Sunday, October 2, 2011

Natural Heartburn Remedies - The Best Ways to Get Rid of Heartburn

The best way to get rid of heartburn is through a natural method, so they say. And many heartburn sufferers will agree to this since natural heartburn remedies are truly effective in reducing the frequency of heartburn and are safer to use in the long run. These remedies are also inexpensive and don't require taking drugs that can cause side-effects that may even be more serious than the condition itself.

If you are looking for ways to get rid of heartburn using natural means, here are some really useful tips for you.

1. Avoid heartburn triggers - there are types of foods that can cause heartburn. Food triggers may vary from person to person but the most common triggers include fatty and fried foods, spicy foods, raw onions, black pepper, garlic and peppermint. Chocolates too are said to cause acid reflux as well as alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, citrus fruits and citrus juices.

2. Divide your meals to smaller portions - people who suffer from acid reflux experience heartburn usually after eating a big meal. It'll help lessen the frequency of the problem if you eat six small meals a day instead of three big meals. Also, avoid going to bed less than 2 hours after eating or you'll suffer from nighttime heartburn.

3. Lose weight - obesity is also seen as one of the chief reasons why acid reflux occurs. Overweight people are prone to gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD than people who have healthier weight.

4. Get rid of bad habits - smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages also trigger reflux. Smoking reduces saliva in the mouth and saliva helps neutralize stomach acids. Alcohol on the other hand increases the acidity in the stomach increasing the likelihood of heartburn.

5. Reduce stress - stress can cause heartburn and one study states that 58% of frequent heartburn sufferers live hectic lifestyles, eat the wrong foods or resort to food for comfort, smoke and drink.

6. Herbal remedies - there are natural heartburn remedies that can help ease digestive discomforts and prevent reflux of stomach acids into the esophagus. One of the most recommended herbal remedies is Aloe Vera juice. This remedy helps neutralize the acids in the stomach and has been used as a treatment for this problem for years especially in Europe. Other natural heartburn remedies include marshmallow, slippery elm, antioxidants, chewable DGL (deglycyrrhizinated licorice) and bladderwrack.

Choosing to go natural when trying to treat heartburn is beneficial. These natural heartburn remedies help you live a healthier life by having the discipline to stick to a healthy diet, having the determination to say no to bad habits and vices and basically to improve your lifestyle and being in all aspects that can help bring more success in your life, not just to minimize the occurrence of an annoying and uncomfortable condition.

Take a look here if you want to know more about the best natural heartburn remedies.

Looking for information and advice on treating heartburn and acid reflux? Click here.

View the original article here

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