Monday, August 29, 2011

Yes, Acid Relux Can Be Treated!

Treatment of acid reflux is much easier if you understand what causes the condition. A healthy person's stomach muscles moves the partially digested contents in the stomach into the small intestine for further digestion. Reflux causes the contents of the stomach to travel backwards into the esophagus. When this happens you begin to feel what's called heartburn, a painful burning sensation in your chest.

Sometimes you will wake up with a sore throat and hoarseness from the overnight effects of reflux. The symptoms of reflux vary from one person to another but all are associated to the burning sensation in the stomach, esophagus and throat area.

There are many levels of severity of reflux. Some of these levels can be treated with natural remedies. For example:

Increasing the amount of water you drink every day and especially after you have eaten will help dilute the acid in your stomach.

Ginger is another natural treatment of reflux. Ginger in almost any form, candy, tea or even in a capsule form helps some reflux suffers.

The old saying "an apple a day", well it seems to work with a lot of reflux patients. Slowly chewing an apple will help reduce the acid in the stomach.

Here's a great idea for almond lovers, chewing on almonds everyday is a great way to relief acid reflux symptoms. Be sure to chew them very slowly in the morning and after each meal.

Chewing gum is another good treatment for acid reflux. Chewing gum produces saliva and in turn dilutes the acid in your stomach.

Fennel tea or chamomile tea with its soothing effect has been connected to helping relive reflux symptoms.

And here's one that will surprise you, apple cider vinegar. You would think that vinegar would add to the problem but it in fact helps. It has to be organic with substance floating within, shake it well. The substance has enzymes in it that are ideal for the symptoms of acid reflux.

Your diet has a great deal to do with the acid reflux problems you have. Certain foods are a contributor to the issue and certain foods will help avoid the problem. Apples, bananas, broccoli, carrots, cabbage, peas, green beans, bake potatoes, lean skinless meats, egg whites, fish, goat cheese, soy cheese, fat-free sour cream are all safe foods. Avoid things like tomatoes, lemons, acidy juices, raw onions, fried potatoes, fatty meats, pastas, alcohols beverages and caffeine.

There are many over the counter products that will help also. Most of the over the counter items are a trial and error until you find one that works for you.

At some point it may become necessary to consult your doctor about a treatment for acid reflux. It is important not to let it get out of control. GERD can cause some serious medical problems if left untreated. It can do serious damage to the esophagus and throat. It is better to try to control the reflux before it gets to that point.

Katie Smith is an expert in Acid Reflux and runs the very successful and popular site about Acid Reflux. She has helped thousands of people find relief from acid reflux and related issues. Visit her site right now for more information and/or help concerning acid reflux treatment.

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Telling the Difference Between Heartburn and a Heart Attack

Chest pain always makes someone think they're having a heart attack which is a life or death situation. However, not all chest pain is related to the heart. Sometimes it is merely the result of heartburn which isn't usually a dangerous health issue. If you've experienced a lot of heartburn, then you need to be careful that you don't just pass off the pain as still another bout with it. If you've never had it before, you need to understand what's happening in order to avoid panic. In the crucial minutes after chest pain starts, you need to be able to recognize what's really taking place in order to respond correctly.

As mentioned earlier, heartburn has nothing to do with the heart. The term was apparently coined in reference to the area of the body where the pain is located. It's actually caused by excess stomach acid being forced back up into the esophagus where it damages sensitive tissues and causes pain. There are a number of different reasons why people suffer from heartburn, and most of them are in relation to something they have eaten, drank, or smoked. Lying down too soon after eating can also be a culprit. Heartburn usually occurs shortly after you've eaten which can help you to distinguish it from a heart attack.

Knowing the symptoms of each condition will make it easier to decide which malady you are suffering from. Heartburn most often manifests itself as a burning sensation located directly behind the breastbone. Heart attacks, on the other hand, often causes pain that radiates into the neck, shoulders, arms, jaw, or back and can present a squeezing feeling in the chest. You need to know, though, that heartburn can sometimes cause some of these other symptoms, so if in doubt, see your doctor.

Patients who experience chronic bouts of heartburn may also notice a cough and sore throat, swallowing problems, and hoarseness which are not symptoms of a heart attack. It is usually easy to stop heartburn quickly, however, by taking antacid tablets which will definitely not cure a heart attack. Additional heart attack symptoms that can help you differentiate between the two conditions include cold sweats, nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath, weakness, and fainting.

Minutes count when you're having a heart attack, so it's important that you not wait too long when you develop these symptoms. If antacids don't clear up the problem in short order, you need to get to the emergency room as soon as possible.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Remedies For Heart Burn Relief

Pyrosis is a well acquainted and common problem of today. It's commonly called as hyper acidity, acid reflux or heart burn. Heart burn is a malfunction of digestive system, not a disorder. It's a feeling of burning behind the epigastrium (breast bone) associated with pain in the chest, sometimes spreading towards neck, shoulder and jaws. The symptoms of heartburn apart from uncomfortable burning feeling are regurgitating, nausea, and burping, bloating, difficulty in breathing, sour or bitter taste, food-sticking feeling and even cold sweats. You may feel hunger during this, but if you eat or drink something, it just stuck in your throat.

The symptoms of heartburn and heart attack are so correlated with each other that people cannot differentiate between these two because of severe chest pain that medical examination and tests can pin point the existing problem. The prime cause of heart burn is when the lower esophageal sphincter muscle works improperly. It acts like a valve or opening that checks the intake of food and liquid, relaxes to allow swallowing down to stomach and after that closes tightly. Our stomach is guarded by a protective layer to prevent it from the harmful effects of acids and other chemicals, whereas esophagus lacks this layering. When the esophageal sphincter muscle open frequently and doesn't closes tightly, it allows acids from the stomach to enter esophagus and the burning starts. Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD is an acid reflux activity that occurs once a week may be more often. If it remains untreated, it can lead to ulcers and cancers.

Heart burn relief can be obtained by changing our lifestyles and eating habits. Remedies are: avoid taking large meals at one time and eating food just before bed time. Always watch when and what you are eating because some food can lead to heart burn and GERD, quit smoking because nicotine loosen esophageal sphincter muscle, don't wear tight clothes because they exert pressure on stomach, lose weight because every pound you gain add up fats on your body wielding pressure on stomach resulting acid reflux and heart burn. The use of some medications such as Antacids, Histamine 2 antagonists, and Proton Pump Inhibitor help in the relief. Antacids reduce the amount of acids the stomach produces and are commonly used fast acting heart burn relief available without prescription. Calcium Carbonate, Magnesium Hydroxide, Aluminum Hydroxide and Sodium Bicarbonate are the widely used antacids. Surgical options i.e. Fundoplication and Radio-frequency Treatment can be acquired for heart burn relief.

If you want to get heartburn relief now then visit to know about heartburn natural remedies.

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How To Deal With Acid Reflux Naturally

Many long time sufferers of Acid Reflux Disease (GERD) have spent hundreds of dollars on curing this very painful ailment, with very little success. They continue to make the multi-billion dollar drug companies wealthier by taking medications that don't even help them.

There are many natural remedies that will cure your acid reflux disease so stop supporting these drug companies and end your suffering naturally by following some very simple steps and procedures that have no side effects and will lead to a healthier body and lifestyle.

With the natural process of curing your acid reflux you will be treating the whole body, not just the GERD itself. As the condition develops from the excess accumulation of acid in the stomach, then the first thing you must do is change your eating habits. If you don't eat those fatty and acidic foods then the excess acid will not form in your stomach. This will go a long way towards fixing the problem before it begins. You can reduce your excess acid to a great extent by just cutting out what you drink. No more drinks containing caffeine, alcohol or soft drinks. These beverages contain huge amounts of excess acid and will in themselves create heartburn and acid reflux disease.

Another bad habit that can cause excess acid is smoking. This will probably be one of the hardest addictions for many of you to get rid of but, it has been proven that regular smokers are 70$ more apt to develop acid reflux disease than non smokers. Smokers will also suffer twice the discomfort as nonsmokers from acid reflux.

Exercise is another natural cure that will help in preventing acid reflux disease. You should never lay down after eating a big meal. The best thing you can do after supper is go out for a brisk walk. This will assist the body in digesting your food. You should avoid strenuous activities right after eating but it does your body and mind good to exercise early in the morning before breakfast. Get out of bed a little earlier and go for that walk or participate in some exercise. Your body will thank you for it.

Never go to bed until two or preferably three hours after eating a big supper. Your stomach will not have had time to properly digest your food before this. Also, it will help if severe acid reflux sufferers have six small meals per day instead of the traditional three larger meals. This will put less strain on your stomach in digesting the smaller meals.

Many acid reflux sufferers have found that they will get a lot of relief if they raise the head of their bed by six or eight inches. This will help prevent the food and acid from flowing back up into the esophagus. There are pillows on the market today that will keep the head elevated if raising the head of the entire bed is a problem.

These are just a few of the many natural ways you can help cure your acid reflux disease. The most important step you must take is to adjust your eating habits so you can stop the acid build up before it begins.

Ron Grant is a professional freelance writer who writes on natural health subjects. Visit his site at for more information on Acid Reflux Disease.

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Saturday, August 27, 2011

Cures for Heartburn: What Are Some of Them?

Over the years, people tend to rely on natural cures for heartburn. Usually, people look for those that can relieve the pain caused by heartburn. The usual burning sensation felt in one's stomach that seems to come from the chest is heartburn. This is usually the result of the acid from the stomach that is being pushed up to the esophagus. There are several causes of heartburn. Two known causes are either eating excessively or hasty eating.

Another cause of heartburn is when you lie down immediately after meals particularly when you consume mostly citrusy fruits, beverages and food with lots of caffeine and some spicy food. Also, take note that there are certain people that have the tendency to get heartburn attacks. This includes pregnant women, diabetic people and asthmatic people.

Medicinal Help For Heartburn

People with occasional heartburn usually take antacids sold over-the-counter. This kind of medicine, which comes in liquid, tablet forms among others helps neutralizing the acid inside your stomach. It creates a layer that prevents the acid from rising up to the esophagus. There are also other available prescriptions for people who have persistent, chronic, or severe cases of heartburn that you can get from doctors. Always take your doctor's advice for curing heartburn.

When taking prescriptions, you have to take note that these medicines have side effects. Some known side effects are constipation, bone pains and restlessness. Other known antacids drain the necessary minerals in your body like potassium and have the tendency to cause severe problems. Because of this, many people are convinced to find cures for heartburn that are natural, free of side or adverse effects and painless. Here are some known natural ways to help heartburn.

Natural Solutions For Heartburn

It is very simple to look for natural cures for heartburn. These cures can usually be seen in a garden or the nearest grocery store. Peppermint tea or oil is one of the known natural ways to help heartburn. Like other mints, it helps soothe the burning sensation although, others also say, it might cause heartburn as well. Just remember, when taking peppermint oil, one has to be careful since it can raise your blood pressure. Over the centuries, peppermint has been used in Europe as a cure for heartburn or a stomach soother.

On the other hand, in Asia, ginger is used as a natural fix for heartburn. Ginger actually helps reduce nausea and helps relieve an upset stomach. Chamomile is also one of the known cures for heartburn and it is usually people's favorite. It usually helps cure stomach ailments and heartburn and as a bonus, it also helps our mind and body to relax. Taking in chamomile can be a good remedy after painful bouts of heartburn especially in the middle of the night.

Kitchen Remedies For Heartburn

Another of many known remedies for heartburn is a plain baking soda. Baking soda is a substance that neutralizes the acidic substances in your stomach that causes you pain. When you have a bout of sudden attacks of heartburn, it is best to use baking soda when you have no time to rush outside to the nearest pharmacy to buy a counter antacid. These known natural remedies for heartburn can be used by everyone since they have lesser side and adverse effects compared to prescription drugs. When you have a mild case of heartburn, it is best for you to take a natural cure for heartburn since there are many safe and natural ways of curing it. For severe cases, it is best for you to consult your doctor for further examination before doing your own cures for heartburn.

What if you just can't find a good heartburn home remedy? I know how hard it can be living with heartburn. I've been dealing with it myself for the last six years every single day. You need things that are effective and will work now.

Some great ideas for dealing with heartburn, even if you are doing something that works, can be found here: Cures For Heartburn

Don't give up trying to find a better solution. Learn the best heartburn remedy right now by clicking the link.

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Stopping Painful Heartburn From Occurring During Exercise

Heartburn is painful at any time, and it can be caused by a number of factors. It occurs when the valve that separates the stomach from the esophagus opens enough to allow stomach acid back up inside the upper digestive tract. At no time is it more annoying than when it happens while you are exercising. Not only does it make your routine more difficult to continue, but it can also force you to stop and seek medication to give you relief. If this is something that happens to you, you'd undoubtedly like to know why it happens so frequently during exercise and what you can do to prevent it.

The more exercise you do, and the more pressure you place on the intrabdominal region of your body, can cause the valve between the stomach and esophagus to open up and allow stomach acid to force its way back into the esophagus. This causes irritation of the sensitive tissues in the esophagus which, in turn, is known as heartburn. It may relieve you to know that heartburn has nothing to do with heart problems, but it's still a painful condition that you'd rather avoid. There are some ways in which you can minimize the risk of heartburn during your exercise sessions.

To start with, you need to realize that heartburn is generally associated with food, from the time you eat it to the types of foods you ingest. Even though some theories about effective exercising say that you should exercise after you eat in order to burn off the calories you've consumed, this practice is also going to leave you wide open for heartburn. Any day that you plan to be exercising later on, you need to refrain from overeating. Exercising on a full stomach can be problematic. Therefore, eating lightly during the day, and waiting several hours after a meal before exercising can help you keep heartburn at bay.

What you drink can also cause heartburn. It is important to stay hydrated while you exercise, but in doing so, you need to avoid fruit juices and even fruit flavored waters. A study conducted by the International Journal of Sports Medicine gave evidence that fruit-flavored beverages increase the chances for heartburn. Keep this in mind and stick to drinking plain water. Carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times so that you can maintain maximum hydration throughout all of your activities.

A third easy way to lower your risk of heartburn while exercising is to take an antacid tablet prior to starting your routine. You should also carry a supply of them with you when you go to exercise. That way, if you feel the symptoms coming on, you can quickly chew a tablet that will take care of the problem quickly.

If these simple fixes don't stop your heartburn problems, or they seem to be getting worse, it's a good idea to see your doctor. Chronic GERD is a more serious type of heartburn that requires medical attention so that you don't end up permanently damaging the lining of your esophagus. Other warning signs may be experiencing heartburn during different times during the day or night.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

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Friday, August 26, 2011

Prevent Heartburn and Acid Reflux by Improving the Health of Your Diaphragm

We pay a lot of attention to maintaining the health of certain parts of our bodies, especially the heart, lungs hair, nails, and skin, but how many people ever consider their diaphragm? Unless you have had advanced lessons in activities that focus on breathing, such as singing, swimming or playing wind instruments, you probably have not heard much about your diaphragm. Consciously controlling and exercising your diaphragm helps you breathe more deeply and to hold your breath longer which is key for the above mentioned activities as well as activities in which aiming is vital such as archery, target shooting and golf.

Did you know that your diaphragm is not only important for controlling breathing, but is also vital for your overall health? The diaphragm's role in breathing also makes it part of the system that delivers proper amounts of oxygen to all the parts of your body. Without enough oxygen, virtually all parts of the body experience reduced performance and can even be damaged in the long run. One of the most noticeable side-effects of inadequate oxygen supply is a lack of energy. Sometimes, the real cause of lethargy and fatigue is simply not getting enough oxygen to the brain and muscles for them to perform at optimal levels. Any professional athlete will tell you that breathing right helps them play their best. Try this experiment: pick up something that you consider to be fairly heavy. If you try picking it up while holding your breath, you will find it more difficult than if you try picking it up while breathing deeply in and out.

An even less obvious, but no less vital aspect of the diaphragm is its effects on the digestive, blood circulatory, and nervous systems. Few people realize that the diaphragm is located not only under their lungs, but that it also separates the chest cavity (where the heart, lungs etc. are) and the abdominal cavity (home of the stomach, intestines etc.). The diaphragm extends from the front of the chest all the way to the spine and fills the rib cage below the lungs from one of your sides to the other. It is a broad, flattened, dome-like muscle that, just like any muscle in the body, can become weak and that can be strengthened with exercise, stimulation and proper diet. The diaphragm has holes in it that allow the esophagus, nerves, veins and arteries to pass through it. The muscle tissue that surrounds these holes squeeze the tubes, helping to control flow. In fact, symptoms of "heartburn", upset stomach, and vomiting can have their root cause in a weak diaphragm that is not properly constricting the esophagus.

Perhaps you have heard of a condition called a 'hiatal hernia'. This is a very painful condition in which a part of the stomach tries to squeeze through the hole in the diaphragm surrounding the esophagus. The side-effects of this condition can be confused with a stomach ulcer, heartburn, or gas build-up. Sometimes, it is even sever enough to seem like a heart attack. Typical treatments for hiatal hernia such as drastically reducing meal portions, sleeping in specific positions, and even surgery. None of these options are nearly as effective as improving the health and strength of the diaphragm muscle. Applied kinesiology techniques can help to strengthen the diaphragm muscles, thus treating the root cause of the condition.

Are you feeling weak or tired all the time? Have you had heartburn, acid reflux, gas bloating, or even symptoms of ulcers or a mild heart attack? If so, you need to see a holistic physician who specializes in applied kinesiology. The real cause of your symptoms may be a weak diaphragm.

John Enfield is a long-time patient of Dr. David Cohen, D.C. a chiropractic physician specializing in applied kinesiology. John has greatly benefited from Dr. Cohen's holistic approach to healthcare and has seem major improvement in his range of movement, reduction in chronic pain and digestive health. John used to get heartburn very easily, but now he can occasionally eat spicy foods without having to take heartburn medicines thanks to applied kinesiology methods.

John is a freelance writer, computer repair technician and landscape manager. He is excited about the improvements he has seen in his health thanks to applied kinesiology and wants everyone to know how it can benefit them.

For more information about applied kinesiology, go to

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The Symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome

It is difficult for many health care practitioners to diagnose increased intestinal permeability, aka. leaky gut syndrome, since it can manifest itself in a variety of different ways in your system. Many clinicians dispute the validity of leaky gut syndrome. Most of the time the symptoms are treated individually instead of seeing them as the result of one problem.

The small intestine contains billions of cells, which are packed tightly together to keep bacteria, viruses, and other toxins out of the body's tissues. Many people are allergic to or have an intolerance for some of the common foods that we eat such as wheat gluten. What happens is indigestible gliaden molecules combine with the cells of the small intestine which are then attacked by our immune system causing inflammation.

This then causes an increase in a protein called zonulin which appears to be responsible for maintaining the protective barrier in the small intestine, and that high levels of this protein are associated with disruptions in the barrier that allow foreign substances into the body's tissues. The intestinal lining starts to "leak," which allows bacteria, fungi, parasites and other toxins, undigested protein, fat, and waste to escape into your bloodstream.

This usually leads to a host of gastrointestinal problems such as bloating, excess gas, and cramping. Other gastrointestinal complaints can include constipation, diarrhea, candida, indigestion, and heartburn.

Once these toxins are in the bloodstream, they can take up residence in any organ or tissue where they find room. Chronic inflammation begins and eventually degeneration of that organ could occur. One of the first organs affected by leaky gut syndrome is your liver. The more toxins enter your bloodstream, the more your liver has to work to excrete them.

If left untreated, your liver will eventually become overloaded and no longer do its job properly. As a result, the toxins are returned into the blood to re-circulate. If too many toxins accumulate within the body, your immune system exhausts itself working fighting them, which leads to a portion of the toxins inevitably entering the body. Bacteria can accumulate to unhealthy levels leaving you vulnerable to other infections.

The adrenal glands are small glands that sit on top of your kidneys and are vital in resisting infection. With the prolonged presence of leaky gut syndrome, the adrenalin supply is slowly reduced, resulting in adrenal fatigue. Symptoms of adrenal fatigue include exhaustion, sleep that doesn't refresh you, inability to cope with stress, difficulty concentrating, and poor digestion.

It is important for you to understand your body and what it is telling you. Once you have a diagnosis in hand, then leaky gut becomes far less troublesome and menacing. An accurate diagnosis can also provide you with an effective treatment. Treating your symptoms as they develop individually is not the answer. If your present health care provider is unable or unwilling to consider the possibility of leaky gut you may want to consult a holistic practitioner.

Visit for more information about leaky gut syndrome.

For more great tips on leaky gut symptoms, visit

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What Is Acid Reflux Disease And How Does It Affect You?

Acid reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD, Gastroesophogeal Reflux Disease, is an ailment of the upper digestive system wherein the stomach releases the contents of digestion back up into the esophagus. The causes of acid reflux disease relate to a partial break down of certain bodily responses which control acid regurgitation, and typically occur as the body gets older or during significant hormonal events.

Another major contributor is when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), weakens allowing the contents of the stomach to seep into the esophagus causing discomfort and pain. Being familiar with a few of the processes associated with GERD can greatly assist you in understanding this disease and why it occurs in many individuals.

Esophageal reflux actually occurs in many people as a natural side effect of digestion. In those persons who do not exhibit GERD symptoms, the body's methods of defense against damaging levels of acid in reflux are adequate to prevent issues. These defenses include sufficient levels of bicarbonate production in saliva coupled with consistent swallowing, an upright position to allow for acid and other digestive fluids to flow back down the esophagus, and an overall reduced level of acid in reflux. Refluxing constantly, with a high amount of acid present, and the inability for refluxed acid to either be neutralized in the esophagus or to flow back down, is what leads to the actual symptomatic ailments of GERD.

Most esophageal refluxes contain a mixture of pepsin, stomach acid, and, in some cases, bile. While bile and pepsin may have effects on the esophagus, the one sure culprit is, of course, stomach acid. The reasons why some people have inflammatory symptoms and other don't is not yet known. The only thing that can be said is that those who suffer from GERD lack the natural processes to reduce acid levels consistently.

Those who suffer from GERD have most of their episodes at night, as this owes to the body's non-upright posture. Without a proper upright posture swallowing can't happen, any reflux can't adequately flow back down the esophagus and the overall production of saliva is reduced. These combine to increase acidity of stomach acids, and worsen GERD symptoms. So it's always a good idea to take any medication before you go to sleep.

Unfortunately, if you suffer from GERD you are most likely going to have it the rest of your life. With consistent symptoms and associated discomfort comes the need for consistent treatment. These treatment schedules can sometimes be tailored to only be administered when symptoms begin, but in most cases acid blockers and the like will have to be take indefinitely.

Some GERD symptoms are transient, however, and a good example of this is a woman who is pregnant. Pregnant women have been known to experience episodes of acid reflux without consistent symptoms. This can be explained by the pressure that occurs on the abdomen the growing child.

This theory extends into the prevalence for those that are overweight and have large amounts of visceral, or organ, fat to also be predominantly susceptible to GERD, as the increase abdominal pressure from added fat stores can force additional acid up the esophagus.

Katie Smith is an expert in Acid Reflux and runs the very successful and popular site about Acid Reflux. She has helped thousands of people find relief from acid reflux and related issues. Visit her site right now for more information and/or help on acid reflux disease.

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

Simple Lifestyle Changes That Can Relieve Heartburn

If you are interested in discovering heartburn remedies, you will be pleased to know that there are several simple lifestyle changes that can alleviate the discomfort that you experience with this condition. According to statistics, at least one person out of every ten people that reside in the United States will experience heartburn on an average of at least one time in each seven day week.

It has been established that this condition is not related to the heart within the body, but that there are many symptoms associated with this condition that resemble those associated with heart complications such as a heart attacks. When an individual experiences heartburn, it indicates that their esophagus is experiencing irritation from acids that flowed back abnormally from the stomach. In this guide, you will be introduced to several heartburn remedies that will assist you in experiencing this issue less frequently.

1. The first step to determining which heartburn remedies will be most productive to your situation is to determine what is causing the heartburn that you are experiencing. In order to do this, you should keep a journal that tracks the foods that you have consumed as well as the activities that you have been indulging in. It is important to highlight these factors as medical professionals have found that certain foods and certain activities may result in an abnormal backflow of stomach acid into the esophagus. By keeping track of when you experience heartburn symptoms, you will be able to determine what triggers the discomfort that you experience.

2. If you exercise, it is important to understand how to do it without encouraging heartburn to develop. You should make certain that you wait on indulging in exercises until at least two to two and a half hours have passed after consuming food. It is also important to ensure that while you are exercising that you consume plenty of water. If you still find that you are experiencing heartburn, it is important to lower the intensity of your physical activity and ensure that you are not indulging in a diet that actually results in heartburn.

3. When searching for heartburn remedies, you will likely discover that there are many products that should be avoided. Examples include tobacco products and products that contain alcohol. It is important to ensure that you avoid smoking and that you do not indulge in beverages that contain alcohol. Not only do these products result in higher levels of acid in the stomach, but they also relax the muscular valve at the end of the esophagus. This could result in the valve staying open and the gastric juices being permitted to flow back abnormally into the esophagus.

4. There are certain types of foods that you should avoid if you find that you suffer frequently from heartburn. Making adjustments to the diet is considered to be one of the most popular and beneficial lifestyle adjustments. You should avoid foods that contain fats, grease, certain types of acids and grains.

5. If you suffer from heartburn, it is important to ensure that you pay close attention to how you rest. You should avoid lying down flat and should always make sure that your upper body is elevated. It is also important to avoid lying down within three hours of eating.

As you can see, there are many simple lifestyle adjustments that may be made in order to reduce the likelihood that you will experience heartburn. It is best to keep a journal so that you are able to discover potential triggers of heartburn. By doing so, you will be able to determine other types of adjustments that you may be able to make in your life. By following the heartburn remedies in this guide, you are likely to discover that you experience far fewer - if any - heartburn flare ups.

Dr. Clifton Thomas is a gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeon in Houston, Texas. To find out more about your options for treating Gastroesophageal reflux disease visit his site at

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Three Stupidly Simple Cures For Heartburn

So you've just eaten a gorgeous meal of spicy Indian dishes with the in-laws even though you are precisely like one in four of the adult population and put up with heartburn weekly. You already know you're in for a lengthy night of heartburn suffering. But hey, you're human and didn't want to be rude by refusing to enjoy the meal. Don't you be overly concerned; I must assist you. Let me supply you with three stupidly simple, yet scientifically looked into, quick cures for heartburn.

Even when I can help you with quick remedy of heartburn I urge you to pay a visit to a doctor - specially when you have it daily. Heartburn is also a warning sign of heart attack and angina. A doctor can to perform exams to rule out heart disease.

Cures for Heartburn One

Will you get your paws on some soothing chamomile tea?

Chamomile is a plant which is typically crafted into a delicious tea. The plant is shown to provide you a relaxing effect on your oesophagus. So in the event you identify you're going to destroy a huge meal of spicy food, I like to recommend you carry some of your trusty chamomile tea. You can never be positive that the destination you're heading have it. As an added advantage chamomile has been confirmed to assist in assisting people to sleep much better. So you'll not only minimize your heartburn but you also will get superb nights sleep.

Cures for Heartburn Two

Are you able to get your paws on some calcium filled spinach and or broccoli?

The physically active additive in non-prescription antacids is calcium. The legitimate reason why is this: calcium quickly neutralises stomach acid (not a quality thing long term). The better way to get a really good shot of calcium is by feasting on some calcium dense spinach or broccoli. I wager Popeye the sailor man had no trouble with heartburn!

Cures for Heartburn Three

Is it possible to get your hands on some ice cream, whole milk, cheese or yoghurt?

Ice cream, milk, cheese and yoghurt are dense in calcium and therefore will give you relief just the same as spinach or broccoli. Nonetheless, these foods have got specific enzymes and bacteria that chemically benefit with digestion. A chilly glass of milk or wallop of ice cream is two of my personal favourite remedies for heartburn relief. The soft ice cream cools down heartburn straightaway!

Permanent Cures for Heartburn

Heartburn causes uncomfortableness in a lot of sufferers' standard of living. Quality of sleep is less than ideal causing stress and other health difficulties. It's one thing for me to present you three instant and easy cures for heartburn relief but I would feel extremely guilty only giving you relief. I feel the need to help you track down the perpetual cures for heartburn. I go through all the research when it publishes and compose summaries at my website: come a have a look at.

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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Nitty Gritty On Acid Reflux Symptoms

The stomach contains acidic juices like hydrochloric acid, pepsin, and bile produced by the liver. These juices are intended to aid the stomach in digestion and release energy. Hydrochloric acid is very corrosive but helps in the prevention of harmful bacteria from living in the stomach. Your stomach contains a protective acid proof lining.

Now does this mean all of your digestive track is protected? No! The lower esophageal sphincter or LES is the muscular valve that connects your esophagus to your tummy and it doesn't have any acid proof lining. This valve is there to serve one purpose. Open to let food in then close the esophagus up again. When it doesn't close tightly and decides to relax on the job, Acid Reflux is the result, most commonly in the form of heartburn.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux typically show up, (as stated above), in the form of heartburn. Heartburn is a burn you experience that ranges from the stomach to the chest, and into the throat. Heartburn usually transpires with the following activities: after a heavy meal, bending over, lifting, lying down (usually on back), and during pregnancy! Right ladies? Dreadful isn't it?

People who experience this at night typically have worse symptoms than those who go through it during the day. Despite its characteristics, reflux it is not usually a sign of anything seriously wrong.

Dyspepsia is a syndrome that consist of the following: pain/discomfort in upper abdomen, fullness in stomach, and nausea after eating. People may have this syndrome without actually having the condition.

Regurgitation is the sensation of acid backing up in the throat. Regurgitation can make it as far up as the mouth. It can also result in vomiting but this is not common. You should seek medical attention if you experience vomiting because this could lead to other serious health problems.

Chest sensation or pain is a less common symptom of reflux. Patients complain about the feeling of food trapped behind the breastbone. Ouch! This is a well known symptom of this condition. It is imperative to be able to tell the difference between chest pain that stems from heart conditions and those from acid reflux.

Symptoms that occur in the throat include acid laryngitis which results in: hoarseness, dry cough, and a sensation of having a lump in the throat (which causes the patient to get the urge to swallow frequently). Trouble swallowing, chronic sore throat, persistent coughs, coughing, respiratory symptoms, chronic nausea, and vomiting are all commonly due to this condition as well.

Other causes of chronic nausea should be ruled out first such as: ulcers, stomach cancer, an obstruction in the digestive tract, and pancreas or gallbladder disorders.

Katie Smith is an expert in Acid Reflux and runs the very successful and popular site about Acid Reflux. She has helped thousands of people find relief from acid reflux and related issues. Visit her site right now for more information and/or help with symptoms of acid reflux.

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Heartburn Natural Remedies - Effective Alternative To Conventional Drug Based Medication

Are you concerned about the medication that you are taking to control your heartburn? If so, should you consider the potential safer, healthier alternative that heartburn natural remedies offer? Read on and you could be convinced that there is a much more effective way to get relief from your problem that does not rely on any drugs whatsoever.

Occasional heartburn is normally just an inconvenience and most people suffer an attack every now and then. However, when heartburn attacks become regular, not only can they be extremely distressing, they can actually lead on to very serious health problems.

This has resulted in a huge range of prescribed or over-the-counter medication available to heartburn sufferers, the majority of which are drug based.

But, in recent times however, frequent reports concerning the adverse potentially harmful effects of taking drug based medication on a regular basis has encouraged many people to look at alternative ways to get that all important relief from their problems.

Consequently there has been an upsurge in interest in alternative natural remedies and treatment for heartburn. Sufferers have discovered that they offer equal if not more effective relief without producing these side effects so, more and more of them are now choosing natural treatment in preference to conventional medication.

We are told by the medical experts that heartburn cannot be cured and the best we can do is to control it with some drug based medication. But this is simply untrue. There is a great deal of evidence which demonstrates that there are many forms of totally natural treatment that will produce effective and long term relief from heartburn.

Common medications such as Prilosec, Nexium, Prevacid and Protonix all work by reducing the amount of stomach acid that your stomach produces. But there is a very important flaw in this type of treatment - you are only treating the symptoms of heartburn and not dealing with what is causing heartburn in the first place.

Furthermore, stomach acid is essential for effective digestion to take place. Reducing the amount of acid produced. long term must have potentially serious health implications.

Is it any wonder, therefore, that so many sufferers are turning away from conventional medication in favour of natural treatment. There is a great deal of information available online supporting the benefits of heartburn natural remedies and treatment. To deal with all of them would require a book, not an article, so here let's briefly look at three fundamental ways that heartburn can be effectively treated.

(1) Diet - learn what foods can trigger your heartburn and avoid them. Eat smaller more regular meals, include apples and drink plenty of water.

(2) Lifestyle - take care of your weight, exercise regularly, quit smoking, reduce or limit alcohol consumption and find ways to reduce stress levels.

(3) Natural Medication - you can choose herbal or homeopathic medications as an alternative to conventional types.

The most important advantage of taking a natural approach to solving your problem is that you identify and deal with the factors that are causing your heartburn and not simply dealing with the symptoms. So, much more effective than just reducing stomach acid production.

One final thought, if you were to combine the most effective elements of each of the above forms of treatment into a holistic program of therapy, how effective would that treatment be?

Of course this is just scratching the surface of the possibilities offered by choosing heartburn natural remedies. Hopefully it will encourage you to investigate further.

Natural Heartburn Remedies That Offer Permanent Relief

Most conventional treatments for heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.

A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your heartburn and acid reflux.

So, discover how combining the most effective heartburn natural remedies into this program of holistic treatment, will provide lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visiting

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Finding Heartburn Treatment for Everyone

Every person is different. No, this is not a sappy article about the uniqueness of humanity and individuals, but the statement is as true when dealing with medical treatments as it is when looking at individual worth. Every person is different as is every case of heartburn. If you are looking for the right heartburn treatment option for you and all your uniqueness, then consider following these tips.

1. Discover the Cause: There are many different causes of heartburn. Often, the best way to solve the symptoms of heartburn is to first identify the original cause of the heartburn. The most effective heartburn treatment for you will be the ones that address the causes of the heartburn.

2. Do Your Research: Since you are reading this, we can assume that you have this tip well in hand. Do some research about heartburn treatments in order to find the best option for you. Research can be done online (as you have already discovered), through books, or by asking intelligent questions of a doctor in the know.

3. Start Simple: Some of the heartburn treatment options meant for severe cases of heartburn are a little overkill. Try some of the more simple and gentle heartburn treatments first before jumping right into a prescription heartburn medication.

4. As Your Family About Their Experiences: One of the causes of heartburn seems to be genetics. If you have a long line of heartburn sufferers in your pedigree, then ask those family members what they have done to find heartburn relief.

5. Live Healthier: Sometimes just making simple healthy lifestyle changes like moving more, drinking more water, and eating fruits and vegetables will be all the heartburn treatment you need- plus you will look and feel better as well. Win Win!

6. Be Consistent: Sometimes heartburn pops up just because we are asking too much of our digestive system by eating large meals at strange times. Our bodies like schedules. Try being more consistent in your eating habits and see if that alleviates your heartburn symptoms.

7. Talk to Your Doctor: If your heartburn has been a constant battle, then it might be time to head to the doctor and ask what he can do for you.

8. Eat Less: Sometimes portion control is all you need. Eat whatever you want, but stop when you are full, and you could very well stomp out heartburn without having to let go of your favorite foods.

There are many other tips out there to help you treat heartburn, but these happen to be the most simple and effective ways to either identify what you need or completely cure your heartburn. If you want to get more details on any of these specific tips, then consider looking through the articles on this site that give a little more in-depth insight to those tips. Heartburn is a frustrating ailment to suffer from, but it does not have to be permanent for everyone.

Stephanie GAETTI is an expert in heartburn treatment and runs a very successful and popular blog on heartburn relief.
She has helped thousands of people curing their heartburn. Visit chronic heartburn treatment for more information.

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Tuesday, August 23, 2011

The Key Reasons Why Children Get Acid Reflux?

Acid reflux is really a medical problem during which the particular acid-containing stomach contents regurgitate back into the actual wind pipe. It occurs when ever the tube which is being applied to be able to intake the particular food from the actual mouth to be able to the gut isn't powerful sufficient to be able to hold the particular acid. It's a problem which several individuals suffer from and within the case of youngsters, most may get by way of it by the particular time they're two years old.

Nearly all of you believe which only adults encounter this, however no, at the same time young children encounter it. It can be typical in the initial 3 months of age in more than one half of virtually all infants. You will find signs for us to be able to know if our toddlers are already suffering from the actual condition:

• Whenever your children decline to feed due to the fact it can be distressing to swallow.
• Any time the babies display poor weight acquire.
• When the newborns spit up a whole lot or just a little though not pretty much all children utilizing this condition spit up.
• Whenever the infants aren't growing out of this colic and/or spitting up.
• Any time the toddlers often cry as well as not just a easy cry however the painful cry.
• Any time your infants frequently waken through the night and cry real challenging.
• Any time your babies drools continuously.
• If your children hiccup or burp frequently.
• When the babies have got sore throats and are experiencing choking, gagging, hacking and coughing, erosion of dental tooth enamel.
• When your children possess respiratory infection, wheezing as well as asthma.

These happen to be the unique symptoms that your babies already have heartburn / acid reflux. These symptoms will be brought by distinct triggers of heartburn. A lot of these are various triggers of acid reflux disease in youngsters: first, infants are mainly on a liquid diet as well as the digestive system isn't as forgiving regarding stretching to be able to accommodate the actual fluid so some goes up. Second, children now have small wind pipe therefore it wants to grow. Third, toddlers are usually floppy with poor head and motor skills as well as they typically lie a lot. Fourth, as infants get far more muscle control, sit up as well as eat solid food, additional with the food stays inside the stomach area. Fifth, acid reflux disease must be a sign of the far more critical ailment that needs to be treated right away.

Numerous little ones do not call for cure and symptoms typically disappear among 12 as well as eighteen months of age. Even so, for a few children, acid reflux disease is severe as well as medical therapy and evaluation is necessary. It really is time for you in order to visit your physician. For additional information concerning acid reflux, you can search the net for a lot more symptoms and causes. Always look at your children.

Tom is skilled in acid reflux disorder disease and operates the very useful and well-known site regarding symptoms of acid reflux. He has helped lots of people calm their acid reflux problems. Visit their website right now for more info on acid reflux and help on protonix side effects.

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Easy To Find Fast Relief for Heartburn

Fast relief for Heartburn remedies are easy to find and the needed ingredients can be found within your home. However, before you know about these remedies you have to equip yourself with ample of knowledge of what heartburn really is and how to deal or treat it accordingly. Heartburn is a common medical condition that could possibly affect anyone regardless of age, social status and gender. It is when the acid and the undigested food in the stomach seemed to go upward straight right to the esophagus often causing severe pain and a feeling of burning sensation around the chest up to the throat.

This medical condition is found commonly these days and there is no need to panic if anyone is suffering from this. However, you must know if you do not treat it fast and accordingly, heartburn could lead to some forms of complications that you surely do not want. Hence, it is a must to look for fast relief for Heartburn.

If you experience heartburn for whatever reasons, you need to look for remedies that can help you get instant relief of this condition. There are a lot of food items easily available in any house which can definitely affect well in treating heartburn. Here are some of the things which you can easily find right in your kitchen:

• Baking Soda - this is a common baking ingredient that is present in most if not all kitchens. This has been proven to effectively treat heartburn. You simply need to take a glass of water mixed with a teaspoon of baking soda. Baking soda relieves heartburn by stopping the acid reflux. It does the job by neutralizing the acid in the stomach. However, as a precaution, you should not take this too often because of its high sodium content.

• Apple Cider Vinegar - being a commonly used cooking ingredient, you will definitely not have a hard time picking this up whenever the need arises. This can treat heartburn fast because of its property of being able to balance the stomach's pH causing its acidity to reduce. A teaspoon of this kind of vinegar mix with half cup of water will be sufficed for fast relief.

• Wheat and Barley Grass - although this is not common in most households, a drink made from this specie of grasses has also been proven effective to cure heartburn. Experts even suggest taking a daily dose of this healthy drink can help you in many other ways as well.

• Pickle Juice - this is another remedy that can help you get relief from this condition. Like the apple cider vinegar this kind of juice drink also has the capacity to balance the pH of the stomach making it very effective in treating the pain caused by heartburn.

• Antacid - if all the natural remedies mentioned above is not enough to give you relief from acid reflux, you should take this tablet. Although there are many tablets available and it is always advisable to consult a doctor before you take any medication.

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Monday, August 22, 2011

Treating Acid Reflux in Infants

Over half of all infants experience the effects of acid reflux disease during the first three months after they are born. The symptoms they exhibit can include vomiting, spitting up, irritability, coughing, bloody stools, and not wanting to eat. The majority of infants do not experience anything more then mild symptoms and fortunately most infants begin to grow out of it at around 12 to 18 months.

For those infants who are not fortunate enough to outgrow the effects their symptoms may become more severe over time. Many times if GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease) does not go away in an infant it is the result of some other disease or disorder which needs to be evaluated by a doctor. More severe symptoms of acid reflux in infants includes slow or stunted growth, refusing to eat or failure to keep food down, and even blood loss from the burning of the esophagus.

Be on the alert for projectile vomiting that is green or yellow in appearance. Also check to see if it looks like there are coffee grounds or blood in the vomit as well as your child having difficulty breathing or finds it painful to swallow. These are all the signs of GERD and need the immediate attention of a doctor.

The first thing any good pediatrician will recommend for an infant with acid reflux is a change in diet and how the baby is being fed. In fact just holding a baby in a more upright position during feeding can make a big difference. Over feeding also needs to be avoided as it will exacerbate GERD. A smaller amount of formula fed more often through out the day is the best way to avoid symptoms in infants.

Here's a quick tip you can try when feeding your infant: Take one tablespoon of rice cereal and mix it with 2 ounces of baby formula or milk in your baby's bottle. After this is fed be sure to burp the baby and hold the baby in an upright position for up to 30 minutes after burping.

In addition to dietary changes your child's pediatrician may also prescribe medications to further treat the symptoms. These medications are available either over the counter or through a prescription and come in two forms; H2 blockers and proton pump inhibitors. The primary goal of using reflux medications is to reduce the amount of acid in the stomach.

The good news as stated earlier is that most infants will outgrow this disease. Acid reflux in infants is usually short lived with very few carrying their symptoms into their adolescent and teenage years. The best place to start if you suspect your baby has acid reflux is a visit to your pediatrician.

To learn more about the symptoms of acid reflux in babies please visit the website Acid Reflux Disease by clicking here.

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Identifying Foods and Other Factors That Cause Heartburn

It's difficult to identify the foods that cause people to have heartburn, because different people react to different foods. In general, anything acidic, fried, or spicy can be a culprit as well as coffee, alcoholic beverages, citrus drinks, and chocolate. Possibly you've noticed that you often develop heartburn after consuming one of these foods; however, it isn't always that easy to determine what is causing your problem, and a doctor isn't going to be able to tell you. Instead, you'll need to keep a food diary which should show you a pattern of foods and heartburn over time.

Get a small notebook that can easily fit in a pocket or purse, and carry it and a pen along with you. That way, if you have something to eat or drink, you'll be able to write it down immediately instead of trying to remember later on. Make a note of the times that you eat the various items, and also record times when you've experienced heartburn. It may take awhile to pinpoint what's causing your problem, but you should be able to see a pattern eventually. Once you've targeted certain foods and types of foods as being those that seem to bring on heartburn, you can eliminate them from your diet to see if that makes a difference.

Unfortunately, while it's common to have certain foods that trigger heartburn, not every case can be traced back to something like a tomato, an orange, or a chocolate bar. Some people experience heartburn based on the amount of food they eat. It's easy to understand why this is the case when you realize that heartburn is caused by an overflow of stomach acid. If your stomach is too full, there isn't anywhere for the acid to go except back up into your esophagus. When it does, you suffer a bout of heartburn.

While you're recording the foods you eat, you can also be limiting the amount you eat at one time to see if that helps your problem. Eating a number of smaller meals throughout the day instead of three large ones might be the only change you need to make in your eating habits.

Other factors that can exacerbate heartburn problems include lying down too soon following a meal or wearing clothing that is so tight that it restricts your normal body processes. Once again, these are easy fixes to the problem if they happen to work for you.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

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Number One of All Home Heartburn Remedies

When it comes to home heartburn remedies I have tried just about everything imaginable and each has provided some degree of relief. OK, some have flat out not worked...but there is one thing that really does make a difference.

So, what's the reason for all the suspense? Well, to be honest, it took me a lifetime to figure this out...probably because it is so simple. And when you hear the remedy, just as I had heard it on many occasions, you will probably dismiss it just as I did... theorizing that "it just can't be that easy."

Also, it's important to point out that this number 1 remedy won't work unless you make some changes to your lifestyle and diet. In other words...if you are not willing to get rid of the junk food, greasy foods, acidic foods, spicy foods, coffee, alcohol, and sodas...then forget it. The number 1 home heartburn remedy will not work for you. For that matter neither will number 2 or 3 and so on.

Even when a doctor prescribes a pharmaceutical for heartburn and acid reflux he discusses the importance of diet and lifestyle change. "Don't eat so fast." "Don't eat for at least 2 hours prior to going to bed." And most importantly, "Lose weight!" For pharmaceuticals or home remedies to really work you are going to have to give them some help. There is no magic bullet.

OK. Enough with the suspense. The number one home heartburn remedy is...water. I told you it was simple. And, if you'll take a moment to consider "why" it works then it makes perfect sense.

What have we been told all our lives about how to dilute acid? "Throw water on it." Well, that's exactly why water helps give relief from heartburn and acid reflux. The water dilutes and flushes the acid which produces relief.

If you encounter difficult heartburn or reflux then drink a couple of glasses of water. Even better is to drink plenty of water through the day. Keep a large glass of water with you and take a few sips every few minutes. The steady flow of water into your system prevents acid buildup.

Unfortunately, most of us start our days with coffee which is not a good idea. In fact, coffee is highly acidic and complicates your heartburn problem. Additionally, many of us love to start the day with fresh orange juice. Again you are adding more acid to your system.

Then through the day we drink sodas. Sorry, diet sodas contribute just as much as sugary sodas to the problem. So if you really want to get your heartburn and acid reflux under control you must dispense with the sodas.

If you will simply replace all the aforementioned beverages from your daily diet and replace them with good clean fresh water you will do much to put a stop to heartburn and acid reflux.

Of all the other home remedies like chewing gum, vinegar, baking soda, and milk...water is superior to all of them. Like the old ad slogan, "Try it you'll like it."

Again I want to emphasize the importance of diet and lifestyle change. It was so hard for me to give up coffee and diet sodas but that one thing alone has made a dramatic change in my life.

Use water to dilute and flush away the acid that causes your heartburn and acid reflux. It is the best of all home heartburn remedies.

Richard Weirich co-hosts the internationally popular Health at Last Radio and has written numerous publications on heartburn, acid reflux, weight loss, health, and wellness. For more articles on home heartburn remedies click here and you can also visit the author's website here.

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Sunday, August 21, 2011

Surgery for GERD Sufferers

If you are considering acid reflux surgery, it is important that you learn as much as possible about the procedures that are available. When you evaluate the procedures that individuals with acid reflux indulge in today, you will quickly find that there is a high level of technological advancement when it comes to solutions for gastrointestinal issues. In the past, it was common for individuals who participated in surgeries to be admitted to hospitals for long periods of time. Additionally, most were left with unsightly and often embarrassing scars. In today's world, individuals now have the capability to only experience being admitted to the hospital for a short amount of time. Furthermore, fewer visible scars are left behind. For those that are unable to experience relief from heartburn and esophageal backflow, acid reflux surgery is the optimal choice.

If you are considering acid reflux surgery, it is important to determine whether or not you are an ideal candidate for the procedure. The first and most important fact about this type of procedure is that it should only be used as an absolute last resort. It is important to ensure that you indulge in other treatments that are considered to be more conservative or conventional prior to committing to having a surgery performed. Examples of treatment that should be indulged in before considering acid reflux surgery are lifestyle changes, dietary changes, and using common over-the-counter treatments. If you have used these types of treatments and you have found that they do not relieve your symptoms, you will likely benefit from having surgery performed.

If you are interested in having acid reflux surgery performed, it is important to determine which symptoms you consider to be most troubling or uncomfortable. The doctor that will be performing the surgery will need to know so that they are able to pinpoint the region of the body that is most affected by the condition. In addition to this, since the doctor will want to provide you with relief, they need to know exactly where to start. You should be certain that you write down all of the major complaints that you have and any major complications that you experience. The goal of this type of surgery is to provide you with the relief that you need in order to live comfortably each day. It is to improve the overall quality of life that you experience so that you are able to enjoy life again. By sharing your major complaints with the surgeon, the procedure may be able to do this for you.

If you are interested in having acid reflux surgery performed, it is important to determine if your insurance company will cover the procedure. In most instances, you will be required to pay a certain amount of the procedure. You should learn what this amount it so that you are able to prepare financially for the procedure. It is also important to ensure that your health is in good standing. Most surgeons will not perform this type of surgery on an individual that has underlying medical conditions. This is due to the fact that there are risks and complications associated with this type of procedure. If you are healthy apart from the heartburn and other gastrointestinal complications that you experience, acid reflux surgery may be an appropriate option for you.

Dr. Clifton Thomas is a gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeon in Houston, Texas. To find out more about your options for treating Gastroesophageal reflux disease visit his site at

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Surgeries for Acid Reflux

If you suffer from frequent bouts of heartburn, it may be in your best interest to consider acid reflux surgery. In most instances, an individual that experiences heartburn may benefit from making simple lifestyle and dietary changes, or receiving specialized treatment from a medical professional. However, there are several patients of this condition that find that these strategies are completely ineffective.

Due to the fact that acid reflux has the capability of causing many different complications, many individuals must turn to more drastic measures in order to eliminate the symptoms associated with the condition. This is where acid reflux surgery methods come in. For those that have been unsuccessful in their attempts to resolve the issues that they suffer from, surgery may be the best strategy for overcoming the challenges that they face. In this guide, you will learn about the most popular surgery options.

When Surgery should be Considered

There are many instances when surgery should be considered. If you are interested in this treatment strategy, it is important to know when it is considered to be appropriate and when it is not considered to be appropriate. The following outlines when acid reflux surgery should be seriously taken into consideration:

• If you have tried other medical treatments such as medications and have not experience any relief from the symptoms that you experience as a result of reflux, you may benefit from surgery.

• If you have been informed that the muscle medically identified as the "Sphincter" is not working appropriately, it is important to consider one of the surgical procedures.

• If complications have developed, such as esophageal cancer, surgery may be the best option.

Laparoscopic Acid Reflux Surgery

Many individuals elect to have laparoscopic surgery for acid reflux often choose this method because of the fact that it is considered to be minimally invasive. The medical professional that is performing the procedure uses a special tool that has a microscopic video camera as well as a light source located on the end of it. This transmits video images to a monitor. Once the surgeon is able to see the issues that are occurring in the body, they are able to attach special tools to the device in order to correct issues that are discovered. Individuals that have this type of acid reflux surgery performed do not experience the typical scarring that occurs with other types of surgeries, have a shorter hospital stay, and incur fewer expenses because of the type of procedure involved.

Laparoscopic Antireflux Surgery

This type of surgery assists in resolving complications associated with the valve that is located in the bottom region of the esophagus. The surgeon that is performing this procedure will take the upper section of the stomach and wrap it tightly around the esophagus so that there is an exceptionally tight sphincter that creates a type of seal.

If an individual has not had any type of surgery in the abdominal cavity, does not suffer from bleeding disorders, and have no other types of medical conditions, they may qualify for this type of acid reflux surgery. If you experience severe bouts of acid reflux and find that traditional methods are not working for you, you may benefit from acid reflux surgery.

There are several different types, so it is important to work with your doctor in order to determine the best for your individual needs.

Dr. Clifton Thomas is a gastrointestinal endoscopic surgeon in Houston, Texas. To find out more about your options for treating Gastroesophageal reflux disease visit his site at

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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Excess Stomach Acid Symptoms and Tips

Stomach Acid Symptoms

Before you run to the pharmacy to get a new cure for stomach acid (also known as acid reflux), it's important to know the symptoms to watch out for. If you aren't sure that you have any acid symptoms, it may be a good idea to ask a doctor, and then decide your next step. Reflux can also be too low, or too high. Most people's experience will be different depending on the pH of the acid within their stomach.

Low Stomach Acid Symptoms

With low levels of acid, people can experience symptoms similar to indigestion. Because of the low amount of acid, protein and minerals often cannot be digested quickly. Usually, this takes the form of heartburn, constipation, and general indigestion. Since bacteria can build up inside the stomach of a person who has low acid, belching, flatulence, and bloating are also very common. One of the most easily recognized symptoms of low acid is being able to see undigested food in your stool.

Low Acid Level Symptoms and Nutrition

The lack of protein and minerals that are used in low acid levels often shows itself in other ways. Women may notice hair loss. Both men and women may experience brittle nails, acne, and signs of vitamin deficiency. Surprisingly enough, food allergies will often flare up due to low levels of acid. If you feel malnourished, or just don't seem like yourself anymore, it might be time to compare your symptoms.

Emotional Stomach Acid Symptoms

Emotionally, this can cause serious problems. Low acid increases cortisol, which has been known to cause weight gain and temper problems. People who have low acidic levels are also often tired, irritable, and even morose. Sufferers from high acid often experience discomfort and embarrassment because of their digestive problems.

High Acid Level Symptoms

High acid comes with its own slew of problems. The most obvious signs of high acid include a painful, burning feeling inside the stomach. Your mouth might also experience an unusually sour taste. Some patients also feel bouts of nausea and gas. Because of the sour taste that is left in patients' mouths, and also because of the nausea that many people who suffer from high levels of acid endure, another high stomach acid symptom is a loss of appetite.

People who have high acid might also experience ulcers and acid reflux in it's most typical sense of the word. If you have a stomach ulcer, go to a doctor immediately. This is a very serious stomach acid symptom.

The Causes of Stomach Acid Symptoms

90% of the problems that cause heartburn or reflux problems are actually self-inflicted. For people with low acid levels, one of the lead causes of the symptoms that they are trying to get rid of is actually taking antacids. People with high levels often have only their diets to blame. Depending on what stomach acid symptoms you are experiencing.

If you are experiencing Stomach Acid Symptoms of any kind, there is help available to you. Don't wait through another day of pain, discomfort, and embarrassment. Talk with your doctor, read more on Foods To Avoid With Acid Reflux Disease.

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Stomach Ulcers and Natural Remedies

First you need to know what caused your susceptibility so ulcers do not become a repetitive occurrence in your life. Stomach acid imbalance, too many pain relievers, taking capsules on an empty tummy, stress, Dosha imbalances and too much pepsin are common causes that compromise the body making it susceptible to ulcers. 90% of duodenal ulcers are developed by a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). While everyone will have individualistic needs, below are some essential natural remedies:

Mastica: Safe effective alternative to antibiotics to clear gastro-intestinal disorders (gastritis, gastro-esophageal reflux disease (GERD), intestinal inflammation). Mastic Gum, 500 mg twice daily for two weeks, kills H. pylori without killing the necessary friendly bacteria in the tummy.

Cabbage: Juice raw cabbage to cleanse, sooth and heal. Mix with carrots, apples and ginger root. Drink 1/2 C 30 minutes prior to meals and at bed time. If you do not have access to a juicer make a broth with carrots and onion. Add cayenne, raw garlic and raw green herbs right before drinking for optimum antibiotics and immune function.

Cayenne pepper: Natural pain reliever to take in broths, teas or capsules.

Greens: Juices & Smoothies (barley, wheat grass, kale) alkalize the body for healing.

Plantains & Bananas: Eat 1 daily to thicken stomach wall and increase mucus production, building a barrier between digestive acids and the lining of the stomach. Add to smoothies for yum factor.

Herbal Teas: Slippery Elm Bark soothes the stomach mucous membranes. Find a mixture that has slippery elm bark, marshmallow, and licorice root.

Raw Honey: Antimicrobial to soothe and reduce inflammation. Take with peppermint and ginger tea for bloat, gas, burning and after meals to aid digestion.

Optimal Digestion: Eat 6 mini meals through the day, we do not want to put layers of food in our tummies. Do not "eat on the run," when in a negative mind state or after 8pm. Eat just before you begin to feel hungry and stop eating just before you feel full, we do not want our bellies too hungry nor too full. Take the bulk of your liquids at least 30 before and after meals so you do not dilute digestive juices. Please stay away from meats as they very acidifying to the body and hard to digest. In the least, do not pair meet and starches.

Digestive Enzymes: Aids the body to break down protein and fats.

Pro-biotics: Replaces friendly bacteria if you took prescription antibiotics.

Dairy: Replace cow products with goats'.

Stress-reduction: Do not forget yoga, deep breathing, meditation, aromatherapy, visualization and massage.

Reflection: Set aside time to become aware-acknowledge-accept "what is eating you." Ask for healing, give yourself permission to heal then see yourself healing.

Nurture: Do one thing daily to love yourself.

*Disclaimer: Not intended to diagnose/treat any disease or be a substitute for medical advice/ health care. Speak with your doctor before incorporating any new lifestyle changes.

"Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food." -Hippocrates.

Stephanie Harper is a Wellness Coach and author with specializations as a Master Herbalist, Nutritional Consultant and a Holistic Health Practitioner. Remember, Optimum Wellness is more than the absence of dis-ease. To learn more about home made health and wellness visit and connect with Holistic Approaches on Facebook

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Friday, August 19, 2011

Alternatives To GERD Medications

Acid reflux and GERD are essentially the same condition. Therefore, when we are talking about GERD medications we are also making reference to acid reflux medications.

There are several reasons to look at alternative methods for controlling severe heartburn symptoms. One is that some people want to avoid pharmaceuticals altogether. A second is that... long term use of GERD medications is addictive and even potentially harmful.

Unfortunately, when you enter into the world of alternative remedies you open up a new set of difficulties. There are numerous recommended solutions, schools of thought, and limited legitimate research. In many cases, the only way that you can know if something is going to work is to use yourself as the guinea pig.

In regard to acid reflux and heartburn, a simple internet search for natural remedies will uncover hundreds of possibilities. Some of recommended solutions appear illogical. For example, apple cider vinegar is one of the highest rated natural remedies. Besides the fact that vinegar tastes bad (by itself), it is also highly acidic. Pouring acid on acid doesn't seem to make much sense. But there are many advocates who sing the praises of apple cider vinegar. Personally, I tried it, and it didn't work for me. Based on the experience of others who swear by it, there is a possibility that it will work for you. If you can get by the taste... give it a try.

Closely related to apple cider vinegar is... pickle juice. Now, since pickles are made in a variety of ways the question arises, "What kind of pickle juice?" Pickle juice advocates strongly favor juice from fermented pickles. I didn't know there was such a thing... but I'll take their word for it. Yet other suggest dill pickle or sweet gherkin juice. And if you can't stand drinking the stuff straight... just suck on a pickle... or eat one. So they claim.

Likely a more long term natural fix will require a change in diet. The idea is to keep your system in a proper alkaline to acid pH balance. What we eat controls that balance and most of us, due to our highly acid modern diets, are leaning too heavily on the acid side of the scale.

For these diet changes to work you must decrease the consumption of acidic triggers like chocolate, caffeine, sugar, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Also troublesome are greasy, spicy, and fatty foods. Alkaline foods are pretty much all vegetables and they are best consumed raw. Raw vegetables provide you with powerful enzymes that are necessary for good digestion.

Since I am on the subject of diet... it is important to recognize that obesity is one of the biggest contributors to GERD. If you have a weight problem then you can anticipate that acid reflux goes along with it. I know that it's easier said than done, but losing weight is one of the most effective natural cures for heartburn that you will find.

Apples are also often recommended as a natural remedy for reflux. They are high in enzymes and can help soothe the fire in your belly.

One of the first natural remedies suggested to me actually came from my grandmother. She believed in the effectiveness of baking soda. Many people concur with her recommendation. Again, it's not a cure-all but it may give you that immediate relief you seek.

Aloe vera juice is another natural remedy that some people feel good about. Once you get past the taste, which is worse than vinegar, it may give you some temporary relief.

Also on the list of potential remedies are milk, licorice root extract, acidophilus, and mustard. There are others... many others. But if you want the one alternative remedy that surpasses all GERD medications you will have the greatest success with changing your diet and losing weight.

Richard Weirich co-hosts the internationally popular Health at Last Radio Show and has written numerous publications on heartburn, acid reflux, weight loss, health, and wellness. For more information on gerd medications go to

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Have Acid Reflux? Try This GERD Natural Treatment

GERD is something which no one wants to experience. However, acid reflux is very common. Stress, diet and unhealthy lifestyle are often the causes of GERD. If you suffer from acid, you may experience one or all of the following complications: inflammation, sore throat, respiratory problems such as asthma and fibrosis of the esophagus, which is a risk factor for esophageal cancer. Now, you can treat your acid reflux with these GERD natural treatment alternatives. These GERD natural treatment options can give you the relief you need:

1. Chamomile and ginger, a dynamic duo.

Chamomile and ginger tea helps to relax the upper gastrointestinal tract during an attack of heartburn which makes them an effective GERD natural treatment. For help with this natural remedy for heartburn, put a bag of chamomile tea and 1 / 4 c. teaspoon grated fresh ginger (or a pinch of ginger powder) in a cup of boiling water and let it stand for 5 minutes. You may or may not add sugar to tea.

2. Calcium citrate calcium carbonate as GERD natural treatment.

This is the same as the body needs calcium to build bones and relax muscles. It is also effective as an anti-acid, which relieves heartburn. You need between 500 mg and 1000 mg of calcium nitrate a day.

3. Pepper and oregano oil

Several studies have shown that oil of oregano and pepper spray is effective in reducing symptoms of GERD. Pepper and oregano oil is commonly found in capsules with an enteric coating to prevent breakage in the stomach and esophagus to cause more irritation. This natural remedy for acid reflux breaking through the intestines, large and small, will do their job effectively.

4. Licorice, effective GERD natural treatment.

The licorice extract heals efficiently and helps relieve symptoms of acid reflux. If you have an irritated esophagus as a result of acid reflux, take two chewable tablets of Licorice, 20 minutes before meals. Licorice is found to be an effective treatment for the infection of H. Pylori, the bacterium that causes gastric ulcers.

It is important to identify foods that tend to aggravate your acid reflux and then try to exclude from your diet. Many people find they have fewer symptoms of acid reflux, whether to reduce or eliminate the consumption of chocolate, fried foods, caffeine and processed foods. Many people who suffer from acid reflux also found that their condition is reduced if small meals and eat unless you eat when you have an irritation or discomfort. Natural healing seems contrary to what might be considered logical, since it works on adding stomach acid indigestion, providing relief. If you want to try this natural treatment for acid reflux, first consult your doctor or nutritionist. Your doctor may prescribe the right dose for you and how to take this supplement.

Angelia J. Johnston is the webmaster of which is a website dedicated to indigestion symptoms.

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Thursday, August 18, 2011

What In the World Is Causing My Heartburn?

Despite the fact that almost every human being suffers from heartburn at some time in their life, your own heartburn is unique to just you. If you do some digging into what triggers your bouts, you'll find that you will respond negatively to some of the same foods that others do, but you won't have negative reactions to all of them. You can get a general idea of the various foods that should and shouldn't trigger you to have heartburn attacks, but unless you really stop and evaluate what you've eaten immediately before the pain begins, you aren't going to know those that are specific to you. There is no one pat answer to the question, "What causes heartburn?"

Heartburn triggers are nothing your doctor can determine by examining you. Instead, you may need to keep a food diary for a number of weeks to find patterns in what you eat and when you have heartburn. You may find that even though there are hundreds of medications available to relieve heartburn symptoms, if you isolate the foods that are giving you the problems, you can merely eliminate them from your diet instead of taking drugs. For example, acidic foods, such as tomatoes and oranges, can cause heartburn in some people. If you happen to be one of them, it will be a simple matter to change your eating habits to exclude all forms of them.

The American culture itself can be a major cause of heartburn in many ways. People in our country eat lots of the foods that may trigger acid reflux problems including fried and spicy foods, a high concentration of fats, and simply the fact that Americans tend to eat two or three large meals a day rather than spreading their food intake out into several smaller meals. Eating too much at one sitting can cause heartburn. When your stomach is filled to capacity, there is no where for the stomach acid that is generated to go except back into your esophagus where it manifests itself as heartburn.

Exercising, while considered good for your health, can cause heartburn in certain instances. For instance, exercising too strenuously immediately following a meal can be a problem. Stress and the hectic life that many Americans lead can also be to blame. When life is overly busy, people tend to eat fast food on the run. That practice is just setting them up for bouts of heartburn. Eat smaller meals at a leisurely pace in order to stop heartburn in its tracks.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

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What Are Healthy Bowels Anyway? Cut Leaky Bowels At The Source

You have probably heard before that the delicious, amazing foods we enjoy today are actually very bad for the human body. You've heard the accusations that the soil no longer has the nutrients needed to nourish the body and all of the attacks on preservatives. You have also been informed that modern processing robs our food of valuable bacteria needed for healthy bowels. You know how your stomach feels when riddled with leaky gut syndrome and you know that these attacks on the modern day diet are probably true.

This leads to one big question: what is a healthy stomach supposed to feel like? What do healthy bowels feel like?

The Digestive Process

You first have to understand how the digestive system of the human body works. It can be summed up like this:

1. You choose foods that you want to eat and ingest them.

2. The food is broken down by your teeth then pushed into the stomach. Think of the stomach as a holding tank where food waits for further processing.

3. The food is driven through the small intestine so nutrients can be pulled out and absorbed into the system. Those nutrients will then be used for a variety of purposes throughout the body.

4. The food goes through the large intestine so fluids can be drawn out and absorbed into the system. The water will also be used throughout the body, wherever it is needed.

As the food goes through this processing, bacterium accumulate throughout the digestive tract. This should ideally be a healthy mix of good and bad bacteria. The good bacteria should fight off the bad, keeping the ratio in check for healthy bowels.

It is when the bad bacteria start to take over that you really have something to worry out. That is essentially what happens with leaky gut syndrome. There is your answer to the big question: healthy bowels have a nice mix of good and bad bacteria. These bowels are comfortable and high functioning because of this mix.

Keeping the Balance

The modern world is working against your healthy bowels. If you are under a lot of stress at times, you are probably killing off some of your healthy bacteria. If you eat a diet high in sugar or consume a lot of processed foods, then you have a much higher chance of ruining the balance between good and bad bacteria. Add in all of the preservatives added into our food for long shelve lives and the artificial coloring and flavoring that we use every single day, and you see why so many people have leaky guts!

There is one other culprit for the murder of good bacteria: antibiotics. Doctors prescribe antibiotics for the purpose of killing off bacteria. The problem is these medications have no control over their guns. They simply attack any and all bacteria that come their way. This means the good bacteria goes down along with the bad.

All of these factors can lead to an imbalance that allows the bad bacteria to take over. Irritation, inflammation, and lots of digestive discomfort are the result.

What are Healthy Bowels?

Healthy bowels are bowels that function properly and are not uncomfortable. They are bowels not overrun with parasites, bacteria and other toxins from a leaky intestinal wall. That is essentially what happens with leaky gut syndrome: the intestinal walls fail to keep the toxins away from the blood stream.

Do You Want Healthy Bowels?

No matter how unhealthy your bowels may be right now, you can restore them to health in a couple ways:

1. Increase the good bacteria in your gut by taking a probiotic on a daily basis.

2. Eat foods that promote a healthy digestive system, while staying away from foods that do not sit well in your system.

It's all about increasing the good bacteria and getting rid of the bad. Do that and you too will benefit from healthy bowels.

Find out more valuable information on Leaky Bowels/Healthy Bowels by visiting

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How I Beat Heartburn and Changed My Life

Most of us have felt the burning pain in our chests that comes from heartburn or felt the distress of acid-reflux. We can choose from an entire arsenal of products meant to combat the agony of indigestion. Many have limited success is suppressing heartburn or bringing long-term relief. Heartburn affects millions of Americans and, if left untreated, can have severe consequences.

Or you can take a look at all the things you are doing that are behind your gastronomic distress. In my case I found that many of my daily habits were the root cause of my chronic heartburn and acid-reflux. Being the type of person who dislikes taking pharmaceuticals for indefinite periods, I was inclined to look for other solutions. Despite the aversion to drugs I was consuming large amounts of over the counter anti-acids that have been around for decades. At least the chalky taste had been improved with the introduction of the fast dissolving tablets. A small victory for a Rolaids junkie.

Initial relief came as an unintended consequence of my desire to quit smoking. This life long habit had begun to take its toll on my health and I had decided to curtail the habit once and for all. With the tobacco smoke no longer irritating my throat and lungs I discovered that I was not only breathing better but was experiencing a decrease in the frequency of heartburn episodes.

Along with the nicotine went the beer. Having been a typical "one of the guys" I was usually found enjoying a cold, frosty mug of my favorite brew when the opportunity arose. Backyard Bar-B-Qs and Football Sundays were always perfect occasions to join the gang in downing a few beers. Whether it is the fermented hops or the carbonation, the excessive gas and irritation of the upper GI tract create a formula for disaster when coupled with smoking and overindulging in pizza and jalapeno smothered Nachos.

This brings up another lifestyle choice that factors into the equation. Our eating habits can contribute to the problem in several different ways. In addition to the types of food we eat, the combination of the foods we eat can cause us distress, especially when combined with our compulsion to overeat. One particular habit of mine was late night snacking, which proved to be the cause of occasional reflux. The most disturbing part of it was that during the night it became possible to aspirate the stomach fluids into the lungs with dire results. This motivated me to seek solutions to the symptoms that were plaguing me.

Choosing a more healthful diet along with eliminating offending food and drink was the first step. It was helpful to keep a journal of when and what I was eating in order to determine which items caused the greatest upset. I found that switching to decaf made a major difference. I can now enjoy the occasional cup of the high-octane brew without unpleasant side-effects.

Additional benefits from making these lifestyle changes included increased energy and outlook from having lost weight. My overall health has improved, in general I feel better than I have in years. I noticed a decrease in sinus allergy attacks. Mental functions are also improved. I would attribute better memory to improved mental focus that was a direct result of changes in diet and exercise. Keeping a journal was helpful in identifying the offending food and drink.

While undergoing treatment for back pain and having surgery to remove bunions from both feet have also been factors in my life, I find that addressing the issues of lifestyle choices that I have outlined was the major contributor to relieving my heartburn and GERD*. Since I do not advocate the continued use of medications I also want to qualify my comments by adding that I do not intend to be overly critical of their use. This is certainly a personal preference on my part. I suggest you ask your family physician to advise you in choosing the best approach for you.

When it comes to our health, one size doe not fit all. We should all take greater interest in and control over the habits that directly affect our health. This was the path the lead my to greater health and happiness and I share it as a means of making others aware or the need to empower themselves in order to master the events and circumstances of their lives.

*GERD: a chronic condition in which the esophageal sphincter allows gastric acid to reflux into the esophagus; causing heartburn, acid indigestion, and possible injury to the esophageal lining. If left untreated can have drastic long-term consequences to health. Always consider consulting a qualified medical practitioner when symptoms these persist.

Richard Quindry writes fiction and non-fiction on his website. He can be contacted via email at the email address shown below. He accepts free lance assignments and enjoys researching topics of every sort. He is an avid reader of many other Blogs and likes to share ideas with other writers.

His favorite books include mysteries, science-fiction and biographies. He also enjoys writing poetry, a talent he acquired from his grandfather. His recently published book "Marvelous Miriam's Magical Hawaiian Adventure" is dedicated to his granddaughter.

Richard Quindry

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