ability;
Astaxanthin - Take this powerful antioxidant which was also found to reduce symptoms of acid reflux in patients when compared to a placebo, by taking it as a pill form as a daily dose of 40 mg. Astaxanthin has so many purposes it helps the body with too, which you can research and see for yourself;
Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, Glutathione and Betaine HCL are also great supplements to add in. These were all found to be superior to the drugs like those types in Nexium when used in treatment of GERD; Take 100 mg. daily of Vitamin B6, drops form of Vitamin B12 under the tongue rather than pill; and Glutathione caps can be purchased through me made by Max International, Betaine HCL is found in the health food stores following bottle directions;
Ginger has been found to have a protective effect by blocking acid especially the kind where imbalance causes ulcers. Natural ginger root is the best choice.
ACID REFLUX DRUGS that are very effective in BLOCKING your stomach's own ability to produce stomach acid are actually quite harmful when used long term like Prilosec, Nexium or Prevacid. They should only be used in limited quantity if you have a bleeding ulcer or severe stomach acid where an endoscopy has confirmed actual damage to the esophagus already.

So, in conclusion, if you hare having symptoms of GERD or acid indigestion, I would recommend you also do the following:

Eliminate certain food triggers - Completely eliminate caffeine of any kind except green tea; eliminate alcohol and nicotene;
Increase your stomach acid production of the right kind by also changing your salt type that you put in your food by using Himalayan Salt (Trader Joes has it) which will provide you with the chloride your body needs to make this correct acid amount and also contains 80 trace minerals that your body needs for biochemical optimal balancing;
Eat as many unprocessed foods as possible that would be comprised of fresh veggies (organic) to increase fiber;
Vitamin D (2000 I.U. daily) helps production of antimicrobial peptides to help eradicate any infections you could have in the intestines;
Consume a twice daily (if you have severe symptoms or regular symptoms) probiotic supplement, preferably the type that must be refrigerated to ensure adequate purity and strength in numbers of healthy bacteria in the capsule;
Take 2 Food Enzyme caps before each meal (any health food store has them) to help assimilate the nutrients in your food to breakdown the food enzymes the best they can be for digestion;
Eat slowly and chew food until it feels like liquid in your mouth to further break down the enzymes for better digestion;
Stay as relaxed as possible especially when eating, as stress will heighten the muscle tension thereby disturbing the digestive process as well.

I have often used organic apple cider vinegar mixed in a very small glass of water after meals (2-3 tsp.) which is very helpful for balancing the acid pH in the stomach. I know that was a lot of information to "digest" when it comes to digestion, but you will really reap the benefits even into older age if you can follow as much of this as possible. Leave a Comment and tell me what else you have tried to naturally balance your digestion.

Linda Wolschlager, Certified Nutrition Counselor/Wellness Coach, Michigan

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Acid Reflux Symptoms - What Are They and What Causes Them?

There are three main symptoms which collectively form Acid Reflux Syndrome. The first one and the most common is called heartburn, this is where you can get pain in the abdomen, chest or throat. It is a very common symptom and whilst it is not something to worry about you should go and see the doctor if you are getting this persistently as they can give you medication to stop this. The medication they'll give is usually called a proton pump inhibitor, this means that it decreases the amount of acid your stomach produces in 24 hours and is usually the most effective medication available. This symptom is caused by irritation of the Oesophagus and top of the stomach, this is cause by excessive acid and sometimes increased acidity in the stomach acid itself.

The second acid reflux symptom is called Regurgitation and refers to when you get acidic contents of your stomach coming up your throat and occasionally into your mouth. This means that sometime people may vomit. This is caused by the opening of the valve at the top of the stomach which is usually closed.

The third symptom is called Dyspepsia and is the medical term for generalized stomach discomfort, the symptom include bloating, excessive burping, nausea after eating and generalised abdominal pain. This is cause by the irritation of the stomach lining because of problems with the acidity in the stomach.

The best way to deal with the symptoms of acid reflux syndrome is to make life style changes, decreasing stress levels, cutting back on drinking alcohol and quitting smoking are all good ideas if you are an acid reflux sufferer.

Meditation is a very effective way of decreasing stress levels and should be considered as part of changing your lifestyle to get rid of your acid reflux symptoms. Sleep is very important too, try get to bed at the same time every night and get roughly 8 hours a night.

Cutting out acidic food such as Tomatoes, Garlic and Citrus fruit can help with acid reflux symptoms as well. The other thing that may help is the use of mint tea or Chamomile tea which some Naturopaths argue relaxes the stomach and the Oesophagus and relieves irritation.

Please note I'm not a doctor, please consult your doctor or health care professional before taking up any of these suggestions.

If you want to know more about Acid reflux symptoms then be sure to check out our informative webpage.

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Thursday, September 8, 2011

Burning Chest - Signs of Acid Reflux

Do you have heartburn? Do you have a burning chest? There are various signs that may point to heartburn or GERD. There are so many causes of people dismissing this ailment, and they think that it is a normal occurrence. Heartburn is in fact, not normal.

Everything about it is a result of a dysfunction in the body. There are a few ways to find out if you have acid reflux. Once you know this you will then be able to start to reverse it naturally. Here are a few signs:

Burning Chest
One sure sign of acid reflux is consistently having the sensation of a burning chest or a very uncomfortable feeling in the chest. Please do not overlook this discomfort. If you are experiencing it frequently this maybe the sure indication that you have this ailment.

Discomfort in Throat
When acid reflux occurs acid from the stomach comes back up from the stomach to the throat. This acid causes pain and essentially damages the esophagus overtime. And, if this is left untreated this uncomfortable feeling can be escalated to a permanently damaged esophagus, Barret's Disease, or even other types of cancer. Go to a doctor immediately if this happens to you more than once a week.

Wet Belching
If you have an uncontrollable excessive belching that feels wet, then you may have acid reflux, because the acid can travel as far as back up to the point of the mouth. That is why it is called a wet belch or wet belching.

If you are experiencing any or all of the 3 symptoms that I have outlined then you should take them as serious warnings. It is very important that you do your research and due diligence to rid your body of this disease effectively.

At this point many people will seek the help of a doctor. The problem is that, the first thing that they will prescribe to you is a chemical drug. Heartburn drugs do nothing to eliminate the problem of acid reflux they only band-aid the symptoms.

At the end of the day, if you take these drugs you will still have the same ailment that you are trying to get rid of. In addition to, causing more debilitating ailments to yourself. You can research the adverse side-effects of these drugs by simply doing a google search by typing in FDA warning acid reflux drugs.

Some people claim that acid reflux can be fixed with apple cider vinegar. However, this is not a cure all for everyone. The most successful way is to get rid of acid reflux is a through a holistic approach.

Find out more about the holistic approach visit burning chest for more information about acid reflux.

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Symptoms of Heartburn - Know When You Are Suffering From Heartburn

Heartburn usually occurs minutes after eating and is caused by the reflux of stomach acid from the stomach up the esophagus. Although heartburn is a very common condition, the symptoms of heartburn are at times mistaken to be symptoms of heart attack.

There have been many cases when people rush to the hospital thinking they are suffering from a life-threatening condition after experiencing heartburn symptoms. Heartburn is far from life-threatening but it could be a symptom of a more serious disease like GERD or Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, a regularly occurring reflux that spans a lengthy period of time and may indicate an already damaged LES.

It is then imperative to know the various symptoms of heartburn for you to be able to recognize the problem at once and get immediate treatment or help about it. Heartburn which goes untreated may lead to more serious complications in the digestive system.

Symptoms of Heartburn You Must Be Aware Of

· A burning sensation in the upper abdomen. The burn is caused by the acid passing through the esophagus which is more sensitive and vulnerable to the corrosive effects of the acids.

· Sour tasting fluids in the throat and mouth.

· Burning sensation in the throat.

· Difficulty in swallowing accompanied by a feeling of food sticking in the throat. This symptom is usually felt when the esophagus has already been severely injured by frequent acid reflux. An indication of a damaged esophagus is when food feels abrasive even if chewed.

· Chest pain particularly when you bend or lie down after a meal. This is one of the symptoms of heartburn which is usually mistaken for a heart attack. The pain is caused by the pressure applied by the stomach contents as they force their way up the esophagus. This pain concentrates on the chest then goes up the throat, unlike chest pain caused by heart attack, the pain does not spread on the arms.

· Chronic cough is another heartburn symptom. Coughing is caused by breathing in the acidic fumes as they reach the throat area irritating the respiratory tract. Chronic cough can result to wheezing and even asthma. The corrosive nature of the acidic fumes may also result in infections as it damages the respiratory tract.

The symptoms of occasional heartburn can be eased by taking antacids and other over the counter treatments. However for heartburn which is felt more frequently, OTC medications may not be very effective. If you feel the symptoms of heartburn more than twice a week, you may already be suffering from severe acid reflux or GERD. It is best to consult a physician if this is the case so as to find out your best treatment options.

Take a Look Here

You can find out more about symptoms of heartburn by clicking here
You can find other helpful information and advice about treating heartburn here

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Peptic Ulcer - 4 Key Points on Patient Education

Patient education regarding causes, risk factors, and therapy of peptic ulcer disease is very essential for ulcer healing and for preventing ulcer recurrence. In this article, I'm focusing on 4 key points on peptic ulcer disease (PUD) patient education. The aim of this article is to help healthcare professionals who deliver (PUD) patient education to be prepared with the required knowledge, and so to "be informative" for their patients.

1- Set treatment goals in participation with the patient.

The main treatment goals for peptic ulcer diseases are:

Relief of ulcer painHealing of ulcerPreventing ulcer recurrencePreventing complicationThe patient should at least understand the importance of each of the previous goals.

2- Identify and modify risk factors.

This is achieved by: first, taking patient history regarding:

presence of other illnesses,patient medication history; especially use of OTC drugs as non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and use of corticosteroids, andlifestyle habits including diet, alcohol and cigarette smoking.

Then, helping the patient to modify these risk factors.

For example, modifying NSAIDs administration for peptic ulcer disease patients who are in need for NSAIDs. Another example, offering advice regarding foods and drinks to avoid by peptic ulcer patients.

3- Encourage proper medication use.

encourage compliance to the specified regimens (whether it is Helicobacter pylori eradication regimen, proton pump inhibitor PPI therapy,... etc.) and educate the patient about PUD potential complications (bleeding ulcer - perforation of stomach or duodenum - gastric outlet obstruction) that might occur if these regimens are not followed properly. And make sure that the patient understands when to administer the medications. For example, PPIs should be administered 15-30 minutes before meals.
Identify potential drug - drug interactions by referring to patient medication history. Among PUD medications that may cause drug interactions are proton pump inhibitors and H2-receptor blockers.
Educate the patient about possible side effects that may make him/her stop taking the medications and how to overcome these side effects. For example, misoprostol that is used to protect the mucosa in chronic NSAID users, causes gastrointestinal effects (eg, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea). And to overcome these side effects, the patient should be instructed to decrease misoprostole dose & take it with meals.

4- Always remember that good communication with the patient improves disease management.

These are the points that I found most critical in educating peptic ulcer diseases patients. You might have other ideas regarding this topic so, please let me know them. To know more about peptic ulcer disease, please visit Peptic Ulcer Disease Concept Map.

For more diseases' concept maps, please visit Zoom out - Pharmacotherapy website where you will find large zoomed out pictures for diseases.

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What Diets Are Suitable for Gerd Patients

GERD can be quite persistent sometimes. But it's incredible how many things can be done about it. Sometimes it's those little things that make all the difference. For example, by simply changing your eating habits, you can alleviate some of its symptoms. Not just that, it's been proven that you can avoid ever suffering from it. Anyway, GERD stands for gastroesophageal reflux disease and it basically means uncontrolled and/or unwanted recurrence of stomach acids back to the esophagus. This causes a burning sensation in the upper portion of the chest known as heartburn.

Okay, now that the intro is out of the way, we'll discuss what you can do to prevent it. Question one is... are you overweight? If you answered 'yes', that is one of the first long-term things I'd work on. It has been proved that obesity is actually connected to the occurrence of GERD. Even if it's not the primary cause, it still contributes to the condition in a negative way. So in order to lose weight, just start slowly, lose a few pounds here and there and be careful that you don't over-eat yourself for no reason. Also, avoid fatty foods etc., but that goes without saying.

If you eat a few times per day and your meals are relatively large because of that, I'd stop doing that and just took the other approach. That means eating more times per day but in smaller quantities. That way your body has more time to process what you've eaten and everything is put into moderation, that means it won't produce as much stomach acid as it normally would.

As to what kind of foods you should eat, nothing too complicated. Fruits and vegetables are nice, fish are healthy etc. Or just eat what you normally would, while being careful that you avoid foods with a lot of acid (obviously), fat and sugar. I'm sorry to say that, but you're going to have to cut back on the sweets even if it may sound harsh. Some say that coffee should also be avoided, but that's somewhat of a gray area and people not completely agree on it.

In any case, don't rush things and start slowly. If you're overweight, it doesn't mean you have to lose all of it in a matter of days or weeks. If you eat healthy or at least avoid eating unhealthy, you will be doing your body a huge favor. And it will reward you eventually as you'll see your GERD symptoms steadily decreasing.

Heartburn No More is a product designed to help acid reflux patients in a natural way. Please visit us for a Heartburn No More Review.

Patrick Z Anthony specializes in helping patients with the use of holistic treatment.

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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Causes For Acid Reflux - Learn The Causes, Symptoms And Signs

There are millions of people who suffer from acid reflux daily, yet are unaware of the causes for acid reflux. Instead, most people rely on prescriptions or over-the-counter medications for temporary relief. In order to cure whatever problem you have you must first be aware of what are the causes, symptoms and signs.

Acid reflux, known in the medical community as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disorder), affects more than fifty million people in the United States. Basically, it occurs when hydrochloric acid, enzymes and partially digested food "refluxes" into the esophagus. This occurs because the lower esophageal sphincter or LES muscle does not close properly.

The LES is a muscle that is located at the very bottom of the esophagus where the esophagus joins the top of the stomach. A normally functioning LES prevents food and stomach acid from backing up into the esophagus and ultimately into the trachea or "windpipe". Reflux occurs when the LES malfunctions and allows stomach contents to back up into the esophagus.

The acid that backs up or "refluxes"causes damage because the lining in the esophagus is very delicate and is not designed to withstand the caustic effects of stomach acid. This is what causes the burning sensation most sufferers experience.

There are many factors that can cause an LES to malfunction such as stress, alcohol, smoking, diet, overeating and certain foods to name just a few. If any of these causes sound familiar, try eliminating them from your lifestyle in order to help prevent the LES from malfunctioning.

Now that we have covered some of the causes for acid reflux, let's take a look at some of the symptoms and signs.

There are many factors that can trigger reflux in an individual. Some people have several things that can trigger it and others may have as little as one. However, there are several factors that are most common among sufferers. The following list contains common signs and symptoms:

Nausea and or regurgitation
Difficulty swallowing
Gas / belching / bloating
Chest pain
Shortness of breath
Sore throat

Not all people will experience these signs or symptoms but will have some degree of reflux.

Who gets it?

Unfortunately, anyone can get this common disorder. It is as common as a cold and can strike anyone at any age. It occurs more often in older people than in younger, although recent studies have shown that it is becoming more prevalent in infants and children.

Even though acid reflux is a disorder that can strike anyone at anytime it is not impossible to cure it. Now that you know the signs, symptoms and causes for acid reflux you now have the knowledge necessary to begin the process of finding a cure.

To learn more about the causes for acid reflux and how you can find a safe and natural cure visit my website at Here you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux Naturally mini-course.

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Foods To Eat For Acid Reflux Prevention

Unfortunately, for acid reflux sufferers, there are many foods that they have to avoid. This is because certain foods tend to aggravate their symptoms which then causes that burning sensation that is associated with it. Fortunately, there are foods to eat for acid reflux prevention. These foods typically, have little or no potential for causing symptoms to occur.

Before we get to the list of foods to eat for acid reflux prevention, let's first take a closer look at why some foods tend to aggravate your symptoms.

Certain foods have been found to weaken the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) which can malfunction and allow stomach contents to reflux into the esophagus. The acid from the stomach irritates the lining of the esophagus which causes the burning sensation. The most common foods that tend to weaken the LES include chocolate, peppermint, beverages that contain caffeine, alcohol and fatty / fried foods.

Another reason your symptoms may occur is not because of certain foods, but instead can be caused by bad eating habits. For instance, if you tend to eat too quickly you might not properly chew your food thoroughly and you could be swallowing air along with your food. What happens, is since your food is not chewed to a mush or liquid consistency it is harder to properly digest which can lead to your symptoms to occur. Also, when the air warms that was swallowed it is forced out of the stomach carrying acid and other contents along with it thus irritating the esophagus lining.

Now that we've covered why certain foods aggravate your symptoms, let's look at foods to eat for acid reflux prevention.

Fruit, such as apples, are a good choice because they tend to help with digestion because of the fiber content. Pineapple and papaya are rich in enzymes that help break down proteins to also help with digestion. Vegetables that tend to be safe include potatoes, carrots, cabbage, green beans, peas and broccoli. Typically, safe meats need to be as lean as possible such as turkey, chicken (no skin), extra lean ground beef and fish. Grains can include cereal, oatmeal, multi-grain bread and rice.

These suggested foods to eat for acid reflux prevention is by no means a complete or "set in stone" list. To expand on this list you may want to start your own diary or journal of foods that you find through trial-and-error may or may not aggravate your symptoms. This way you are able to keep track of the exact foods that you can safely eat without any worry.

To learn more about foods to eat for acid reflux and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course.

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