(NRL) natural rubber latex has emerged in the last decade as a most common trigger for anaphylaxis allergy production. It lies in a wide range of manufactured products, including an estimated 40,000 common articles for the home. Allergy to LaTeX now affect an estimated 1% to 6% of the U.S. population and the reasons for the increase in the incidence can be attributed to the precautions biohazard and manufacture changes.1-3
Latex allergy is an allergic sensitivity to proteins in NRL often gets worse with each exposure, a phenomenon known as allergic sensitization. Allergic reactions to LaTeX can be life-threatening anaphylaxis or moderate skin irritations.
You are interested in learning more about latex allergy including information on variations in gravity, which is at risk and prevention and treatment.
Reasons for the increase in the incidence
Before the 1980s, the reactions to LaTeX were virtually unknown in United States. Now, recent estimates put the incidence of latex sensitivity or allergy among the general American population to between 1% and 6%, or up to 16 billion people.1-3
The reasons for the increase in the incidence of allergy to LaTeX include:
Biohazard precautions manufacturing changes Biohazard precautions commonly recognized that the Spike on a large scale in LaTeX glove used by health workers since the 1980s lies in the heart of the growing problem of latex allergy. As health workers tried to protect themselves from AIDS and other blood-borne diseases, use of latex glove became almost universal in hospitals and other medical and dental centers. Patients and health workers were particularly exposed to LaTeX more than ever and many have become sensitized to it.
Changes in manufacturing to continue with the increase in demand, manufacturers accelerate their processes and turned to lower quality LaTeX, which have given rise to products of latex with higher protein levels that can trigger allergic reactions.
Latex allergy is an allergic sensitivity to proteins in the natural rubber latex (NRL) that often gets worse with each exhibition and in its most severe can cause life-threatening anaphylaxis. Unlike synthetic LaTeX, rarely causing allergic reactions, LRN is the Milky SAP of rubber trees. Uses several processing techniques, LRN is used alone or in combination with other materials to thousands of products that include:
Elastic tires car tires carpet Hospital and dental team Dipped latex products are the worst offenders in trigger allergic reactions, including:
Gloves condoms balloons
Allergic sensitization
Awareness occurs when exposure to LaTeX proteins causes the immune system to develop antibodies to these proteins. Because the body perceives the LaTeX as a protein substance dangerous foreign, which is preparing to launch a defense against it in the future encounters with the antibody has been created. Therefore, people may have been sensitized to latex without showing even external allergic symptoms. However, they are at risk of becoming ever more sensitive and possibly symptomatic continuing exposure to LaTeX.
Awareness refers to an allergic reaction getting stronger for the same amount of allergen in time.
Antibodies are proteins that help the body to identify specific foreign invaders to the body, such as latex and other allergens.
Reactions to LaTeX
Because latex may cause irritation of the skin local or dermatitis, as well as more severe allergic reactions, it is important to distinguish between these symptoms of allergic reaction potentially fatal are recognized and treated, and take precautions against future reactions.
Two types of irritations of the skin dermatitis or dermatitis, are common among users frequent latex products, worker health especially wearing glove:
Dermatitis, irritant contact Raw, inflamed, including blistered skin that can also be caused by frequent hand washing, wearing gloves nonbreathable and exposure to chemical irritants. Allergic reactions in allergic contact dermatitis (delayed hypersensitivity) which resulted in a delayed skin rash is similar to that caused by poison ivy. In contrast to systemic allergy to LaTeX, antibodies do not intervene to cause an immediate allergic reaction. Because these reactions can be caused by chemicals used in the production of latex instead of by the own LaTeX, switch to another brand of products of latex which uses different processing chemicals can clarify the reaction. While annoying, dermatitis reactions are not dangerous per, not necessarily directly related with LaTeX. However, can be progression of dermatitis to latex allergy. Severe skin irritation may make a person more susceptible to develop an allergic to LaTeX hypersensitivity because the skin does not protect the most sensitive internal tissues of the body, which are more vulnerable to the awareness.
Latex allergy true latex allergy (immediate hypersensitivity) occurs when the body's immune system becomes sensitized to the proteins in LaTeX, usually over the course of repeated exposure. As a result of the awareness, overly immune to LaTeX as a hostile intruder.
Allergic symptoms can range from irritating to potentially fatal, getting progressively worse with repeated exposure. Allergic symptoms include the following and can occur alone or in combination:
Itchy rashes, hives congestion (rhinitis) Nasal swelling, especially around the nose, mouth, and eye irritation of throat or respiratory problems of conjunctivitis, asthma and rhinoconjunctivitis true anaphylaxis, which can include any of the above, can cause death by asphyxiation or a severe drop in blood pressure.
Asthma is a condition in which the Airways narrow due to an allergic hypersensitivity.
Rhinoconjunctivitis is a common allergic condition in children during the season of pollen that is characterized by sneezing, runny nose and nasal congestion.
As it is impossible to predict when an allergic reaction that degenerate into life-threatening anaphylaxis, and due to that only minutes to do so, it is important to take seriously even apparently mild allergic reactions. So those who have experienced allergic symptoms in response to LaTeX should avoid further contact with him and consult their doctors about carrying with them self-injectable epinephrine for anaphylactic emergencies. For more information, visit: http://www.epipen.com
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