Monday, October 10, 2011

The Truth About the Benefits of Probiotics and Bloating, Indigestion, Acid Reflux, and More

If you have indigestion, bloating, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea, acid reflux, or something more chronic like Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Crohn's Disease, you may be wondering about the benefits of probiotics.

Probiotics are known for improving the health of your digestive system. Many people either take probiotic supplements or eat foods with probiotics, such as yogurt. The probiotics are good bacteria for your system and they help to keep the bad bacteria from growing. The benefits of probiotics are many: improved immune function, allergy prevention, digestive support, improved nutrient absorption, and more. These benefits were discovered with certain strains of bacteria, so you can't just purchase any probiotic supplement or eat a fermented food and expect to get the result you're looking for.

There are other concerns with probiotics as well. Aside from the fact that many supplements on the market do not have sufficient quality or quantity to achieve the hoped-for benefits, the strategy of introducing a couple of different bacteria into your system has come under scrutiny recently. You have 100 trillion bacteria in your gut. There are estimates that you have between 500 and 1000 different kinds of bacteria growing in your gut! With that much variety and complexity, how can you know which bacteria will help and which will make your problem worse?

Fortunately, scientists have discovered prebiotics. Prebiotics come from food - they are the non-digestible parts of certain foods, and they provide nourishment to the good bacteria in your gut. So they have a couple of things going for them: they are natural substances, and they already work in your system-you just need to be sure to get them into your diet.

As you eat certain starchy foods, the parts you can't digest known as prebiotics feed the good bacteria in your gut. Prebiotics are found in plant foods such as onions, asparagus, bananas, apples and many types of berries. The benefits of prebiotics include, along with a much better functioning digestive system, better vitamin and mineral absorption, a stronger immune system, reduced allergy development and a healthier heart. And, they are safe and effective in their whole-food state. I would not recommend consuming inulin or FOS (two types of isolated prebiotics) added to foods. In order to get the maximum benefit, you need the whole fruit or vegetable. Supplement form is okay as long as it's the food, and not the isolated substance.

Consuming prebiotics can eliminate bloating, indigestion and all those other symptoms of a poorly functioning digestive system. People seeking the benefits of probiotics may really be looking for prebiotics.

Candice J Hughes is an enthusiastic researcher of digestive health and natural products. Her research is available at If you have indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, constipation or other symptoms of poor digestive health, including conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Crohn's disease, visit now to learn about the product Candice recommends.

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Acid Reflux Is a Condition Not a Disease

Acid reflux is a condition not a disease. Many people have a misconception that only drugs can treat acid reflux but that is not true. There are natural ways to treat this condition to make one feel better and lead to a cure. One of the key treatments a person can try is sleeping propped up. There are many products designed to gently incline the body's torso during sleep. The Avana Slant is a body pillow made of memory foam perfect for people dealing with acid reflux pain. But what exactly is acid reflux what are the symptoms and how can it be treated?

Acid reflux also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition where the stomach contents leak backwards from the stomach into the esophagus. This battle can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms. The most common symptoms include feeling that food may be left trapped behind the breastbone, nausea after eating and heartburn or a burn pain in the chest. The heartburn can be increased by bending, stooping, lying down or eating. It gets worse at night but can be relieved by antacids. Less common symptoms include coughing or wheezing, difficulty swallowing, hiccups, hoarseness or change in voice, regurgitation of food and a sore throat.

Treatments for acid reflux including a person diet exercise and sleep habits. Try avoiding foods and beverages that trigger symptoms. Beverages like alcohol, caffeine and carbonated beverages. Foods like chocolate, citrus fruits, tomatoes, spicy or fatty foods and peppermint. People with this condition should avoid bending over or exercising just after eating, lying down with a full stomach or smoking. Doctor recommended treatments include eating smaller meals, losing weight if you are overweight, reducing stress and sleeping with your head raised about 6 inches. When it comes to sleeping use a body pillow or wedge under the body to slightly incline the entire body and raise the head. The Avana Wedge was designed to control night time acid reflux. The slant works like a hospital bed to keep the whole torso gently elevated, providing ideal comfort sleep surface. It is made with a urethane foam foundation covered in a layer of body contouring memory foam for the perfect combination of comfort and support.

People suffering from acid reflux can reverse their condition or ease the pain with a change in diet, exercise and sleep habits. There are natural ways to treat the condition including the use of a ledge wedge when at rest.

Karlie Philpott is the creator of TheBodyPillowShop a destination for support and comfort. A place to find the body pillow you need.

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Sunday, October 9, 2011

Treat Your Heartburn, Indigestion and Acid Reflux

Acid reflux or GERD is a condition where gastric juices containing acid flow back from the stomach into the esophagus (the gullet or swallowing tube). The word "reflux" originates from the medieval Latin word refluxus which arises from the Latin word refluere, meaning "to flow back, to recede". If a person suffers from acid reflux the acids from his or her stomach "flow back" into his or her esophagus, causing discomfort and pain - this discomfort is commonly referred to as heartburn, which is generally considered the first symptom of acid reflux or GERD. Heartburn. This early symptom usually leaves a persistent chest burning sensation.

You may be surprised to learn that these acid reflux symptoms occur to everyone once in a while, but if it happens regularly and persists over a long period with no sign of visible relief even after possible medication then you are faced with acid reflux or GERD. Changing diet may bring some relief, but if symptoms persist then you certainly need medical attention.

This condition can be extremely painful and a complete nuisance if it linger on and on. However, I remain strongly convinced that with a bit of patience, a healthy diet and a few home remedies, you can cure acid reflux! This is where we come in.

There are many reasons you may be suffering with acid reflux.

And perhaps you've already seen your family doctor who has recommended that you...

Lose your weight
Eat slower
Avoid acidic foods
Sleep with your head slightly elevated
Stop taking alcohol
Quit smoking

This is all good advice... And you should strictly follow any medical plan that your doctor has laid
out for you. However, it's important that you also understand:

Too often, "treatments" recommended for acid reflux focus on eliminating the symptoms (pain, heartburn, and nausea) while doing little to address the CAUSE!

Eliminating the pain is obviously your first priority...

... But shouldn't you *also* be thinking about a long-term solution that doesn't involve eating handfuls of antacids or taking harmful prescription drugs with unwanted side effects?

If your acid reflux has been ongoing for a considerable length of time, or you're experiencing more severe symptoms that may include weight loss, vomiting blood, black stools, or painful swallowing......then you should see a medical professional *immediately*.

Left untreated, acid reflux can lead to some extreme medical conditions including esophageal cancer, narrowing of the esophagus, asthma, and dental problems.

If your acid reflux/GERD/heartburn is caused by a failure of your lower esophageal sphincter, which isn't closing fully and allowing the contents of your stomach to reach the esophagus, you will require treatment by trained medical professionals.

Talk to your doctor before discontinuing any recommended treatment program or prescription.

And it's quite possible that you've been making your acid reflux worse through use of antacids, which create a hostile environment for critical digestive enzymes!

So what's the answer? Why not skip the antacids and try rebalancing your digestive enzymes to bring down your hydrochloric acid production and enjoy better overall digestive health!

I am a university professor working at a medical school in my country where I teach biochemistry and molecular biology to medical and nursing students both at undergraduate and graduate levels. I am also a trained pharmacist specializing in biochemistry, molecular biology and human molecular genetics to doctorate level. I am an ardent internet marketer with special interest in alternative medicine.

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Infant Acid Reflux - What You Should Know

During Acid Reflux or Gastroesophageal Reflux (GERD) the acids from the stomach flow back into the esophagus, causing pain, commonly known as heart burn. Acid reflux is common in infants below the age of three months. This condition in small babies is known as spitting up. However the symptoms generally go away as the infant grows older and completely disappears in between the age of 12 to 18 months. So if your baby is around that age and still having the symptoms of acid reflux, or if the symptoms are severe and bothering your baby it is a matter of concern.

If you doubt your baby is having a problem of acid reflux observes the following symptoms:

1. Excessive spitting up or vomiting

It is quite common for small babies to spit up during the first three months of their lives. If the spitting up is very frequent and severe or the baby is vomiting along with spitting up, it indicates a problem.

2. Irritation or dullness while feeding

If your baby gets irritated while feeding, it may be due to the burning sensation and pain in the esophagus due to the acid reflux.

3. Baby eating too less or refuses to eat at all

If the baby is not eating properly this may be because of the pain that he is suffering from the acid in esophagus.

4. Colic symptoms

Due to the acid reflux the baby will feel severe pain which may give rise to symptoms typical of colic pain.

5. Arching the back and neck while feeding

If the baby is getting pain due to acid in the esophagus, they will bend their backs and necks.

6. "Wet" burps

If a baby is suffering from GERD, some liquid may come out when he burps.

7. Hiccups

During reflux the nerves along the upper part of the stomach and the lower part of the esophagus is stimulated irritating the vagus nerve and cause frequent hiccups in the infants.

8. Coughing

Because of reflux, the airways of the baby and the throat may get irritated. As a result the baby may start coughing.

9. Disturbed sleep pattern

Due to reflux the baby may start coughing when sleeping causing him/her to wake up from sleep.

10. Trouble in swallowing

Due to the reflux of the acid into the esophagus an obstruction may be formed in the esophagus. As a result the baby experience difficulty in swallowing.

11. Sore throat

When stomach contents flow back up to the throat, the baby's throat gets irritated leading to sore throat.

12. Respiratory problems (such as asthma, pneumonia)

During reflux, in some cases, the acid may get into the lungs. This makes breathing difficult causing asthma, pneumonia or bronchitis.

13. Croaky voice

As a result of reflux the stomach content comes up to the throat causing irritation of the throat and the voice of the baby may turn hoarse.

Apart from all those mentioned above, sinus infections or congestion, ear infections, bad breath, anemia, drooling from the corners of the mouth, unexplained weight loss etc. also may be suggestive of acid reflux in infants.

Khairun Nadzar is the publisher of Acid Reflux Disease, For better understanding of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) browse through today.

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Acid Reflux Symptoms In Kids - Protect Your Child's Health

Acid reflux symptoms in kids are commonly disregarded as simple health problems that most children go through. However, it is only fair to warn parents that these symptoms might be something much worse that require immediate treatment.

Also, it is never a good idea to ignore your child when they show acid reflux symptoms. Even it is just an uncomfortable feeling since most adults experienced it during their lifetime, this might cause serious problem in kids since their bodies aren't fully developed yet.

Protect your child by familiarizing yourself with acid reflux symptoms in kids so you would know when it is time to take them to the doctor and have them checked out.

Change in Eating Habits

Heartburn or the burning sensation in their chest is already a symptom you need to watch out for. It might be serious when your child suddenly shows a in their eating habits that might eventually make the problem worst or even result to more serious complications.

In most cases, children who suffer from acid reflux tend to have a change in their eating habits. They would start to pick their food, favorites meals left uneaten, or a simple loss of appetite. This sudden change in their eating habits will eventually lead to weight loss.

There are also some children who would start developing trigger foods that will cause them a lot of heartburn every after each meal. Aside from heartburn, trigger foods might also cause them to suffer from abdominal pains, choking, vomiting, or even nausea.

Breathing Problems

Another acid reflux symptoms in kids you need to watch out for is the developing problems in their respiratory system. They might suddenly have an asthma attack without any probable cause, choking, wheezing, or even a lot of coughing. Backflow of acid from the stomach to the esophagus will eventually cause inflammation or infection in the throat or along the airway causing these symptoms to appear.

Other symptoms you might notice are shortness of breath during physical activities or nighttime coughing causing a change in sleeping patterns.

Taking them to the Doctor

If the above symptoms appear on your child then it would be safe to say that they are suffering from acid reflux or something much worst. It is advisable to spirit them away to your doctor to have them checked out to discover the extent of the problem.

There are two ways to find out if these are really symptoms of reflux. A simple laboratory test will allow the doctor to find out if it is really acid reflux or other health problems that needs to be addressed.

If the above test yields negative then the doctor would go for upper endoscopy to check out the extent of the damage on your child's esophagus, as well as making a probe on their stomach.

Treating GERD in Kids

Once it is determined that your child is suffering from GERD, the initial recommendation from your doctor would be to let your child take medications to combat the problem. These medications would come in the form of acid blockers to stop acid production, acid suppressors or antacids to counter excess acids from overflowing.

However, using medications will only temporarily solve the problem since the effects of the drugs usually wear off after a few hours.

It is more advisable to utilize prevention methods to ensure that reflux symptoms in kids will never happen again. It might be necessary to control your child's food intake by making sure that they eat the right food, like foods that are rich in alkaline to counteract the excess acid in their stomach.

Tom is experienced in indigestion and operates the extremely useful and well-liked web site about symptoms of acid reflux. He helps thousands of people beat their GERD problems. Visit his web-site right now to find out more on acid reflux symptoms as well as help on alkaline foods for acid reflux.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Do Probiotic Foods Live Up to Their Promise? Unless You Make Your Own, Maybe Not

There aren't any probiotic foods that occur naturally. That is, the only way to get probiotic foods is to use a fermentation process. This way of preparing food has been around for thousands of years. Before industrial foods became popular, people understood that they needed to protect their digestive systems in order to achieve long-lasting health. Today we ingest any old thing from chemical preservatives not fit for any living thing to substances so overly processed that they become addictive, like white sugar, and white bread. These foods have lost their nutrients, and to add insult to injury, the food companies have taken synthetic vitamins and minerals and added them back in!

Do you know that fast food is so processed that it has no flavor left? There are entire factories that produce flavorings to add back into your "food" because it has no flavor.

If you think this is okay with your digestive system, think again. There is a reason that around 100 million people in the United States have some kind of digestive problem. Sixty million people, or 1 in 5, have acid reflux. Indigestion affects about 15% of Westerners. 2.5 million people in the United States visit a doctor for constipation. 10-15% have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I could go on, but I think you get the idea.

In my ongoing study of natural health, I have learned from Ayurvedic practitioners, herbalists, and a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. All of these people teach the same concept: take care of your digestive system. Do not drink ice-cold beverages with your meal (this is like pouring water on a fire-it kills your digestive juices precisely when they are trying to do their job). Do not try to eat when you are angry, or stressed out. When you are under stress, your digestive system shuts down. It's not going to work very well to put food into it anyway.

Fermented Foods

Many cultures have different ways of fermenting foods, which adds probiotics to them. Kimchi, aged cheeses, miso, sauerkraut, pickled foods, kefir and yogurt are all probiotic foods. These foods have many benefits, including more nutrients, and nutrients that are easier for your system to digest. Many commercial versions of these products have been pasteurized, which means any probiotics have been killed. If you are going to buy yogurt, for example, you need to look for a notice on the package that says it contains live cultures, otherwise, you will not be getting any probiotics in it.

If you are going to enjoy the benefits of probiotic foods, I recommend learning to make your own. I have tried to buy some of these foods, and they are hard to find with live cultures. And even if these probiotics were live at the time of packaging, they may not be live now.

Probiotic Foods - Probiotics Added to Foods

Along with synthetic vitamins, which are often toxic, manufacturers are now adding probiotics to foods. I would be careful about consuming these.

If you don't have the inclination to ferment your own foods, you can use another strategy to improve your digestive health. You can use prebiotics to help balance your digestive system. Prebiotics occur naturally in certain starchy foods, like onions, asparagus, berries, bananas and apples. Prebiotics stimulate the good bacteria in your digestive system. Prebiotics may have a positive affect on heart health, osteoporosis and diabetes, along with strengthening your immune system.

To eliminate symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and other problems, you can ferment your own probiotic foods. An easier way to accomplish the same goal is to use prebiotic supplements. Even with plenty of probiotics, you still need prebiotics to support the probiotics. And of course, decide now to eliminate some of those bad habits, like drinking ice-cold beverages with your meal, or eating when you are stressed out.

Candice J Hughes is an enthusiastic researcher of digestive health and natural products. Her research is available at If you have indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, constipation or other symptoms of poor digestive health, including conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Crohn's disease, visit now to learn about the product Candice recommends.

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Eosinophilic Esophagitis

Eosinophilic Esophagitis is an allergic inflammatory condition of the esophagus which causes excess eosinophils- also known as white blood cells. It can be caused by frequent acid reflux, allergies, radiation, medications that can get stuck in the esophagus, bacteria, fungi, and viruses such as candida and the herpes simplex virus. In most people, the cause of their Eosinophilic Esophagitis is an allergic reaction due to the fact that white blood cells play a large role in the inflammation caused by allergens. Doctors and researchers do not yet know how the allergic reaction in the esophagus occurs- whether it is by an inhaled substance or an ingested substance that the patient possesses an allergy to. The symptoms of this condition in adults include heartburn, dysphagia (trouble swallowing often due to narrowing of the esophagus), chest pain, and nausea. Vomiting, abdominal pain, and failure to thrive are the most commonly seen symptoms in adolescent patients. Although Eosinophilic Esophagitis is a newly recognized condition, it is extremely vital that doctors diagnose and treat it due to the fact that it can result in scarring, impaired functioning of the esophagus, esophageal cancer, and a great deal of pain.

Once symptoms are displayed, testing must be done to confirm the presence of excess eosinophils. The only way to check for Eosinophilic Esophagitis involves an endoscopy procedure. To perform this procedure the patient is placed under anesthesia and a flexible, lighted endoscope with a camera is inserted through the mouth of the patient. The tube then travels down the esophagus, into the stomach, and into the first part of the small intestine- the duodenum. Tissue samples are then taken from the lining of the esophagus and are sent to a lab to examine for the presence of excess eosinophils. If the results come back positive, allergy skin testing is commonly the next step to take. Eliminating foods and other things that the patient is allergic to is highly important. Once the cause is established, treatment must begin to avoid permanent damage. Short term use of oral or inhaled steroids has proven to be extremely effective. For Eosinophilic Esophagitis caused by fungi, viruses, or bacteria, medication is prescribed to clear up the issue. Proton pump inhibitors are also utilized in preventing esophageal scarring by controlling excess stomach acid production. Additional monitoring including repeat endoscopies is also necessary to make sure that the condition does not return. With a combination of avoiding triggers such as allergens, taking medication, and living a healthy lifestyle, Eosinophilic Esophagitis can be quite manageable.

For information on family health and nutrition topics visit

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Friday, October 7, 2011

3 Acid Reflux Remedies You Can Use Now

There are a lot of different options that you can choose when it comes to acid reflux remedies. Not all of them are invasive and many of them are easy to add to your existing diet. There's no reason why a person has to live with the ailment of having digestive problems, as it can cause a great deal of problems in daily life. If you're seeing continual problems, a lifestyle and diet change could be necessary, but if it's only associated with certain foods, then it's important to look at remedies that can help thwart the malady swiftly.

• Papaya - This is going to be something odd for those that aren't used to tropical fruits. Papaya is a natural cure for acid reflux and it's interesting to note. There are chemicals in the fruit that calm the stomach and bring a balance to the PH levels with relative ease. Some people love the taste, while others will have to mix it with other fruits to make a good overall juice.

• Apple Cider Vinegar - Taking a little bit of this is one of the more prominent acid reflux recipes that people are trying today. They are enjoying the small amount of vinegar mixed with water and when taken on a daily basis can be a great overall thing to try. It's non intrusive, doesn't have a foul taste, and can help with other digestive problems that might arise.

• Antacid - Over the counter antacids are stronger than ever, and for some people, they can be lifesavers when out on the town. When all else fails, make sure to have these ready to take whenever you're dining on foods that can cause the malady to reappear. It might seem rudimentary but acid reflux remedies should actually start with antacids that are chewable rather than the drinkable types. Some of the chews even have additional calcium, which can promote healthy teeth and bones.

If you're looking for easy acid reflux remedies, you need to look at the aforementioned as key options. They are quick acting, can help maintain a healthy digestive tract and are non-invasive. For some, relief will come in the form of changing diet and lifestyle, but for many others with moderate levels of discomfort, the above should suffice for whenever eating certain types of foods. If problems persist, it's important to seek a physician that can help completely eliminate the ailment.

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How Can I Stop Heartburn?

Do you constantly suffer from heartburns? Do you constantly ask yourself, 'how can I stop heartburn?' If so, you need to continue reading this article to find a natural remedy for heartburn, which will help to eliminate all the discomfort that you are feeling. Try these remedies if you tell yourself that, 'I want to stop heartburn.'

Of course, you should always contact your Doctor before you use any of these as everyone is individual and best to get the green light from your Doctor before you go ahead.

•Drink Water - If you usually get heartburn in the middle of the night, then a good remedy for heartburn would be to get up and drink a cold glass of water. The water is effective in diluting the acid in your stomach, so that it can be flushed out of your digestive system easily. You should add approximately two teaspoons of baking soda to the water, if you are looking for instant relief. Per contra, if you are pregnant or if you suffer from high blood pressure, then you should refrain from taking baking soda.

•Vinegar - Although apple cider vinegar is a type of acidic substance, it is a great remedy for heartburn. All you need to do is add about two teaspoons of the apple cider vinegar to a cup of water, and drink it in small sips. It is best to do this will you are eating your meals.

•Be Careful of What You Eat - The number one thing that triggers heartburn is diet; therefore, you should be careful of what you eat if you want to know the answer to, 'how can I stop heartburn?' Try your best to avoid eating foods that are spicy, in addition to alcoholic beverages, caffeinated beverages, garlic, chocolates, tomatoes and citrus fruits, among others. Once you start avoiding these foods, the health of your digestive system will improve, and you will notice that they frequency in which you have heartburns will be reduced. There is a common misconception that drinking milk is a good remedy for heartburn; however, drinking milk only offers you temporary relief. Furthermore, the protein and fat content of the milk is known to produce an excessive amount of acid in the stomach, which will ultimately trigger heartburn.

•Almonds - Another great remedy for heartburn is chewing almonds each morning. Once you start doing this, you will notice that the burning sensation in your chest will be reduced significantly. Per contra, you need to ensure that you properly chew the almonds before swallowing, or else it will have a negative effect on your health.

•Ginger - Ginger is also a great remedy for heartburn, and you can choose to take it in its fresh form, pickled ginger or powdered. Ease the discomfort of heartburn by chewing a small piece of ginger.

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Thursday, October 6, 2011

Acid Reflux: The Symptoms To Watch Out For

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is a condition wherein the chyme (the semi-digested food in the stomach) goes up in to the esophagus which is primarily caused by dysfunctional lower esophageal sphincters (LES), abnormal contractions of the esophagus, and delayed emptying of the stomach.

Esophagitis, or inflammation of the lining of the esophagus, may result from GERD. This is primarily due to the reflux of acid from the stomach to the esophagus. Repeated acid reflux would normally irritate the esophagus since the pH of this acid is low enough to cause redness, swelling, warmth, pain, and loss of function (collectively known as inflammation) to the esophagus.

Heartburn results from the reflux of acid due to a dysfunctional LES. It is called a heartburn not because the actual heart burns, but because it imitates the symptoms of a heart attack since the esophagus is just near the heart. Once the acid goes up in to the esophagus, it produces a burning sensation in the chest which usually occurs after meals.

Nausea or the urge to vomit also occurs in GERD since the reflux of chyme from the stomach stimulates the esophagus to push the chyme back up to the mouth.

Regurgitation of chyme or vomiting of undigested food also occurs in GERD which is also due to dysfunctional LES. This, in turn, produces an acid taste in the mouth.

Untreated GERD could cause esophageal ulcers primarily due to the continuous irritation of the esophagus caused by acid reflux. This results to bleeding of the esophagus. If bleeding is not corrected, it can cause shock and death. Esophageal bleeding would lead to hematemesis, or blood in the vomitus, and melena, or dark, tarry stool. Untreated esophageal ulcers will also lead to esophageal perforation, which also results to shock and death if left untreated.

Barrett's Esophagus can also occur in GERD. This is primarily due to the repeated injury of the esophageal lining caused by acid reflux, which causes metaplasia of the lining. This, however, is said to be a defense mechanism of the esophagus since it will become more resistant to injuries.

The repeated reflux of acid to the esophagus would cause spasm of the larynx resulting to dyspnea and cough. Sometimes, severe acid reflux could also cause aspiration pneumonia due to aspiration of the vomitus which causes lung damage. There are a few instances wherein the presenting manifestation of GERD is cough, rather than the heartburn.

Before taking in medicines for acid reflux, make sure that you know the right acid reflux symptoms. To know more about it, check out

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Home Remedies for Acidity - How Herbal Tea Can Help With Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Over thousands of years, health complications have been eased by the consumption of tea. Interestingly, apart from water, the most drunk beverage in the world is tea! As a result it is probably unsurprising to learn that herbal teas have also proven to be a good source of home remedies for acidity through the ages.

Polyphenols is an antioxidant that helps to protect our body from free radical damage and exists in black, green and red teas. A range of studies have discovered that, the polyphenols in tea provide anti-cancer properties. In addition, these same studies have alluded to the fact that specifically the risk of gastric and esophageal cancers could be reduced by drinking several cups of tea every day.

You will find that selected "herbal teas" are better than others when looking at how to get rid of heartburn, or easing the symptoms of heartburn, acid reflux and other gastrointestinal ailments. Indeed, it is the case that some teas may actually make the circumstances worse rather than resolve them, so the choice of herbal tea remedy is extremely important.

There follows a selection of herbal teas you may want to think about using as home remedies for acidity:

Aloe Vera Juice
Although this is not in fact a tea, it is included as it can be drunk in a liquid form. The Aloe Vera leaves generate a gel from which the liquid is made. The liquid works to help calm the digestive system, but additionally has the spin off benefit of protecting against ulcers. As an aside, the juice of the aloe vera plant is tremendously useful and can be used to counteract a number of skin complaints including: minor burns, sunburn, cuts, and scalds.

Chamomile Tea
A variety of health concerns such as indigestion, heartburn, anxiety, PMS and sleep disturbances can be treated by this is very popular and common herbal tea. As an additional bonus acid reflux sufferers can profit from the relief it provides to the inflamed or irritated mucus membranes of the digestive tract.

Marshmallow Tea
This is a tea made from the root of the Marshmallow plant. It has been revealed, amongst other things, to coat and calm the gastrointestinal tract, relieve sore throats, ease respiratory problems and encourage healing of the urinary tract. Like the other teas, it also has various extra benefits when consumed.

Peppermint Tea
This creates a wonderfully refreshing herbal tea that contains no caffeine. But this could be viewed as alternative, as there are conflicting reports regarding the effects of peppermint on those experiencing heartburn and/or acid reflux.

For the defense, it is said that the flow of bile to the stomach is stimulated by the oil within the peppermint which subsequently helps relieve gas pains, calm heartburn, and settle upset stomachs.

On the other hand, selected studies have also indicated that the LES (lower esophageal sphincter) relaxes further after drinking peppermint, spearmint or other strongly spiced teas. This has the resulting result of extra acid reflux. The esophagus is kept away from the stomach by the LES, a one-way valve that enables food and liquid to enter the stomach. Food, liquid and acid can reflux back up into the esophagus causing heartburn if the LES is relaxed enough or doesn't close as it should.

At first, you may wish to cautiously experiment with this tea to see how useful it is for you in aiding heartburn relief.

There are various plants and herbs that have a selection of beneficial properties when made into herbal teas. The previous list should give you a good starting point on some of the more popular drinks that can be used as Home Remedies For Acidity.

For more information on acid reflux, heartburn and how to overcome the problems natuarally, go to: Home Remedies For Acidity
New articles are added everyday!

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What Are The Symptoms Of Acidity?

Acidity symptoms occur when stomach acid reflux back up in the esophagus. This is usually called heartburn or acid reflux. Symptoms of acidity can be very painful and can cause many health problems. If you suffer from chronic heartburn it can be a symptom of gastroesophageal reflux disease GERD.

Are The Acidity Symptoms Heartburn or GERD?

Heartburn is the telltale burning in the middle of your chest after a meal. And, it is a common condition. In fact, a 2003 poll discovered that more than 40 percent of all Americans, about 108 million people, experience acidity symptoms like heartburn at least once a month.

The cause of pain is stomach acid, the acid that helps to digest your food. Stomach acid flows up into the esophagus, or "food pipe." Normally when you eat, food travels from your mouth down the esophagus through the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is the opening to your stomach. It normally opens only when you swallow, allowing food to enter the stomach, and then closes quickly.

If there's too much acid, or if the LES doesn't work properly, food and stomach acid can flow up or reflux into the esophagus. Acid reflux irritates the lining of the esophagus and causes heartburn. If the muscles in the stomach don't continuously work to keep food and acid moving down the digestive tract, the acidity symptoms can worsen.

What is GERD?

If you experience symptoms of acidity such as heartburn more than two or three times per week and find that nothing seems to help the pain, your condition may be more serious. Chronic heartburn can be a symptom of GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease). Among chronic heartburn sufferers, some 1.66 million of them have GERD.

Stomach acid is very strong. Normally, stomach acid is contained in the stomach by the lower esophageal sphincter (LES). The LES is the barrier between the stomach and the esophagus. GERD occurs when the LES is faulty, allowing stomach acid to flow up or reflux and irritate the esophagus causing frequent acidity symptoms.

How Does GERD Affect You?

Living with GERD can lower the quality of your life. One study showed that:

People who live with untreated GERD have a quality of life that is similar to people who have had a heart attack.People who suffer from GERD have a lower quality of life than people with diabetes, cancer, or other severe diseases.Nighttime acidity symptoms can keep you awake and diminish the quality of your sleep.

Could the Acidity Symptoms Be GERD?

If you answer yes to the following questions, your acidity symptoms might be GERD. Do you frequently have one or more of the following?

An uncomfortable feeling behind the breastbone that seems to be moving upward from the stomach?A burning sensation in the back of your throat?A bitter acid taste in your mouth?Do you often experience these problems after meals?Do you experience symptoms of acidity or acid indigestion two or more times per week?Do you find that antacids only provide temporary relief from your acid reflux symptoms?Do you take the maximum dosage of over-the-counter heartburn medicine?Are you taking prescription medication to treat acidity symptoms, and still having symptoms?Do you have trouble swallowing or persistent abdominal pain?

If you suspect your acidity symptoms to be gastroesophageal reflux disease and not normal heartburn symptoms you should be ready to make some changes in your lifestyle and diet.

What if your acidity symptoms turn out to be GERD?

I know it can be hard to accept that you suffer from a dangerous disease, but if you want to be free from heartburn and live a healthy life you'll need to learn a single easy secret that works amazingly well.

This secret is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much practice, you can read all about it in my free report here: How To Cure Heartburn.

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible. Learn more ways to cure heartburn at

View the original article here

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Hidden Signs of Acid Reflux - Recognizing the Symptoms of Silent Acid Reflux

What is acid reflux?

If you suffer from this condition, it means that acids from your stomach flow back into your esophagus. This action brings forth the uncomfortable sensation we call heartburn - the burning feeling rising from the stomach or lower chest.

The most common symptom of this condition is of course heartburn. Other symptoms include chest pain (part of the heartburn sensation), regurgitation or food going back up to the mouth, hoarseness, dental erosion, and sometimes asthma due to gastric juices seeping into the throat and air passages of the lungs. Silent acid reflux doesn't show these symptoms.

What is silent acid reflux?

This is experiencing the reflux of stomach acids but the sufferer is either unaware of the condition due to the symptoms not being noticeable or the sufferer is not taking any action towards treatment. Diagnosing silent acid reflux is not easy because of the hidden symptoms.

Hidden Signs of Acid Reflux

The symptoms of silent reflux include dysphagia or difficulty swallowing mucus, consistent coughing and difficulty speaking early in the morning.

Reflux of stomach acids is a common condition and everyone will experience this at some point in his life. The reflux of acid can be triggered by foods or drinks consumed as well as activities a person engages into after meals i.e. lying down, bending over or working out. Large meals too tend to cause reflux so if you are prone to this, try to break up your meals into smaller ones.

If you don't usually experience common symptoms of reflux, but are having difficulty swallowing or you have consistent coughing, it is best to consult a doctor for proper diagnosis.

Silent reflux that goes untreated could damage your esophagus lining as well as your vocal cords. When treating this condition, medication or basic antacid supplements can bring relief to the condition. Often, lifestyle and diet changes are the best solution and can keep the reflux of stomach acids at bay longer and naturally.

Natural Reflux Solutions

Natural remedies for reflux are usually chosen by reflux sufferers who really want to get rid of the problem or at least to keep it from recurring frequently and disrupting their lifestyles. These natural remedies often shun dependence to prescribed or over the counter remedies as these treatments only offer short-term solutions and not really cure the problem.

Also, natural methods of treating this problem promote complete well-being as they help sufferers avoid reflux triggers, have self-discipline, work-out properly and eat healthy. An unhealthy lifestyle is often the cause of many diseases and health problems so knowing how to change these bad habits and learning how to live in a healthier way can be truly beneficial to anyone.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedy.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

View the original article here

10 Simple Ways to Get Rid of Heartburn

Heartburn can be terribly painful which leads people to think that something serious is wrong with them. Not only do you feel a burning sensation in your chest, but you may find yourself having difficulty breathing or breaking out in a cold sweat. The best news about heartburn is that it can be controlled if you're willing to use a little common sense and discretion in your eating habits. In our society we're famous for eating the wrong foods while we're on the go, tactics which can go a long way towards promoting attacks of heartburn. There are definitely simple reasons why almost every human being on earth suffers from heartburn at least once during their lifetime.

What you eat and the way you eat it can have the biggest impact on most cases of heartburn. You have to know how to beat the system and keep your body from going into heartburn mode. Heartburn happens when some of the excess acids in your stomach back up and come in contact with the lining of your esophagus. Your esophagus isn't made to handle stomach acid, and it can become very irritated when exposed. Contrary to a popular conception, heartburn is controllable if you use common sense in your eating habits. Some of the methods you can try include:

1. Try eating smaller amounts each time you eat. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, eat 6 smaller ones. This will help keep your stomach from over-filling and prevent the acid from backing up into your esophagus.

2. Eat more slowly. You don't have to eat ridiculously slow, but if you're a fast eater, you will be more prone to heartburn attacks.

3. Eliminate anything that contains caffeine from your diet. This includes coffee, tea, and chocolate.

4. Cut down on fatty, fried foods.

5. Avoid any activities which put pressure on your stomach. These include wearing tight-fitting clothing, lifting heavy objects, and bending over.

6. Losing weight can often be beneficial in decreasing stomach pressure and avoiding heartburn.

7. Try to avoid stress in your life. Although this can be difficult sometimes, make a real effort not to allow yourself to react to the stress in your life.

8. Drink a warm glass of herbal tea or water following meals.

9. Chew gum after meals. This will increase your body's saliva production which will help wash the stomach acid from your body.

10. Try following up a meal with one bite of ice cream. There are people who swear by this method.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

View the original article here

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Natural Ways To Cure Heartburn

How to cure heartburn and is it even possible to be totally free from it, is a question many people ask every day. There are several things you can do if you are looking for a cure, but it is important to know that heartburn is only the symptom of a problem in your stomach or your esophagus.

To get a temporary relief from it please read my article on natural heartburn remedies, these remedies work well and will treat the symptoms fast, naturally and easily.

To really cure heartburn and be free from it forever, you must first find out what causes it and how to prevent it. Medical science prefers to only treat the symptoms but it doesn't provide any medication that will cure it forever. Medical science believes that the cause of heartburn is excess acid in the stomach. This excess of stomach acid supposedly spills over into the esophagus and causes heartburn. This is wrong!

Stopping acid in the stomach is not how to cure heartburn!

The stomach is supposed to be full of acid and in healthy people it will not leak into the esophagus. There are several reasons you get heartburn, pressure on the stomach from overweight or pregnancy or that your lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly.

So what can you do to cure heartburn? Taking medication that reduces your amount of stomach acid will only help temporarily and your heartburn will be back often worse than before. Stomach acid is an important part of your body as it helps to digest your food and prevents harmful bacteria to grow in your stomach.

Even more important is that the stomach acid helps in the absorption of calcium. Lack of calcium has been linked to several sever medical conditions like osteoporosis. This should be reason enough for you to stop taking heartburn medication.

Medicine can't cure heartburn!

Possibly the wisest approach to curing heartburn is to figure out the reasons you get it in the first place. When you know why you get it and what causes it, you can start to take proper steps to prevent it and later be totally free from it.

Most often there are several reasons you get heartburn and only treating one of them will not cure it permanently. Using apple cider vinegar, changing your diet, and losing weight might help for a while but it doesn't get rid of the problem for good. What is needed is a holistic approach that tackles the problem from all directions.

How to cure heartburn - Use a holistic approach

This is the only way to be free from heartburn. There are many websites that promise you an instant cure. This is simply not possible, as it will take time to cure it. The reason it takes time is because the body has to adjust to the changes made in your diet and lifestyle. This is the only way to permanently get rid of heartburn. It is when the changes start to take effect that you will feel a big difference both in your body and mind.

The best holistic way is one that treats both the symptoms for immediate relief and also has a long term plan that cures the underlying problems in the stomach and esophagus.

What can you do to cure your heartburn forever?

I know it can be hard to accept that there is no easy way to cure heartburn, but if you want to be naturally free from heartburn you'll need to learn an easy method that works amazingly well.

This method is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much practice, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Natural Heartburn Remedies.

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible to be free from heartburn. Learn more ways to cure heartburn Again by clicking the link.

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Natural Heartburn Remedies - The Best Way To Cure Heartburn

Using natural heartburn remedies instead of medicine is often a good choice. Medicine for heartburn is known to have many side-effects and if the medicine can be avoided or reduced it should. These natural remedies will help you reduce the symptoms of heartburn but they will not cure the problems that are causing it.

There are many natural household remedies for heartburn, some of the remedies listed here will work for you and some will not. If you experiment a little you will find the ones that works best for you.

Here is a list of the best all natural heartburn remedies:

Apple cider vinegar - Apple cider vinegar mixed with room temperature water. This is one of the most used household remedies. Many people reports great success with treating their heartburn symptoms with apple cider vinegar and water. The taste of vinegar and water can take some time to get used to but after a couple of times it will be easy to drink.
Gum - Chewing on some gum has helped a lot of people. If it doesn't help, try drinking a glass of warm water after the gum has lost its flavour.
Baking soda and water - This is also a well known heartburn remedy. Its effect is fast and it's cheap. One thing to note is that using baking soda daily is not a good idea as its high alkalinity can cause some health problems. But if it's used once in a while there are no dangers.
Apples - Some people have reported that apples helps, either as juice or raw. Eating raw apples has been linked with the best results but it differs from person to person.
Celery, almonds and other alkaline vegetables - These vegetables are good because they help balance out PH in the stomach and can give some people relief.
Coconut oil - A table spoon of virgin coconut oil is a well known eastern remedy. Coconut oil can be hard to swallow if you are not used to it. On the other hand many people who couldn't get any relief with other remedies swear by coconut oil.
Milk or yogurt - A glass of milk or some unsweetened yoghurt is a classic way to treat heartburn. The milk or yoghurt helps to balance out the acid in the throat.
Yellow mustard - Eat a tablespoon of mustard and don't drink any liquid for the next ten minutes or so. It might burn a little going down but you will feel the effect after just some minutes.

Household remedies for heartburn will give you relief but they will never cure you...

All of these are known and tried natural remedies. They will give relief from the heartburn symptoms but as said before they don't solve the problems that cause it. If you suffer from occasional heartburn then there is usually nothing to worry about, it is when the symptoms appear on a regular basis that you should be concerned. If the problems are not addressed then it can lead to many serious health problems and in worse cases surgery.

Use these natural heartburn remedies to treat the symptoms and to give you some relief. They work great and they are not harmful to your body. Yet, I recommend that you try to find a way to cure the problems that causes heartburn.

What can you do to cure your heartburn forever?

I know it can be hard to accept that heartburn is difficult to cure, but if you want to be naturally free from heartburn you'll need to learn more about how heartburn the dangers of medication, because this will help you understand why not to use medicine and how to cure your heartburn easy and naturally.

This information is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much time to learn, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Medicine For Heartburn

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible to be free from heartburn. Learn more cures for heartburn again by clicking the link.

View the original article here

Monday, October 3, 2011

3 Easy Heartburn Remedies To Remember

It's not just bad foods that can cause heart problems. There are a wide range of things that can trigger acid reflux and all sorts of other ailments. Getting relief when the pain seems to be very hard can be something of a pipe dream for some, but there are things that can be done and there are a lot of options to consider. Narrowing them down to 3 is what you'll find below, so that you can get back to work, play, or relaxing after a meal that might induce heartburn.

• Ginger Ale - This uncommon option can assist with a great deal of help. Drinking this and then burping cannot only be a great thing for the guys to hear, but also provides a deal of relief from the ailment. When acid escapes the stomach and goes into the esophagus, you get heartburn, and when you utilize heartburn remedies, it provides relief for the area that is affected most. That's where ginger ale comes into play.

• Apple Juice - Apple juice has been utilized in a variety of ways to help make the balancing act in the stomach neutralize. When the acids interrupt your lifestyle, make sure to take a glass of apple juice as it can neutralize the acids and make any sort of ailment in the digestive tract cool down. This is also a great tip for those that love spicy foods.

• Celery - This green stalk is not going to be something that most people think about, and that's the thing that makes it more effective in the minds of those that have tried everything. In regards to easy heartburn remedies, there is nothing easier than taking some celery and enjoying the cooling effect it has on the digestive tract. Simply take a couple of sticks and eat, and you'll feel the changes immediately.

Easy heartburn remedies sound too good to be true, but for the millions of people that trust hem for relief, it's a major thing. Don't go to a doctor when you can help yourself to some natural solutions that will last and help you for the rest of your days. If you know the triggers that cause it, it might be a good point to be prepared with any of these options in the near future, just in case. If you're looking for something more permanent, consider changing your overall lifestyle choices and eating healthier.

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Heartburn Symptoms - What You Need To Know About Heartburn

Heartburn and heart attack, although two completely different things are closely associated because of their somewhat similar symptoms. Many have mistaken heartburn symptoms to be heart attack causing unnecessary trips to the emergency room. Knowing the difference between heartburn and heart attack symptoms can is helpful in avoiding needless panicking.

Heart Attack Vs Heartburn Symptoms


· Burning feeling in the chest

· Burning feeling in the throat

· Difficulty swallowing

· Wheezing or other asthma related symptoms

· Chronic coughing

· Nausea, belching and bloating

· Bitter taste in the mouth

Heart attack

· Chest pain that keeps getting worse

· Feeling pressure instead of just burning

· Excessive sweating

· Shortness of breath

If you have frequent heartburn, it could be easier for you to recognize heart attack however if you only think you are experiencing heartburn and yet the pain and pressure in your chest is spreading, it's best to call an ambulance immediately. Doctors often consider chest pain a heart attack symptom until proven otherwise.

Heartburn normally occurs after eating too much rich food: fatty, spicy, fried foods. Chocolate, coffee and alcohol are also usual causes of heartburn, and so is smoking cigarettes.

Eating too much rich food tends to relax the ring muscles or sphincter in the lower esophagus at the entrance to the stomach. The ring muscles are there to allow food to enter the stomach but prevent them from going back up. If the muscles are relaxed, then the sphincter won't close properly and acids and foods from the stomach can re-enter the esophageal tube and travel up the throat. When acids enter the esophagus, they burn the sensitive walls, and give the sensation of the chest burning. A sour taste is also left in the throat and mouth.

When acids and food frequently travel up the esophagus, this could to esophageal damage and even cancer. Serious health problems can be avoided however by trying to minimize intake of foods and beverages that trigger heartburn.

Heartburn Causing Foods

Foods that usually cause acid reflux and heartburn are tomatoes, crunchy foods like nuts, popcorn and crackers, fried and fatty foods, spicy foods, chocolate, citrus fruits like grapefruits, lemons and oranges, coffee and tea, carbonated drink and alcoholic drinks. Some of these foods may not be your heartburn trigger and it is best to keep track of foods and beverages you take and observe if you get heartburn attacks soon after consuming them.

Food that are good for heartburn include bran, peas or broccoli, raspberries, beans, grains, some meat and dairy (chicken breast, fish and egg white) and fruits and vegetables like apples, peaches, melons, cabbage, carrots, and fennel.

Heartburn Remedies

Since heartburn is a common enough problem for millions, there are many available treatments that can offer relief from the uncomfortable symptoms. Many treatments are readily available over the counter like antacids which are reliable for fast relief. Acid blockers like proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers are for more serious heartburn and can be bought over-the-counter or prescribed.

There are also some severe heartburn sufferers who resort to surgical methods to repair damage done by acid to the esophagus however this is very uncommon. For long-term and safer remedy, it is always best to opt for natural treatment methods. Natural heartburn remedies generally promote overall health, successfully eliminating acid reflux problems as well as other underlying health risks.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

View the original article here

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Natural Heartburn Remedies - The Best Ways to Get Rid of Heartburn

The best way to get rid of heartburn is through a natural method, so they say. And many heartburn sufferers will agree to this since natural heartburn remedies are truly effective in reducing the frequency of heartburn and are safer to use in the long run. These remedies are also inexpensive and don't require taking drugs that can cause side-effects that may even be more serious than the condition itself.

If you are looking for ways to get rid of heartburn using natural means, here are some really useful tips for you.

1. Avoid heartburn triggers - there are types of foods that can cause heartburn. Food triggers may vary from person to person but the most common triggers include fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, raw onions, black pepper, garlic and peppermint. Chocolates too are said to cause acid reflux as well as alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits and citrus juices.

2. Divide your meals to smaller portions - people who suffer from acid reflux experience heartburn usually after eating a big meal. It'll help lessen the frequency of the problem if you eat six small meals a day instead of three big meals. Also, avoid going to bed less than 2 hours after eating or you'll suffer from nighttime heartburn.

3. Lose weight - obesity is also seen as one of the chief reasons why acid reflux occurs. Overweight people are prone to gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD than people who have healthier weight.

4. Get rid of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages also trigger reflux. Smoking reduces saliva in the mouth and saliva helps neutralize stomach acids. Alcohol on the other hand increases the acidity in the stomach increasing the likelihood of heartburn.

5. Reduce stress - stress can cause heartburn and one study states that 58% of frequent heartburn sufferers live hectic lifestyles, eat the wrong foods or resort to food for comfort, smoke and drink.

6. Herbal remedies - there are natural heartburn remedies that can help ease digestive discomforts and prevent reflux of stomach acids into the esophagus. One of the most recommended herbal remedies is Aloe Vera juice. This remedy helps neutralize the acids in the stomach and has been used as a treatment for this problem for years especially in Europe. Other natural heartburn remedies include marshmallow, slippery elm, antioxidants, chewable DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) and bladderwrack.

Choosing to go natural when trying to treat heartburn is beneficial. These natural heartburn remedies help you live a healthier life by having the discipline to stick to a healthy diet, having the determination to say no to bad habits and vices and basically to improve your lifestyle and being in all aspects that can help bring more success in your life, not just to minimize the occurrence of an annoying and uncomfortable condition.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

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Living the Lifestyle of a Person Who Does Not Suffer From Heartburn

Have you been having an excessive number of bouts of heartburn lately? Have you examined your life to see if anything has changed that could be triggering these attacks? Simple lifestyle changes, such as eating more of a food that brings on your attacks, can be the culprit. If so, then it's easy to keep a food journal and record what you ate immediately before a bout happens. In cases like these, all you have to do is eliminate or cut down on the foods that are causing the problem. No medications, no doctor visits, nothing but natural changes in your eating habits. Although solving all heartburn problems doesn't happen so easily, in most cases natural measures can be taken to stop the pain.

Smoking is one of the top triggers of heartburn. There are a number of reasons why smoking brings on attacks. To start with, it reduces the production of saliva which offers natural production of delicate esophageal tissues. In addition, smoking can actually harm the tissues of the esophagus. This habit also tends to promote the movement of bile salts from the intestine to the stomach where they make stomach acid much more harmful, and it can also damage the sphincter valve which is designed to keep the contents of the stomach from backing up into the esophagus. Frequent, painful heartburn may be just one more reason why you should make yourself stop smoking.

If you start researching the causes of heartburn, you'll find that your lifestyle can be as much of a culprit as what you eat. Eating too much at a meal can bring it on, whereas, if you get into the habit of eating six small meals a day instead of three large ones, you'll find that your heartburn will become a thing of the past. Another natural way to curtail bouts of acid reflux is by doing some type of exercise, even if it's just walking, after meals instead of lying down and taking a nap. Staying upright will aid your body in digesting the food without acid returning painfully into your esophagus.

Of course, there are medical reasons for heartburn that can't be treated so easily. For example, it could be that your body is producing an overabundance of stomach acid which is creating the overflow. In cases like these, it's smart to see your doctor and investigate your options. There are a variety of medications available to help balance your body functions and eliminate heartburn from your life.

Want more information on how to stop heartburn? Get more information, tips and resources here: How to get rid of heartburn fast.

View the original article here

Diet for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease

Do you find yourself wondering why I have Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease?

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, commonly referred to as GERD, can be a real pain and lower your quality of life. There are ways to fight this disease and the battle begins with a change of diet.

First, you need to know what you should reduce or eliminate from your diet. This may seem fairly obvious when you chug a six-pack of beer during the football game and chase it with a pound of chili fries, just to discover that you have a major belly ache, bloating and esophageal spasms that feel like your heart is on the verge of exploding.

It's pretty easy to tell which foods are bad for you when those are the ones you are eating. There may be some that you don't realize are affecting your bloated belly. Besides your intake of the delicious brewed beverages, which may or may not be a regular habit but for the sake of argument we will say you drink beer on occasion, you may also have other habits contributing to your upset stomach, such as smoking cigarettes, drinking that wonderful half pot of coffee in the morning or even chewing a stick of minty gum. All of these can wreak havoc on the ol' tummy.

Now that you've realized what your addictions are causing you, let's think about your snack foods. Processed meats like hot dogs, sausage, bacon, spam, yeah, the good stuff. Actually, that's not good for you! If you saw it being made in the factory you'd probably never be able to stand the smell of it again, much less throw it down your pie hole.

Unfortunately, spicy foods are another culprit in waking up in the middle of the night with your mouth on fire from the stomach acid you vomited in your sleep. Not a pleasant experience. There may be other healthier foods you've eaten that have irritated your stomach, such as oranges or tomatoes, and you just have to try to avoid them if you can. Pay attention to what foods you eat and you will be more aware of what is causing your acid eruptions.

You've now grasped your diet as it is at this moment, realized what you need to omit, and now its time to revise it. What foods should you add to your diet to reduce this acid reflux?

Everybody has a different body, so it's not easy to say what foods you should eat. Most of it is trial and error and recognizing your body's reaction to different foods. Pineapple is said to be a healthy choice in controlling your acid reflux, and so is papaya. Another one is iodine from iodized salt, but its important to be careful with salt, especially if you have high blood pressure. A supplement of Omega-3 fatty acid which comes from fish oil and flax seed oil never hurts. Its best to eat a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, lean meats such as chicken breast and fish, and limit your intake of alcohol and stimulants like coffee and nicotine. Its easier said than done but little by little it can be done.

Khairun Nadzar is the publisher of Acid Reflux Disease, For better understanding of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) browse through today

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Saturday, October 1, 2011

Acid Reflux Disease - Yes, You Can Cure It Naturally

Do you know what really causes digestive problems. Most digestive disorders are not really diseases at all, but conditions that can be cured by using natural home remedies and natural techniques. One way to do this is to go as natural with your food as possible. Eat as few of preservatives as you can. And learn to read food labels. You just might be surprised at what you will find on some food labels.

But the medical community wants you to believe that only prescription or over the counter medicines can cure the symptoms of indigestion. But this is simply not true. Antacids are at best a temporary fix. And they are loaded down with ingredients like sodium and aluminum both of which have been proven to be harmful to you. Antacids mask the symptoms of indigestion and they have many harmful side effects. They hide the symptoms they don't cure them. But they make the drug companies wealthier so they keep pushing the antacids both prescription and over the counter and keep getting wealthier at your expense.

At one point in my life I suffered badly from GERD. I was living on both prescription and over the counter antacid medications and then my condition became worse and I had to start taking double the medication I used to. At the same time my blood pressure soared and my vision suffered. I felt like I was out of energy all the time and I felt so sluggish I could barely stand to move around. I began to do research on my antacid medications and I found that there were hundreds of side effects including some of the ones I was feeling. To say the least I was shocked and upset at what I found out about antacids and I wondered what I was doing to myself.

But when I just tried to stop taking the antacids I was taking several times daily my indigestion became so bad that I had to immediately get back on the antacids.My esophagus was burning so badly that I thought I had severely damaged myself. I was afraid to eat and i stopped drinking anything but water. to say the least I was miserable. Barbecue, pizza, and Mexican foods which I love quickly became a thing of the past and I feared I would get where I couldn't eat anything.

I went to my doctor but all he could suggest was for me to stay on the antacids and I just knew that was never going to work. I studied everything I could find on GERD and indigestion and looked for answers that could really help me. I wanted to find natural help for my indigestion and GERD and I wanted off the antacids. I was willing to try almost anything.

In the end I found that the answer to my acid reflux problems were really a lot simpler than I thought. With a few changes in my lifestyle and eating habits and with several natural remedies I found that I could take care of my acid indigestion problems and GERD with out the use of drugs.

You need to know and understand that it is a damaged esophagus that causes your GERD and acid reflux problems in the first place. And the answer to the problem was to stop eating the foods that caused the problem in the first place. I learned that by learning to chew food properly, exercising, losing weight, drinking plenty of water and elevating the head while sleeping are all things that anyone can do to stop GERD and acid reflux disease.

Every health food store has all kinds of great herbs like slippery elm and marshmallow that will help you with your acid reflux and GERD problems. You should also check out aloe vera juice, natural honey, and cinnamon which can sooth the esophagus and assist in the healing process.

Another very important thing is to not eat at least two hours before you go to bed and you need to drink plenty of water every day. I drink at least eight large glasses of water a day and I usually add fresh squeezed lemon juice to it. Another trick you should keep in mind is that by chewing gum between meals you'll have a lot less stomach acid. If you can do these things not only will your acid reflux and GERD greatly improve but you'll also lose weight. And anytime you can lose weight is a good thing. Especially if you need to drop a few pounds.

If you will start eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables you will be a lot more healthy and you won't have the acid reflux problems you had before. Try eating all grain products instead of white bread or white rice. Drink fruit juices instead of soft drinks. Try to eat more natural foods with less preservatives and you'll find yourself with fewer and fewer episodes of acid reflux. And before you know it you may not have any acid reflux or GERD problems at all.

The author Thomas Byers has spent years doing research on healthy and natural methods to lose weight and cure acid reflux and GERD. He considers himself an expert on those and other health issues and believes there are a lot of home remedies that work better than expensive and often dangerous drugs. Be sure to check out my below site now.

View the original article here

Acid Reflux And Vinegar Home Remedy

Millions of people suffer from acid reflux daily and are prescribed many different types of medications to help with the burning pain associated with this condition. Even though these medications are taken in order to temporarily relieve the pain, they don't help when it comes to a permanent solution. Because of this, a lot of people are turning to natural or homeopathic remedies to find permanent solutions.

One of these natural remedies, that have been used for several years, is to take vinegar to help with digestive issues. Even though there is no current scientific evidence that vinegar for acid reflux actually works, there are several hundreds of people who claim that it has helped them find relief. One of the theories as to how it works is that some people who suffer from acid reflux actually don't produce enough acid in their stomach.

Your stomach has to produce enough acid to break down the food you eat in order for it to be properly digested. If you don't have enough stomach acid, this can lead to putrefaction which can cause gas production, reflux and heartburn. By taking vinegar, along with your meals, you are ensuring that you have enough acid in your stomach for proper food digestion.

Another theory is that the lower esophageal sphincter or LES, which is a muscle that opens to allow food into the stomach and closes to keep food and gastric juices in the stomach, is sensitive to PH levels. If there is not enough acid in the stomach the LES may malfunction, thus allowing the contents of the stomach to reflux into the esophagus causing heartburn / acid reflux. Consuming vinegar can help with the PH levels which helps the LES to function properly.

To be clear, it is not recommended to take just any type of vinegar. The specific acid reflux and vinegar solution that seems to work best and is recommended by many sufferers is unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV). The reason for this is all of the healthy benefits are not filtered or distilled out of ACV. It is also recommended to drink ACV with a straw since it tends to eat away at tooth enamel over time.

The recommended dosage to start is 2 tablespoons of ACV with 8 to 10 ounces of warm or room temperature water. This can be adjusted over time, once you determine how much you need in order for your symptoms to go away. Also, in order to help with the taste, you can add some honey to the mixture.

Vinegar for acid reflux may be a natural alternative that can help alleviate your symptoms. Of course, this is just a recommendation and not to be mistaken as medical advice. If you suffer from frequent and persistent acid reflux / heartburn, that increases in severity over time, you should talk to your doctor.

Paul is a nutrition expert. To learn more about acid reflux vinegar and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course

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Friday, September 30, 2011

Fast Heartburn Remedies - What Is The Quickest Way To Cure Heartburn?

Is there really a quick heartburn remedy?

Heartburn is a common condition with millions of people suffering from it especially in western countries. For those who are suffering with frequent heartburn, fast heartburn remedies are necessary.

There are a number of heartburn medications available over-the-counter as well as prescribed by a physician. The most common remedy for heartburn is antacids. These can be bought over-the-counter and can relieve the symptoms of heartburn fast, some work in less than 2 hours. Antacids work by neutralizing stomach acid to help relieve heartburn as well as upset stomach, sour stomach and acid indigestion. Occasionally, antacids are also recommended for ulcers. There are also some antacids that contain simethicone which is an ingredient that helps eliminate excess gas. Some antacid ingredients can cause side effects like aluminum which can cause constipation and magnesium which can cause diarrhea.

Antacids must be taken as directed to avoid complications. These fast heartburn remedies are not recommended as long-term cures for heartburn symptoms. Serious side effects caused by long-term use of these OTC remedies include constipation, diarrhea, stomach cramps and changes in the color of bowel.

Other OTC cures for heartburn which also provide quick relief from the symptoms are acid reducers. There are two types of drugs that reduce the production of acid in the stomach and these are:

· histamine antagonists (H2 antagonists or H2 blockers)

· proton pump inhibitors (PPIs)

These remedies are recommended to cure frequent heartburn or heartburn felt more than two times a week. These OTC cures must be taken for 14 days and if heartburn still persists, sufferer must consult a doctor already. H2 blockers and PPIs are also available in prescription strength and must be taken as directed or as advised by your physician.

Acid reducers also have possible serious side effects that include unusual fatigue, chest tightness, bleeding, weakness, confusion, sore throat, fever and irregular heartbeat. These effects must be reported to your doctor. Other less serious side effects include diarrhea, mild headache and dizziness. These effects are usually temporary.

Some individuals resort to a combination of antacid and acid reducer to quickly relieve their heartburn symptoms. Right now, there is just one drug of this type - Pepcid Complete. This drug combines the acid-reducing actions of an acid-blocker drug and the acid-neutralizing capability of an antacid.

These fast heartburn remedies are effective if you are seeking immediate relief from that burning sensation in your chest you usually feel after eating a big meal or bending or lying after eating. These remedies however are not suitable as long-term remedies because of the ill effects they can cause.

If you are suffering from frequent or severe heartburn, the best way to get long-term relief is by resorting to natural heartburn remedies. A natural method of treating heartburn does not include the use of OTC or prescribed medications. It involves a lifestyle change for the better (this includes diet changes, exercising, engaging in relaxing activities, having a positive attitude, etc.) to promote inner body health. A healthy body naturally has a good digestive system that does not suffer from irregularities like acid indigestion and heartburn.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

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Drug Free Treatment For Heartburn - Natural Heartburn Treatment Offers Safer Effective Alternative

Why are so many heartburn sufferers now searching for drug free treatment for heartburn? Well quite simply there are many drawbacks to taking conventional drug based heartburn medication and these can be eliminated by substituting them with some form of totally natural heartburn treatment.

So what is the problem with conventional medication?

Lets just consider three of the more important

Treating symptoms and not causes - conventional medication acts by controlling the amount of acid that the stomach produces. While this might seem logical as it is acid reflux that causes heartburn, it is not the amount of acid that is the real problem. For the majority of sufferers it a fault or weakness in the muscular valve mechanism that should prevent your stomach contents from flowing back into your esophagus (gullet) that is the real cause.

Temporary relief - controlling acid production is simply treating the symptoms of heartburn but does nothing to treat the factors that cause acid to reflux in the first place. This is why conventional treatment only produces temporary relief and, when you stop taking your medication your heartburn returns, often worse than before. This is why people who suffer chronic heartburn generally have to take their medication long term (not good).

Side Effects - it is widely accepted that many drug based medications produce adverse, potentially harmful side effects and this is certainly true of heartburn medication. This is particularly problematic for sufferers of chronic heartburn, where their medication can actually create more problems than they solve.

So what alternatives do heartburn sufferers have?

Actually there is a very wide range of remedies that are totally natural and do not rely on any drug whatsoever. What is more, they have proved to be equally if not more effective than many of the pills and potions that are consumed in huge quantities every day by heartburn sufferers.

Lets consider three types of natural heartburn treatment

Herbal Medication - as for many diseases and conditions there are many herbal supplements which can target specific factors that are causing acid reflux to occur. So, choosing the most appropriate supplement can be very effective.

Homeopathic remedies - homeopathic treatment involves taking minute quantities of a particular substance that stimulates the body's own powerful defences into action to combat whatever is causing the problem.

Lifestyle changes - acid reflux is caused by many factors and some of the major ones are linked to the way we live and the food we eat. Making strategic changes to diet and lifestyle can have a significant positive effect on your problem.

This obviously is just scratching the surface of what totally natural alternative treatment for heartburn is available. There is a wealth of information available on the web that will encourage anyone concerned about their current heartburn treatment to investigate these alternatives.

Finally, consider this. If each of the above mentioned natural remedies is effective in treating heartburn, what would be the effect of combining specific lifestyle changes with the most appropriate form of natural supplement into a comprehensive program of treatment?

Again, this is worth checking out as many former sufferers are claiming to have cured their heartburn for good, by following such a holistic program of totally natural, drug free treatment for heartburn. How good is that?

Most Effective Treatment For Heartburn

Most conventional treatments for heartburn are temporary because they treat the symptoms and not the root cause of the problem. So, if you want to successfully and permanently rid yourself of your heartburn then you must address all the factors that contribute to the problem i.e. you must treat it holistically.

A revolutionary new program does exactly that and in 5 unique steps shows you how to permanently cure your heartburn and acid reflux.

So, discover how combining the most effective forms of treatment for heartburn into this program of holistic treatment, will provide lasting freedom from all your digestive disorders by visiting

View the original article here

Does Coffee Cause Heartburn?

Coffee is a famous beverage loved by people all around the world. Not only does it give a warm feeling to drinkers, there are also a lot of good stuff and health benefits we can get from it. Some people don't know this but coffee does better things to your body than just keeping you awake. However, other people also experience the negative effects of coffee such as heartburn. This sometimes happen and this is due to a trigger that we will be dealing with later on in the article. But before you decide to stop the guilty pleasure of drinking coffee, here are some facts about it as it relates to your health.

Major Benefits of Coffee

There is still so much that most people don't know about coffee. Studies confirmed that drinking coffee reduces the risk of certain diseases such as Alzheimer's and dementia. Researchers also found out that coffee drinkers are less likely to have gall stone and Parkinson's disease. The caffeine content of coffee makes it incredibly effective in relieving pain such as common headaches and even migraines. It is also proven to be a great antioxidant with anti-cancer compounds which are not found sufficiently in almost any other foods.

These are just few of the many health benefits that coffee provides, but there is always a negative side to everything. Coffee is said to be one of the major causes of heartburn. The high content of caffeine often causes irregularities in the stomach which leads to acid reflux and heartburn symptoms. It also causes the esophagus to relax which make the flow back of acid more likely.

Heartburn Defined

Heartburn is a symptom of acid reflux which happens whenever the acid in the stomach flows back right into the esophagus. This is associated with a burning sensation from the stomach throughout the chest area. Heartburn is common and may not be life threatening but, it can lead to GERD or gastro esophageal reflux disease when it happens very often or is becoming chronic.

Causes of heartburn can be traced to many things which include bad sleeping habits, a stressful lifestyle and accumulations of toxins. It can also be caused by pregnancy and obesity. One of the major contributors to the cause is too much intake of the things that most people enjoy most. Excessive drinking, eating too much chocolate, smoking, and large amounts of caffeine will definitely increase the chances of having acid reflux and thus lead to heartburn.

Coffee and Heartburn

Patients who suffer from acid reflux are often advised to lessen or totally avoid intake of caffeine as this is one cause of stomach irritation and heartburn. Studies showed that the muscles at the top of the stomach relax and are stimulated to produce excess acid when triggered by drinking coffee. It is not ideal to drink coffee when you already have existing stomach problems, as its high acid and caffeine contents may aggravate the condition.

If you are a coffee drinker or someone who can't live without coffee but are experiencing pain and heartburn lately, switching to decaf might not be a bad idea. Decaf is coffee without caffeine. It may not taste as good as strong and rich coffee; still it is the kind which can relieve you of heartburn and other painful symptoms. There are also a lot of coffee products which offer less substantial amounts of caffeine. These are what they call smooth coffee. To allow your body to adjust first with the change and experience a relief from the unwanted symptoms, these products might be a good option.

Tom is skilled in acid reflux disorder and runs the incredibly outstanding as well as popular blog concerning acid reflux symptoms. He helps lots of people alleviate acid reflux conditions. Stop by his website right away for more information on acid reflux and help on one symptom of acid reflux.

View the original article here

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Natural Heartburn Remedies - The Advantages of Treating Heartburn Naturally

Natural heartburn remedies are deemed as the best methods of treating heartburn and acid reflux for good. Heartburn is that burning sensation one feels spreading across the chest coming up from the pits of the stomach and often reaching the throat and leaving a sour, acidic taste. Heartburn occurs normally after partaking of a huge meal and bending or lying down. These actions result in the acids in the stomach getting pushed into the esophagus, thus the acidic taste. The burning sensation is the result of the esophageal walls reacting to the acid.

Heartburn is experienced by everyone at a certain time, so it is a rather natural occurrence and not necessarily a serious condition. Some people however are frequent heartburn sufferers and they experience the symptoms more than twice in a week. Frequent to severe heartburn may already be a symptom of a more serious digestive condition like acid reflux disease or gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). This disease is caused by the acid frequently going up the esophagus causing damage because of a non-functioning lower esophageal sphincter (LES), the muscle responsible in closing the esophagus from the stomach. If the LES can no longer close properly, acid from the stomach can splash up freely and cause frequent heartburn.

Now there are various OTC and doctor-prescribed remedies that bring relief to heartburn symptoms like antacids and acid blockers however these remedies are not effective at all in stopping frequent heartburn. Too much reliance on these remedies also tends to cause side effects like diarrhea and constipation. This is the reason why natural heartburn remedies are best preferred and recommended as long-term heartburn cures. Treating heartburn naturally minimizes the risk of unwanted side effects which can potentially worsen the condition.

The Advantages ofNatural Heartburn Remedies

The foremost advantage of these remedies is of course the reduced risk of side effects. Since these remedies make use of natural methods to cure the condition i.e. eating healthy, drinking the right amount of fluids, working out properly, avoiding foods that cause heartburn and eating food types that help with proper digestion, etc., these treatment methods are safe to follow and use in the long-term.

Another advantage to opting for natural heartburn remedies is improved overall well-being. Experts say that obesity contributes to the frequent occurrence of heartburn. Aside from this, being overweight also makes a person more prone to other diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure. Natural methods of treating heartburn and acid reflux can help you achieve a healthy body weight and reduce the risk of acquiring other disease.

Also an important advantage of resorting to natural means of curing this uncomfortable condition is the low cost. Natural remedies are a lot cheaper than conventional treatments that involve the use of OTC and prescribed medications especially if these medications are taken in the long-term.

There are many ways to cure heartburn naturally and these methods are always considered the better option than drugs. The effectiveness of such methods however depend on the individual because these natural treatments always require dedication and discipline. Some people may find natural heartburn remedies difficult but completing these successfully can guarantee cure from frequent heartburn.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

View the original article here

Peptic Ulcer Treatment: What Your Doctor Will Tell You

Peptic ulcers are due to sore spots in the lining of the esophagus. The main symptom is of burning pain due to stomach acid reacting with the sore spot. This pain may occur at any point between the mid-points of the abdomen (around the navel) to the upper chest. Ulcers may also occur elsewhere in the gastrointestinal system. Ulcers can result from infection by bacteria called helicobacter pylori, which may be transmitted in food, via saliva, or water. Smoking and alcohol use, contrary to some early notions, are not thought to be major contributors to the formation of ulcers, though they may aggravate them. Other causes include the use of certain medications like aspirin and the class of pain-killers called NSAIDs.


Symptoms apart from pain may include vomiting (sometimes bloody), bloody stool, and loss of appetite, but these symptoms typically only occur in the most extreme cases. There is also the danger that a ulcer can cause various serious complications like the ulcer spreading to organs near the gastrointestinal tract, like the liver. It is important, therefore, that treatment should be sought by people suffering from peptic ulcers. Peptic ulcer treatment begins with being diagnosed by a physician.


The doctor will ask certain questions about the signs and symptoms and that will help to form a conclusion later on. Certain things like how long after a meal the pain occurs are important in judging where in the gastrointestinal tract the ulcers are. In severe cases an upper endoscopy may be needed to diagnose. This procedure involves inserting a camera into the esophagus so that the doctor can get a look at the damage caused by the ulcer.


The majority of ulcers are caused by the helicobacter pylori bacteria; therefore treatment may involve prescribing antibiotic medication. Amoxicillin and tetracycline are popular peptic ulcer treatments. Acid-blockers may also be prescribed to ease symptoms. Acid blockers neutralize the acids in the stomach thus preventing them from aggravating the site of the ulcer. In many cases a change in diet is the best way to stop the progress of peptic ulcers. Highly acidic foods should be avoided, as should most solid foods until the ulcer has healed. If the ulcer is highly advanced, to the point where it eaten all the way though the wall in the gastrointestinal tract, will require surgery to repair the hole, which is also called a "perforation."

For more information on peptic ulcer treatments, please visit:

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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

How to Choose the Right Treatment for Heartburn

If you are suffering from heartburn, there are actually several things you can do to get at least some relief from the pain and burning sensation that you might feel. But you should never forget that it is equally important to prevent the heartburn in the first place! With heartburn you are not alone: it affects millions of people each and every day. Many of these people reach for medications that can be purchased over the counter. Unfortunately this may not be enough.

Before you can choose the right treatment options for your heartburn you have to consider the options that you have. As a first step you need to know what is the cause of your heartburn. Many people already know this simply because they know what kind of food causes heartburn, like food that is too sweet or too spicy. But for others the reason for the heartburn might not be seen so clearly. There may be specific foods or other elements that trigger your heartburn as well. If you are not aware of them, take the time to write down everything you eat, so you can detect the foods that cause heartburn and the foods that don't. Maybe you even want to write a food diary, in which you log everything you eat over a week and mark the ones that cause heartburn. This way, you will be able to find a pattern in your heartburn occurrence.

Of course, the best way of stopping the heartburn is to prevent it in the first place. And this is fairly easy: just limit or even totally avoid the type of foods that you are eating that have the tendency to provoke your heartburn. So you can control the heartburn that you are suffering from. Remember, heartburn might be more than just pain! Your body is telling you that your heartburn is causing inflammations and even worse conditions and that you have to stop it from happening.

If you experience heartburn, you should consider over the counter medications. About 25 -30% of those people who take these heartburn medications will have success. But if they are not working for you, you should talk to your family doctor about your suffering and concerns. He will tell you to stop eating the foods that cause it, but he might also offer you a medication that can actually stop the acid from being made within your stomach, or at least the acid will be produced in a much lower amount so as to prevent heartburn.

Still: the best medicine for your heartburn is prevention, which is in your hands! But, if it happens anyway, please consider these medications and treatments. They are the most likely solution to your specific problem.

Take a free mini-course about how to find relief from heartburn:

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