Millions of people suffer from acid reflux daily and are prescribed many different types of medications to help with the burning pain associated with this condition. Even though these medications are taken in order to temporarily relieve the pain, they don't help when it comes to a permanent solution. Because of this, a lot of people are turning to natural or homeopathic remedies to find permanent solutions.
One of these natural remedies, that have been used for several years, is to take vinegar to help with digestive issues. Even though there is no current scientific evidence that vinegar for acid reflux actually works, there are several hundreds of people who claim that it has helped them find relief. One of the theories as to how it works is that some people who suffer from acid reflux actually don't produce enough acid in their stomach.
Your stomach has to produce enough acid to break down the food you eat in order for it to be properly digested. If you don't have enough stomach acid, this can lead to putrefaction which can cause gas production, reflux and heartburn. By taking vinegar, along with your meals, you are ensuring that you have enough acid in your stomach for proper food digestion.
Another theory is that the lower esophageal sphincter or LES, which is a muscle that opens to allow food into the stomach and closes to keep food and gastric juices in the stomach, is sensitive to PH levels. If there is not enough acid in the stomach the LES may malfunction, thus allowing the contents of the stomach to reflux into the esophagus causing heartburn / acid reflux. Consuming vinegar can help with the PH levels which helps the LES to function properly.
To be clear, it is not recommended to take just any type of vinegar. The specific acid reflux and vinegar solution that seems to work best and is recommended by many sufferers is unfiltered apple cider vinegar (ACV). The reason for this is all of the healthy benefits are not filtered or distilled out of ACV. It is also recommended to drink ACV with a straw since it tends to eat away at tooth enamel over time.
The recommended dosage to start is 2 tablespoons of ACV with 8 to 10 ounces of warm or room temperature water. This can be adjusted over time, once you determine how much you need in order for your symptoms to go away. Also, in order to help with the taste, you can add some honey to the mixture.
Vinegar for acid reflux may be a natural alternative that can help alleviate your symptoms. Of course, this is just a recommendation and not to be mistaken as medical advice. If you suffer from frequent and persistent acid reflux / heartburn, that increases in severity over time, you should talk to your doctor.
Paul is a nutrition expert. To learn more about acid reflux vinegar and how you can find a safe and natural cure, visit my website at While there you can find more information about acid reflux / heartburn and have the chance to sign up for a free Cure Acid Reflux mini-course
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