Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Natural Ways To Cure Heartburn

How to cure heartburn and is it even possible to be totally free from it, is a question many people ask every day. There are several things you can do if you are looking for a cure, but it is important to know that heartburn is only the symptom of a problem in your stomach or your esophagus.

To get a temporary relief from it please read my article on natural heartburn remedies, these remedies work well and will treat the symptoms fast, naturally and easily.

To really cure heartburn and be free from it forever, you must first find out what causes it and how to prevent it. Medical science prefers to only treat the symptoms but it doesn't provide any medication that will cure it forever. Medical science believes that the cause of heartburn is excess acid in the stomach. This excess of stomach acid supposedly spills over into the esophagus and causes heartburn. This is wrong!

Stopping acid in the stomach is not how to cure heartburn!

The stomach is supposed to be full of acid and in healthy people it will not leak into the esophagus. There are several reasons you get heartburn, pressure on the stomach from overweight or pregnancy or that your lower esophageal sphincter does not close properly.

So what can you do to cure heartburn? Taking medication that reduces your amount of stomach acid will only help temporarily and your heartburn will be back often worse than before. Stomach acid is an important part of your body as it helps to digest your food and prevents harmful bacteria to grow in your stomach.

Even more important is that the stomach acid helps in the absorption of calcium. Lack of calcium has been linked to several sever medical conditions like osteoporosis. This should be reason enough for you to stop taking heartburn medication.

Medicine can't cure heartburn!

Possibly the wisest approach to curing heartburn is to figure out the reasons you get it in the first place. When you know why you get it and what causes it, you can start to take proper steps to prevent it and later be totally free from it.

Most often there are several reasons you get heartburn and only treating one of them will not cure it permanently. Using apple cider vinegar, changing your diet, and losing weight might help for a while but it doesn't get rid of the problem for good. What is needed is a holistic approach that tackles the problem from all directions.

How to cure heartburn - Use a holistic approach

This is the only way to be free from heartburn. There are many websites that promise you an instant cure. This is simply not possible, as it will take time to cure it. The reason it takes time is because the body has to adjust to the changes made in your diet and lifestyle. This is the only way to permanently get rid of heartburn. It is when the changes start to take effect that you will feel a big difference both in your body and mind.

The best holistic way is one that treats both the symptoms for immediate relief and also has a long term plan that cures the underlying problems in the stomach and esophagus.

What can you do to cure your heartburn forever?

I know it can be hard to accept that there is no easy way to cure heartburn, but if you want to be naturally free from heartburn you'll need to learn an easy method that works amazingly well.

This method is simple to pick up and it doesn't take much practice, you can read how to do it in my free report here: Natural Heartburn Remedies.

Don't give up hope, it's NOT impossible to be free from heartburn. Learn more ways to cure heartburn Again by clicking the link.

View the original article here

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