There aren't any probiotic foods that occur naturally. That is, the only way to get probiotic foods is to use a fermentation process. This way of preparing food has been around for thousands of years. Before industrial foods became popular, people understood that they needed to protect their digestive systems in order to achieve long-lasting health. Today we ingest any old thing from chemical preservatives not fit for any living thing to substances so overly processed that they become addictive, like white sugar, and white bread. These foods have lost their nutrients, and to add insult to injury, the food companies have taken synthetic vitamins and minerals and added them back in!
Do you know that fast food is so processed that it has no flavor left? There are entire factories that produce flavorings to add back into your "food" because it has no flavor.
If you think this is okay with your digestive system, think again. There is a reason that around 100 million people in the United States have some kind of digestive problem. Sixty million people, or 1 in 5, have acid reflux. Indigestion affects about 15% of Westerners. 2.5 million people in the United States visit a doctor for constipation. 10-15% have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). I could go on, but I think you get the idea.
In my ongoing study of natural health, I have learned from Ayurvedic practitioners, herbalists, and a Doctor of Chinese Medicine. All of these people teach the same concept: take care of your digestive system. Do not drink ice-cold beverages with your meal (this is like pouring water on a fire-it kills your digestive juices precisely when they are trying to do their job). Do not try to eat when you are angry, or stressed out. When you are under stress, your digestive system shuts down. It's not going to work very well to put food into it anyway.
Fermented Foods
Many cultures have different ways of fermenting foods, which adds probiotics to them. Kimchi, aged cheeses, miso, sauerkraut, pickled foods, kefir and yogurt are all probiotic foods. These foods have many benefits, including more nutrients, and nutrients that are easier for your system to digest. Many commercial versions of these products have been pasteurized, which means any probiotics have been killed. If you are going to buy yogurt, for example, you need to look for a notice on the package that says it contains live cultures, otherwise, you will not be getting any probiotics in it.
If you are going to enjoy the benefits of probiotic foods, I recommend learning to make your own. I have tried to buy some of these foods, and they are hard to find with live cultures. And even if these probiotics were live at the time of packaging, they may not be live now.
Probiotic Foods - Probiotics Added to Foods
Along with synthetic vitamins, which are often toxic, manufacturers are now adding probiotics to foods. I would be careful about consuming these.
If you don't have the inclination to ferment your own foods, you can use another strategy to improve your digestive health. You can use prebiotics to help balance your digestive system. Prebiotics occur naturally in certain starchy foods, like onions, asparagus, berries, bananas and apples. Prebiotics stimulate the good bacteria in your digestive system. Prebiotics may have a positive affect on heart health, osteoporosis and diabetes, along with strengthening your immune system.
To eliminate symptoms such as bloating, indigestion, acid reflux, and other problems, you can ferment your own probiotic foods. An easier way to accomplish the same goal is to use prebiotic supplements. Even with plenty of probiotics, you still need prebiotics to support the probiotics. And of course, decide now to eliminate some of those bad habits, like drinking ice-cold beverages with your meal, or eating when you are stressed out.
Candice J Hughes is an enthusiastic researcher of digestive health and natural products. Her research is available at If you have indigestion, bloating, acid reflux, constipation or other symptoms of poor digestive health, including conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome or Crohn's disease, visit now to learn about the product Candice recommends.
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